Chapter 12

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Vince's voice was soft against her ear. "Shhh. I'm right here. Don't make a sound." He waited for her to nod before he pulled his hand slowly away from her mouth.

She still couldn't see a thing, but felt his body against her back and one of his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. Her deep, quiet breathing belied the pounding of her heart. She was on alert for any noise that would clue her in to what was happening. The whir of helicopter blades broke the silence and passed on over them, but still they didn't move.

Silence encompassed the cabin and took on a life of its own as it drew from their pounding hearts. Ranalla didn't bat an eye until she felt Vince's arm relax. He still didn't move away from her as though expecting something else. Moments ticked by as they both waited.

"Stay here." He spoke in a whisper as he moved away. His hushed voice boomed in the silence. She wished he would come back. His warmth was gone and she felt vulnerable in the pitch black. A flicker of light appeared in front of her when he pulled out a candle, struck a match, and its small flame sputtered to life.

The small light did not reach past the kitchen island. The darkness was too thick for the flame to penetrate it. The flame lit up Vince who was looking at Ranalla fiercely. Her eyes widened when she saw within the reach of the light a gun in his hand that was pointed up and ready to be used. This was a man trained to kill.

He shook his head as her mouth moved to speak. His body was rigid. His eyes never left hers. Finally his eyes closed, and relief flooded his face as he lowered the gun.

"They're gone."

She spoke in a whisper. "Who?"

He didn't answer. He moved back into the dark out of her sight. She began to panic until he reappeared without the gun and with a more relaxed look about him.

"I thought I'd have a few more days before the search began." He ran his hands through his hair.

She looked up toward the ceiling. "Did they see us?"

"No." He opened up the fridge flooding the room with more light. Ranalla blinked at the sudden brightness pulling her hand up to shield her eyes.

"Could they tell we were in here?" Her words came out fast.

He handed her a cold soda before reaching back in for his own. "No. The shutters helped, and there are heat detection scramblers in the walls and ceilings. There is no way for sure they'd know we were here." He closed the door, and they were enveloped in darkness again except for the small candle's flickering light.

"Who were they?" She popped open the can and took a sip, and the cold liquid helped to give her a sense of reality.

"Your executioners." He moved away again. "Close your eyes." She barely got them closed before the lights came on. She blinked several times trying to adjust to the temporary blinding light. Vince seemed unaffected as he moved about blowing out the candle and getting back in the fridge.

"Let's have a sandwich." He pulled out all the fixings before he noticed she had not moved.

Her face was bland as she watched him. He stopped moving and walked toward her. His eyes softened when he saw just how scared she was. He placed both hands on her face and held her.

"It's okay," he reassured her.

Her eyes searched his. "How can you act so calm?"

"Too many years of practice. We've bought ourselves more time. That's all we need." His thumb caressed her cheek.

She should have pulled back at the intimate touch, but she was too numb and confused. It was so surreal and it was her reality at the moment. "I don't think I could get used to it."

He chuckled as he turned back to their food. "Hopefully you won't have to. Now, let's have a sandwich and watch a movie."

They spent the rest of the day inside watching movies. Ranalla was grateful she had the chance to go out into the sunshine earlier. She had a gut feeling that it would be a while before she could do it again.

Vince appeared to be enjoying the movie, but Ranalla could not concentrate. The fear felt in the kitchen earlier as the helicopter passed over consumed her thoughts.

The blinds were kept down. She was beginning to feel more of a prisoner than she had been before. Noticing her restlessness, he turned to her. "What kind of books do you like to read?"

She arched one eyebrow. "You mean you don't know?"

He closed his eyes and chuckled. "Caught me." He stood up. "I'll be right back."

As he left the room she turned on the couch, crouched on her knees, and stared at the doorway in the hall he disappeared through. A moment later he returned with a rather large box. She turned her body in line with his until he stopped in front of the couch. Lowering the box to the coffee table, he smiled.

"Have fun." He stepped back and watched.

She narrowed her eyes at him before cautiously opening the box. When she pulled the second flap back, she saw books. She wasted no time emptying the box. Book after book was pulled out and laid on the table. Each one was on her to-read list on her book club website. She pointed at the books.

"You did stalk me." Her tone was accusing.

"You could say that." He settled down on the couch and began watching another movie.

"Do you know how creepy weird this is?" Her heart raced. A part of her was afraid, but another part was excited.

"You gonna read or keep interrupting my movie?"

She shook her head and laughed softly. She was going crazy. Absolutely crazy. What woman enjoyed the spoils of a stalker?

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