Chapter #3

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When the movie was over, I looked at J.C who was fast asleep. I turned off the computer and detached the earbuds from our heads and put them away along with my laptop. I was extremely tired so I rested my head on my hand and fell asleep.


I fluttered my eyes open and realised  I wasn't laying on my hand anymore. I notice that I was asleep on J.C's leg. I look over at him and see that he's record something on his camera.

"What are you doing?" I feel him jump a little.

"Just finished recording another  video."

"Hmm. And I'm sorry for falling asleep on your leg by the way."

"You didn't fall asleep on my leg, I put you there cause you looked really uncomfortable on your hand. And I didn't want you to wake up with  a sore neck."

"Oh, thank you." My cheeks warmed up at his small but kind gesture.

"No prob." I didn't realized how bad I had to pee until we stopped talking. I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Where are you going?"

"To...the...bathroom." I stated about to get but was stopped by J.C grabbing my wrist.

Looking me sternly in the eyes."I wouldn't go in there if I were you. I just saw a fat guy come out of there. And I'm sure he just had plane food." I made a gross face.

"Thank you for the heads up. How long until we land?"

"Umm.... about an hour."

"I can't hold it that long."

"You don't have to hold it long, just let it air out in there." I covered my self up with a blanket J.C had, it was really warm, and fuzzy. And for some weird reason,it was freezing on the plane. And that made me have to pee a lot more. I couldn't take it anymore,my seatbelt was still unbuckled,I handed J.C his blanket back and walked back to the restroom.

It didn't really smell,that bad,but it still smelled a little. I used the bathroom and washed my hands. I made my way back to my seat,only to find a boy with brown hair and a blonde streak going down the middle. For a minute I thought I was at the wrong seat. But I saw J.C sitting in his seat.

"Hey," I said kindly"can I have my seat back...please." The boy turned around and I almost died. In my seat was Kian Lawley.

"Uh, yeah...sorry." He leaned over to J.C and whispered,or he thought he was whispering. "Dude she's hot. See ya when we land and get those digits."

I smiled a little and kinda blushed. Kian got up from my seat and winked at me. I took my place in my seat.

"Are we seriously about to land?" I asked J.C.

"Yeah,you can see the airport from here." I clicked my seatbelt back on.

"Attention passengers,this is your captain speaking. We are about to land at LAX airport,to warn you,the wind will be a little bumpy when we are about to land. Hold on and we will get you on the ground safely. Thank you."

The captain was right about the wind being bumpy.

"Can I see your phone?" J.C asked.

"Yeah?" I dug my phone out of my pocket and handed it to J. C. I don't have a lock on my phone so he got on it and started typing something. Then handed it back to me. With a slight grin on his face.

The plane landed. And everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and got their things from the over head compartment,I did the same. And made my way off the plane. I was walking towards the airport building when someone called out my name. I stopped and turned and saw J.C running towards me with his backpack on one arm.

"Hey." He said panting an trying to catch his breathe.

"Hey." I said as we slowly started walking into the building.

"Here let me get that for you." J.C reaches for the door handle before I do and opens the door for me.

"I could've opened it but.....thank you anyways?" I said a little confused. As we walked I immediately search the area,for a sign with my name on it. I didn't see anything just yet.

"Hey, I got to go but I'll text you later,okay." J.C said giving me a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug good bye.

"Bye." I said and he left with his friends. I check the area once more and saw a man holding a sign with my name on it. I went to go get my other bags from the rotating thing. When I got my bags I walked over to the man with a sign. He was dressed like a limo driver,I wondered if my dad sent him to pick me up.

"Are you Ms. Nyla Nowels?"

"Yes,it is I."

"Okay,this way madam. And I will take your bags." The chaperone took all of my bags out to the limo. Before he took the bags to the trunk,he first opened the door for me and closed it after I got in. There was a t.v(a mini flat screen),cup holders,food, a fruit tray with fruit and swiss cheese squares with little toothpicks. I helped my self to a treat and a snickers bar. I take the remote and flick through the channels until I found my favorite movie. Grown Ups 2.

I'm In Love With My Brother.(Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now