So we push all our fears away

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Julie's POV:

"Thank you Luke, for tonight. It brought back so good memories plus I always love spending time with you"

"It was nice Julie, really nice" Luke says kissing my hand. I sneak back inside and up to my room. I lay back in bed, smiling to myself.

This is what I've always wanted, a perfect relationship.

The next morning
I wake up to my alarm blaring, ugh I need more sleep. I roll over and hit it till it goes off. A yawn escapes me and I realize it's Monday. I gotta get up.

After I'm ready I go downstairs and into the kitchen. My dad has the dad look with his arms crossed.

"Something wrong?" I ask, grabbing a cereal bowl out of our cabinet.

"You snuck out last night" He states, I can hear the anger in his voice.

"I'm so sorry dad, it's just Luke took me to the beach" Not a good explanation Julie, god do better

"At 2am?!? It couldn't have waited"

"That was the last place he went with mom, he just wanted to share a memory with me. It was nice, it felt like old times"

"And I love that but you can't be sneaking out with boys late at night. You know that Julie"

"I know dad, I'm sorry"

"Promise you won't do it again?"

"Yeah I promise"

"Okay, now let's get going so you and your brother aren't late for school"

"Could I drive today?" I ask curiously.

"I mean if you want, I thought you didn't want to drive"
He's right, I didn't. My mom taught me to drive and I couldn't think about driving after her death but I think I'm ready.

"Okay, here's the keys. Please don't kill Carlos" my dad jokes handing me the keys. I smile and take them.

Later that day
I walk into the garage and the guys aren't there.

"Guys? GUYS" I yell. My attention is turn when I see a letter on the piano. I run over snd grab it. I go to the couch and sit down reading.

Hello Julie, I don't believe we've meet. I'm Caleb and I tried to play nice. I need the boys..... so I took them. If you come looking for me, I won't hesitate to hurt you. This is my band and I did what I need to get them.
Sincerely, Caleb Covington
I burst into tears, there's no way their gone. I run into the house and yell.

"GUYS THIS ISN'T FUNNY, GUYS" I yell. No answer. No they can't be gone.
They just can't. I grab the keys and call Flynn.

"Julie, what's up? Why did you call me?"

"Their gone Flynn" I say connecting her to the car speaker.

"What? They're gone. How?"

"Caleb he took them and I'm on my way. We gotta find them Flynn, I can't leave them when I know their there"

"Your right Jules, we gotta find them"

Luke's POV:
"You can't keep us here" I yell at Caleb.
He looks at me and snickers.

"Oh boys, you're missing it. I can do what I want" He smirks

"Julie will come for us" Reggie counters

"I'm counting on it"

"I swear if you hurt her Caleb, I'll-"

"You'll what? I'm the most powerful ghost ever. You beat the most powerful ghost ever? I don't think so"

"You don't know what we're capable of" Reggie spits angrily.

"Okay then" Caleb laughs "well y'all need to get ready, your first performance is in about an hour"

Julie's POV:
I walk around Hollywood looking for Willie.
Oh yeah, did I mention? I can see all ghost. Which means my mom isn't a ghost. She's really gone.

I see him sitting on the side walk and run over.

"Willie" I yell, snapping him out of his own head space.

"Oh Julie, I didn't expect to see you" He says. He looks panicked, which means he knew.

"You knew, didn't you?" I ask, sitting down beside him.

"Know what?"

"About the guys" I say tears filling my eyes. "How could you not warned them Willie? Alex trust you, they all do"

"I-I DIdnT think we would actually do it"

"From what I hear, you should have known better"
I whisper, staring at the setting sun.
Just when things finally felt good and right, BOOM AGAIN.

"Julie, I'm so sorry but I'll help you get them back"

"Yeah how? Won't he kill you or something?"

"I'm already dead" he smiles.

"Yeah you are" I say with slight giggle.

"But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"I know Caleb well enough to know he must have threaten you. Aren't you scared?"

"They're my band and friends and family, I'm not losing them" I say confidently.

"Then we gotta find a way to get them back" Willie smiles, I nod in agreement.

Alex's POV:
"Boys! Who's ready to rock?" Caleb ask bursting into our dressing room.

"Well I guess y'all are nervous" He chuckles. Luke rolls his eyes.

"Can't you tell, we're so excited to to be ripped from our home and trapped here" Luke says sarcastically.

"Look boys, I know this isn't ideal but I'm sure you'll come to like. Cause your living with it now" He says snapping his fingers and disappearing.

"This actually sucks" Reggie pouts laying back onto the couch.

"Your telling me! Julie's out there all alone and we can't even explain why we left" Luke says pacing. I now know why they call it a model strut.

"Guys chill, we're gonna find a way out of here"
They both stop and share a confused look.

"What?" I snip.

"Your being logical for once"

"Haha very funny, If we could just find Willie. He could help us"

"I mean is it any use? We don't want Julie to get hurt. Maybe we're better off like this" Luke says, staring at the ground.

"You don't think that, I mean you can't" Reggie says, trying to be reasonable.

"I just don't want her to get hurt"

"She won't, we won't let her"

A/n: we're back with this story and I'm just gonna say sorry in advance cause this gonna be an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.

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