So we say what we wanna say

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Luke's POV:
"Jules, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Carrie, she told some interviewer that y'all aren't holograms. I need to know why she's doing this"

"Cause she's Carrie" I say tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"That's not good enough, i have to know" she says moving away from me and towards the car.

"Wait Jules"

"I'm going Luke, you can come or stay" she says resting a hand on her hip.

"Maybe we should go inside and think about it" she comes over to me and kisses me. I grab her waist and she pulls back.

"Come with me Luke, please"

"Oh-okay" I say,grabbing her hand. She smiles and pulls me into the car.

Julie's POV:
We pull up to carries house and I grab Luke's hand. Now that I'm here, I'm not as brave.

"Julie, we didn't drive all the way here to sit in her driveway"

"I know, I just"

"I'll be right there with you" he says grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Your a dream Luke Patterson" I say leaning in and giving him a quick kiss. We walk up to the door, Luke holds my hand tightly.
I bang on the door until Carrie opens it.

"Oh Julie, how great to see you!"

"Cut this out, what the hell did you do?"

"Nothing Julie" she says giving me a tight smile.

"Oh wait" she starts "no I did, I did no something. BOBBY"

"Yeah Car, I was just in the-" Bobby says coming up behind her. His eyes land on Luke and shock hits him.

"Bobby, what did I say about Julie and her little phantoms?"

"Car, did you really?" Bobby ask

"I in fact did!" She says smiling.

"What did I ever do to you?" I yell at her.

"What did you do? What didn't you do?"

"Why do you hate me?"

"Because, I work hard for my performances and attention. It's handed to you. You got back into the music program with one performance. If that weren't enough, you have a 'hologram' band. But mostly, you left me"

"Left you? I was the one who just lost a mother" I yell

"Yeah and you didn't once think about any one else's feelings. You didn't think about me or Flynn or Luke or anyone. Your selfish Julie"


"You pushed us all away and then made everyone feel bad for little Julie Molina"

"Carrie that's enough" Luke yells, getting mad.

"No Luke, it's okay. Let her finish"

"Then you had everyone at your beck and call. For 2 years you played little miss lonely when you were the one who pushed everyone away. You wasted your chance and now your trying push your way back in"

"I'm not the same little weak girl you thought you could push around in middle school Carrie. I've changed but clearly you haven't" Carrie scoffs and shakes her head.

"I know what I did, I know I pushed everyone in my fucking life away. I regret it and I'm trying to chance myself, why do you hate me so much?"

"I- I don't hate you" she says looking down, not facing anyone "I just don't know how to be around you"

"What? Carrie this is crazy. We're best friends and now your out to get me. I'm done with this" I yell at her grabbing Luke hand and storming away.

Carries POV:
I turn to Bobby and tears fill my eyes

"Car what did you do?" Bobby ask me. I just shake my head and run over to him. He hugs me tightly.

The thing is, I don't hate Julie. I'm jealous of her, she's amazingly talented and at least she knew her mom. She has friends and seemingly a boyfriend. She's so well liked.

And here's the other thing, I think I love her.
I don't know what to do with these feelings but when I see her with other people, I get jealous.

"I just thought that maybe if everyone found out about them and that she lied. Then no one would want to pay attention to her. Then maybe she would come back to me"

"Care I know you miss your best friend but that was not the way to get her back. You just pushed her father away"

"I know, I did. Bobby what am I gonna fix this?"

"I don't know but I'll be here to help" He says kissing my hands. I love Bobby I do, but not how your supposed to love. I love him like my best friend and I don't know how to tell him that.

Luke's POV:
We pull up to her house and she gets out the car, walking angrily towards the garage.

"Jules Jules slow down" I say grabbing her waist. She looks up at me and her face sinks.

"I just don't understand her problem with me Luke" she mumbles, hugging me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.

"I don't know Julie but you can't let her get to you. Your so much stronger than that Molina"

"Luke" she says pulling out of the hug and giving me a serious look.


"I think you should see your parents" She states.


"Well your alive now and you know how hard it was for them to lose you. I know you wanna see them too and you can't tell me that wasn't the first thing you thought off when you were alive again"

She's not wrong, I mean it wasn't the first thing. The first thing I thought about was I can actually show this girl I love her. But then I thought about my mom and dad. How would I even explain it? Do I really wanna see them again?

"I don't know Jules, I'm not sure I wanna see them"

"Your not serious right"

"I'm not sure I should see them"

"Oh my god" she says shaking her head "your ridiculous. Do you know how many people would kill to see there parents again? You have an opportunity to see them and make things right but instead you wanna hide away scared" 

"I'm not scared, I just don't wanna see them. What's so wrong with that?"

"Most people don't get the chance to come back and make things right. If I could see my mom again, I would tell her so many more things then I did. You have that chance and you don't even wanna take it. That's unbelievable" she says running inside.

Shit I messed up

A/n: oop, some drama and tea💅🏻

I hope y'all are enjoying this sequel!
Ilysm and thank you for all your support

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