Chapter 3

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She didn't move as she watched the man standing above her. His intense black eyes were set in a chiseled, olive-skin face. His jaw was set as though his teeth were clenched. His dark hair was cut short and had a slight wave to it. She didn't dare look anywhere else. Fear engulfed her as she looked on him. He was a deadly combination of danger and seduction. What did he want?

A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. "Now that you're awake..." He sat down on the bed next to her. The movement unlocked her frozen body. She scooted quickly to the other side of the bed as the heat radiated from his body. He chuckled.

She watched the amusement in his eyes. He might have thought it was funny, but she was not laughing. Her heart was pounding as adrenaline raced through her veins. A slight roaring sound filled her ears and she could feel her insides shaking.

"I brought you something to eat." For the first time, she looked down from his face. His strong hands held a wooden tray with plates of food on it. Her stomach betrayed her with a loud rumble. "Come on and eat." He set the tray down on the bed between them. Having an object between them made her feel a little better, but it wasn't enough.

Slowly, she sat up while keeping her eyes on him for any sudden movements. He laughed as he watched her move slowly with her eyes glued to him. Her body was tight and ready to bolt for the door, even though she knew she didn't have a chance.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. Just eat. You've been asleep so long that you've missed breakfast, and lunch is long past." He moved the tray a little closer to her.

She hesitated as she listened to his voice. It wasn't what she assumed a kidnapper would be. He spoke softly with authority. It appeared he was trying to ease her fears. Ranalla was finding it hard to reconcile her ideas of what his voice should be and what it really was.

Her eyes took in the sandwich, bowl of chips, and the plate of fruit sitting there. Her stomach rumbled again and her mouth began to water at the sight of the food. Unsure of what was happening, she still held back. She wasn't even sure if she should touch the food. It could be drugged so he could have his way with her or make it easier to torture her. There was no telling what was going on in his twisted mind. After all, he had snatched her out of her own bed in the wee hours of the morning.

He was amused at her. As though reading her mind, he said, "I said, go ahead. I didn't poison it."

Gingerly she picked up the sandwich and glanced up at his pleased look. Taking a peek at what she was about to eat, she was pleasantly surprised to see it was chicken salad. It was one of her favorites, which was a relief. It wasn't something gross.

She took a tentative bite, gave in to the delicious taste, and quickly took another. A satisfied sigh escaped her. She paused and looked back at her captor. She had betrayed herself with her reaction to the food. She watched him with wide eyes. Mentally she was kicking herself for letting her guard down and allowing him to see how much she enjoyed the food. That was giving him more of an advantage over her.

His only reaction was a lift at the corner of his mouth. She looked back down at the sandwich. Now that she had tasted the food, she wanted more. She quickly took another bite.

"Good to see you have an appetite." He watched her finish the sandwich and drink the cold cranberry juice.

As the sandwich began to fill her stomach, she took a small bite of the chips. "Why am I here?" She kept her eyes down on the plate fearing what his reaction might be. She did not want to see the evil in his eyes as he informed her of his intentions.

Several moments went by with no answer. She dared to look up only to find him staring back. He watched her with no expression. As she waited on a response, she was able to get a better look at him. She had to admit that he was one to take a second glance at with broad shoulders and muscles. His button down shirt couldn't hide his physique. It demanded attention which made her heart beat all the faster. Mentally, Ranalla shook herself. She didn't need to feel an attraction to the man who had kidnapped her. He was the bad guy.

"Well?" She met his eyes in challenge. The silence was driving her crazy and raising her fear level.

He stood up and walked to the window that was located next to her bed. He pulled the curtain back. The sunlight filled the room as he gazed out into the world beyond, ignoring her.

She raised herself up on her knees. "I asked you why I am here."

He continued to stare out the window. "I heard you." His voice held no emotion.

She watched closely. He took his sweet time turning to her. His eyes drifted down to her tank top and the breasts that were not well concealed. In her anger, she didn't even notice. "You'll find out soon enough." He turned and walked out the door leaving her staring speechless at his retreating back. The door closed with a resounding click as a lock turned. She was a prisoner within this room and still had no idea why.

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