Chapter 14

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Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs with shredded Swiss cheese on top. Ranalla continued to be astounded that her abductor was such an awesome cook. Between the books and the dinner, she almost forgot the scare earlier in the day. Almost.

The meal was enjoyable, and so was the company. They talked of great movies they had seen and books they had read. His knowledge of classical reading surprised her.

"You've actually read Jane Eyre?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

He laughed at the face she made. "Yes. I know it's hard to believe, but there are times when the classics speak louder than those written today. Then again, sometimes a shoot 'em type appeals to me more."

She took a bite of a meatball. Her face got serious as she gazed upon him. His enigmatic actions puzzled her.

"You confuse me."

He looked at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"

She laid her fork down. "You appear to be one type of person, and then you surprise me and reveal an entirely different side."

He smiled at her statement. "Never assume you know someone just by how they kidnap you."

She couldn't help but laugh. "That's it, too. This all seems so unreal until...." Memories of the helicopter overhead rushed back. "I still don't get it."

He reached out and took her hand. "Then don't. Worry about it later when you have to."

The rough skin of his hand told her he wasn't afraid to work. The soft way he held her hand told her he could be gentle. The heat radiating from him affected her in ways she had never felt before.

Nervously, she pulled her hand back and reached for her glass of soda. She needed something to distract her from her terrifying thoughts.

He allowed her to help clean up. There were still no sharp objects around. Just as she was not entirely too sure of trusting him, he was apparently leery of trusting her.

After dinner, they returned to the living room to watch movies. At least he watched them. Ranalla picked her book back up and lost herself in it. Her body slowly began to fade, but she was unaware of it. Vince looked over as the second movie of the night ended to find her with the book lying askew across her face and her eyes closed in sleep.

A smile crossed his face as he looked at her innocent and trusting face. Turning off the television and all the lights, he carefully removed the book from its resting place. Her mouth was open slightly and she was breathing deeply. He placed his arms under her and picked her up. She moved her arms over his shoulders and around his neck in sleepy abandonment. Her face rubbed against his neck and she sighed.

He closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath in an attempt to get himself under control. If he thought it had been hard around her before, it was going to be a million times worse now that she seemed to trust him.

Even though it was dark, he moved around without difficulty. He had trained himself to be able to navigate through places in any condition, even with someone in his arms. The blinds were still down on all the windows and prevented even moonlight from getting into the cabin. After the scare earlier, he wasn't about to take any chances.

He sat her down on the bed and held her with one arm as he pulled the covers back with the other hand. As her head hit the pillow, he wondered if he should just leave her like that or change her clothes. Deciding her reaction would be worse if he undressed her, he resigned himself to removing her shoes and pulling the covers up over her. She sighed and snuggled down into the warmth. He reached out a hand to touch her face. A slight smile pulled at her lips. Shaking his head, he disappeared into the bathroom.

The night started off as the previous one had. Ranalla didn't move from her side of the bed. Vince stuck to his for entirely different reasons. As the early hours of the morning ticked by, both moved toward the center of the bed. Vince was awakened when a soft body shifted slightly against his. He groaned. Here she was spooning up to him, and he wanted to pull her even closer. He couldn't take advantage of her sleeping state, but the temptation was too great.

He began to pull away as his body reacted, but she surprised him by following and snuggling even closer to him. She draped a jean-clad leg over his bare one. He had forgotten that she was still fully clothed. A sigh escaped her lips as she pressed up against him. Her arms felt like vice grips around him.

His groan was deeper and louder this time. This was the worse torture he had ever experienced. He lay rigid and tried to think of a way to escape the situation without waking her up.

He felt her body stiffen as she began to wake up. Similar thoughts on how to get out of this situation without causing herself any more embarrassment were running through her mind. She began to pull back, but found her hair caught under his arm. Thinking to ease it out, she arched her neck and found herself face to face with him. His breath fanned her mouth as she paused in shock.

Though the room was still in darkness each one now knew the other was awake. They did not move as the seconds ticked by with their bodies pressed against each other, and their faces just a breath away. Their breathing became more labored as they lay there torturing themselves.

Ranalla took in a deep breath. It pushed her breasts against his bare chest. He groaned, "To hell with it," and crushed her to him as his lips claimed hers.

Her arms tightened around him at the feel of his lips on hers. A shiver ran through her as his own arms surrounded her and pulled her closer to him. The feel of his hard body against her only intensified her desire.

As her mouth opened to his, he hungrily took it. Exploring every corner, he let his hands roam her back and slide under her shirt. As his fingers ran down the skin on her back, it pushed him close to the edge of no return.

He pulled back slightly, feeling her breathing heavy as she tried to gain composure. His own breathing prevented him from forming the words he needed to say. He took in a few deep breaths.

"Ranalla." He gasped. "Ranalla. I don't want to take advantage of you. I want to know that you really want this."

His desired-filled gravelly voice shook her to her core. She swallowed hard. A part of her wished she could see his face to know more of what he felt, but another part of her was too scared of what she was about to plunge into to know.

"Ranalla, I want to make love to you." His voice was raw.

She knew he wanted an answer from her. She wanted to give it. Was she willing to give herself to this stranger that had done more for her than anyone in her life? Was she willing to give her body to a man she had only known for a few days? Was she willing to risk it all?

"Vince, I....I..." She was still unable to fully form words. "I want you to." With those words, he kissed her completely.

Ranalla gave herself and tossed all reason aside. For once she was going to live in the moment and take the love so rarely offered.

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