I wanna fly, come alive

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"Your room is awesome Julie" Carrie says looking around.

"Thanks, me and my mom re-decorated it the year she got sick" I say trying not to remember.

"Julie, which wall is gonna be purple" Luke ask, staring at the paint cans. Julie giggles and walks over to him.

"It's this wall and it's not purple, it's a dark lilac"

"It's all the same to boys Jule" her mom says wrapping her arm around her daughters shoulders.

"Which paint brush do I use?" Luke says now looking at the brushes.

"The big one Luke" Rose smiles "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get some water" once she leave the room, Julie turns to Luke.

"You think she's okay?" Julie ask Luke.

"I'm sure she is Julie, she wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't"

"Yeah she would, she would do anything for me or Carlos. Or you"

"You think she's actually gonna die"

"I hope not, I don't know what I'll do without here Luke"
Ever since the girl was little, she couldn't remember ever losing someone.

"I'll be here for you, now let's paint this wall" He says dipping the brush into the paint. He gives it one good swipe in the middle and looks at Julie.

"Okay it's done" he practically beams at her. Julie rolls her eyes

"Lucas Patterson, in this house we paint the whole wall" She giggles. He drip his finger in the paint and brings it to the tip of the girls name.

"Perfect" he smiles.

"Luuuuukeee" she whines "now I have paint on me"

"That the points" he says grabbing her cheek. Their faces are inches away when her mom returns.

"Let's get to work kiddos" she says smiling.

Little did they know, she heard the whole conversation.

That was such a good day, we painted and played around. It turned out awesome.

"Julie, you okay?" Carrie ask, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry. I just- spaced out"

"Could we watch a movie?" Carrie ask and I nod. We go downstairs and sit on the couch. Carlos comes down and stares at me until I turn to him.

"Carlos, whatcha need?"

"Where are the guys?" He ask looking around. Oh no, I have to break the news. Sooner, rather than later I guess.

"Let's talk outside" I say standing up and grabbing his hand.

"Want me to pause the movie?" Carrie ask reaching for the remote. I shake my head no and take Carlos outside

The cold air bites my face and I shiver slightly. I sit down with Carlos on the porch steps. He looks at me, concern in his eyes.

"The guys- umm are gone Carlos"

"Gone? What do you mean gone? Like out"

"No, I mean like gone gone" I shake, trying to keep my voice steady.

"What? That's impossible, I saw them a few days ago"

"They're gone to protect us, but I'm gonna get them back I promise Carlos"

"Luke's gone, Reggies gone, and Alex"

"Yeah buddy, I promise you'll see them again. Okay?" I ask and he nods faintly. I pull him for a hug.

"Reggie said to tell you this hug is from him" I feel Carlos sink a little. I hug him tighter and we sit there for a moment. I miss this, I missed my little brother

"Julie, are you ready?" Carlos ask, appearing outside my door. I look at myself in the mirror, a black dress with black tights and black heels. This all feels wrong, it just can't be.

"I'm coming Carlos" I say and I hear him let go of the door. I listen to his foots steps as he walks down the stairs. I stare at myself again, I shouldn't be wearing black. I should be on the couch watching tv with her, not attending her funeral. It shouldn't be like this at all.

"Jules" Luke says softly making me jump. I turn around and he gives me a faint smile. I walk over to him and he hugs me immediately.

"It's not fair Luke" I sob into his shoulder. He kisses my head and pulls me closer
"She's not gonna get to see his first crush or his first girlfriend. His first date or anything. It's not fucking fair that he's gonna grow up with no mom"

"I know Jules, I know" he pulls back and pushes me out by my shoulders "but you have to be strong for him Julie. You gotta okay?"
I nod and he holds up my chin.

"That's the brave girl I know" he says.

"I miss her Julie and I miss Luke" Carlos says, his head now resting on my shoulder.

"Me too"

"I'm happy your here, I miss you"

"I love you Carlos, how about we skip school tomorrow and just hang out"

"That sounds fun" he smiles and I hug him again.

Luke's POV:
"What's she planning Willie, we know you know" I say, pacing around him.

"Okay fine, we're gonna find a way to free you. To free everyone. To bring them back" Willie says looking at Alex.

"How the hell do you plan to do that?" I snip. Julie's endangering herself and there's no way I can stop her.

"Well, she said she needed to do some research. But she's the special one"

"What's the special one?" Alex ask.

"It's a thing that's passed down through generations. It's like an ability"

"Like a superpower, that's awesome!" Reggie cheers and I glare at him.

"Kinda. Her mom or dad must have had if. It's like a connection to the afterlife. She can build walls and break them. She can bring people back but most importantly. She can defeat even the most powerful ghost"

"So she could-"

"Yes but it's very complicated. She would have to tap most of her power and it's so dangerous"

"She can't, I won't let her" I say standing up, I can't believe he would even consider this.

"It's not your choice Luke. Besides, Caleb won't be able to detect her ability. I'll make sure of it"

"Willie, if it's dangerous then she should be doing it" Alex ask, pacing around.

"I'm not sure if we can stop her Alex"

A/n: if you can't tell, I love writing flashbacks.
I love you and I hope you had an amazing day -R

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