Chapter #1

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I put the last bag in the trunk of the taxi,closed the trunk and walked over to my mom. I inhaled deeply as I stood in front of her. For a couple of seconds we just admired one another's appearances. I enclosed her in a tight, heart warming hug.

"I'm g-gonna miss you." I said as I choked back a few tears. But it was to late some made their way down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you too, sweety." She tightened the hug a little. I could hear the tears in her voice.

We parted the hug. And looked at each other once more.

"I gotta go, mom." I said hugging her again then turning around to get in the taxi.

"Oh Nyla, be careful and be sure to come visit."

"I will,mom. I'll see you later. Bye." I waved at her and blew a kiss as the driver started pulling off. I sat back in my seat and took a deep breathe. And soon came the tears.

I looked back one more time and she was still there.


My phone buzzed in my pocket. I clicked the lock button and unlocked my phone to see I had a new message from mom.

Mom - Call me when you get to the airport.

Me - I will.

I sat the phone in my lap and waited to be at the airport. I was going to California to be with my dad for a little while.

30 minutes later I arrive at the airport.

I got out the car half way and scanned the place. I don't know why. I just did. I got all the way out of the car with my backpack in hand. I threw my backpack over my shoulders and on my back. And walked around to the trunk of the car and got my other two bags out. Lucky me, they had wheels. The driver slammed the trunk close and sat my bags on the sidewalk. I handed the driver the money ,being sure to include a tip.

I grabbed my bags and entered the airport building. I searched for the front desk. I finally found it and wondered over to it.

There was a lady with dark brown hair pinned up into a tight bun. And she wore a fake painted on smile, with her red lipstick, and white teeth.

"Hi." I said

"Hello. Where you headed,sweetheart? "

"One plane ticket to California, please." I said putting on a smile.

"Just a second dear." I stood there and tapped my fingers on the desk. My phone buzzed in my pocket, making me remember that I forgot to call my mom I reach in my back pocket and pull out my phone. It was a text from my mother.

Mom-Did you make it to the airport, yet?

Me-Yeah,sorry forgot to call you but  I promise to call you when I land in L. A.
Mom-Okay,love you

Me- Love you too bye.


I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Here you go, ma'am."

"Thank you." I said putting the plane ticket in  my other back pocket. And I picked up my luggage and walked to gate B4. On my way to the gate I spotted a mini store. I dropped my bags down inside, next to the door. I hooked one of my shoulders straps from my backpack off and looked for my wallet.

I took off my backpack and sat it with the rest of my  luggage. I wondered the small store, I had fifty dollars with me and a little extra. I picked up two Snapple bottles,apple and kiwi strawberry, and two bags of Gummy Lifesavers. I walked around the shelves and up to the counter.

A boy about my age and little bit taller than me, came from the back room behind the counter. And not to mention he was really cute.

"Hey." He said, his voice was deep,his hair was dark brown with beach blonde tips and styled into a quiff.

"Hey." I said back while I sat my items on the counter. He scanned the items on the scanner.

"$5.50" I handed him six dollars.

"Keep the change ." I said grabbing the bag and started to walk to my bags. When I turned around and started walking, I felt eyes burning holes in my butt. I stopped in my tracks and the sassy stand then turned on one heel.

"See something you like?" I joked putting a hand on my hip.

"Yeah,maybe." He laughed. I playfully rolled my eyes. And continued to walk back to my bags. I put my bags into my backpack and put it on my back,grabbing my other bags.

"Flight 23 to California is now boarding. Flight 23 to California is now boarding." The lady said over the intercom. Lucky for me that was my flight. I continued walking to gate B4.

I was greeted by a man in a security suit.

"Ma'am,if you could place your bags over here to be scanned and take off your shoes and jacket to be searched as well. I would appreciate that very much." I personally think he was a little to formal with the whole “ma'am” thing. But I did as I was told and took off my jacket and shoes. And placed my phone and jewelry and placed it in a box. I stepped through the medal ditector, it didn't go off.

"You can put your things back on now."the security guard said. I grabbed my things and finished my journey to the gate. I made it there and there was a women waiting by the door.

" Plane ticket please." I handed it to her and she gave me a planflit in return.

"Any additional bags will go in the cargo of the plane."

"Okay thank you." I hauled my other two bags in the back of a cart along with the other strangers bags. I was now left with my backpack.

I made my way out to the plane and boarded it. I checked the planfit for my seat number. Which was B6. When I got to my seat there was already someone sitting in the seat next to mine. It was a boy,who looked around the same age as me,and with brown hair that was styled in a curly quiff, with a bit of blonde in it. Of course, I couldn't see the color of his eyes. But I'm sure they're just as good looking as the rest of him.

I didn't realize I was standing there awkwardly until his head shot up from his phone.

"Hey. Am I in your seat?" He asked his voice a little hoarse and raspy.

I woke from my trance."Uh no, sorry I didn't mean to stare." I took out my laptop and bag with my snacks and drinks. And I put my backpack in the overhead compartment. Before I fully sat down in my seat I pulled out my phone and put it on plane mode.

When I took a seat I didn't notice he was still staring at me. I flashed a quick smile at him and went back to putting my things away and getting comfortable. I sat back in my seat and huffed. The sign that told us to put on our seatbelts lit up. And everyone started clicking away.

"Okay everyone, this is your captain speaking,we are about to take off,please fasten your seatbelts and relax. It will be a little rigged when we first lift off but I promise that will only be for a split second. This will be a twelve hour flight." I buckled my seatbelt and so did the guy beside me.

"This is going to be a long ride." I said to myself...well I thought I did.

"Well in that case. I'm Justin." He said holding out his hand.

"Nyla." I shook it,not really looking him in the eyes.

I'm In Love With My Brother.(Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now