Chapter 6

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She noticed that it was getting dark out as she took the last bite of her burger. This would be her first night as a captive. A whole day had slid by. She had no idea what it would hold or what tomorrow would hold. Plus, too many things were tugging at the edges of her brain. Things were not adding up right. If she could only focus, she might be able to figure out what called to her.

She sat back in her chair and glanced over at the man who mystified her. He was munching on the last of his chips. His casual and relaxed demeanor threw her into further confusion.

"Now what?" She crossed her arms around her. She wanted to scream at him.

His eyes met hers before looking back down at the table. "We clean up." His tone questioned her intent behind her own question.

"I know that. Afterwards." Exasperation filled her voice.

He picked up the plates as he stood up and walked toward the sink. "Don't know what you mean."

She grabbed the bag of chips and tossed them on the island as she stood up and faced him. He looked at the bag and then at her. His eyebrows arched as he looked at her. "Careful. We'll only have crumbs if you keep that up." He turned back to the sink and began running water for the dishes.

Angrily, she picked up the bag and dropped them on the counter again , deliberately letting them fall from several inches above the counter. He looked back at her without blinking. Huffing, she slammed her fists on the bag. "There! Now you have crumbs." Her chest rose with the heavy breathing caused by her anger.

He continued getting the water ready to wash the dishes. He was the strangest kidnapper. He ignored her. He did not wave a gun at her or hurt her or tie her up. He simply ignored her.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She was beside herself at his actions. It was all so confusing.

He put the plates in the soapy hot water and began washing them . "I'm not ignoring you."

"What do you call this?" She flung her hands out at him.

"Enjoying myself." A smile could be heard in his voice, though all she saw was the back of his head.

Ranalla felt her heart begin to race as the anger inside her boiled. She gave in to the urge to hit him. She looked around and found the skillet the hamburgers were fried in still sitting on the stove waiting to be cleaned. She quickly glanced at her captor. He was focused on running the water. Quietly she moved to the stove. She picked it up, intent on hitting him over the head with it. As she grasped the handle, she felt arms sweep around her and wet hands close over hers. His body was pressed against hers tightly. She closed her eyes knowing she was now caught.

Against her ear, she felt his warm breath as he whispered. "Let go." She was acutely aware of every part of him. Now, he would become more physical. He had to. She had, after all, tried to kill him .

She gripped the handle tighter. His hands tightened in response.

"Let go. You can't win this, Ranalla." He didn't move. Just held her still.

Her body stiffened in defiance. She knew she wasn't strong enough to fight him. That's why she reached for the skillet as a weapon. It would have done what she couldn't do on her own against his larger and more powerful frame. Now, her only weapon was to be taken from her. Slowly, she loosened her grip. Feeling it, he gradually pulled her hands from the skillet. In case she tried to reach for it again, his hands held firmly onto her.

When the skillet was a few inches away, she felt him take a deep breath. Then he quickly turned her around and pinned her arms behind her. In doing so, he forced her body into full contact with his. Her eyes shot up to glare at him.

The man lowered his face to hers till there was just a hair's breadth between their noses. The amusement in his eyes vanished. Cold, hard, eyes now bore into hers.

"Never do that again. I don't want to have to lock you in your room." His voice was full of promise.

Her breathing was rapid as she nodded her head and swallowed. This was the first move he had made that was like what she expected from a kidnapper, and it terrified her. Anger had been replaced with fear of what was to come.

He held her for an extra few seconds before releasing her hands. Unsure of what he was doing, she didn't move at first. Sensing he was letting her go, she stepped back. She stopped quickly when his hand shot out to stop her. With the other he grabbed the skillet and put it in the sink. He turned to the sink and said, "Go to your room."

Without another word, she left. Now she was afraid.

She was shaking when she walked into the bedroom. Closing the door, she sagged against it. Her hand came to her throat. What would happen now that she had caused him to act like the kidnapper he was?

She paced back and forth across the bedroom floor. According to the clock, ten minutes went by. Ten more. She stopped pacing when it announced it had been half an hour. What was he doing? Should she venture out? This was something she hoped to avoid during her lifetime.

She stopped before the closed door and hit her hands against her legs. No longer able to take it, she had to know what was happening. Tentatively, she tried the doorknob and found that it turned. She wasn't locked in, after all.

She opened it only a crack and peered down the dark hallway. The living room was full of light. She bit her lower lip and forced herself down the hallway for the second time that day. Again she paused in the door of the living room. He was sitting on the couch where he was during the movie. On the screen, a documentary on books played. He was acting like nothing had happened.

Her arms crossed in front of her, and she realized that she was scared. She had angered him and was now at his mercy. Unsure if she should walk into the living room or not, she swallowed hard and thought of her options. She could just go back to her room. Her decision made, she pulled back ready to do just that when he spoke.

"Don't just stand there. Come on in. I've got some popcorn here for you." He never even looked at her.

Ranalla set her shoulders back and walked forward. At the edge of the couch, she stopped. For some ludicrous reason, a part of her wanted to apologize to him. She nervously rubbed her hands down her jeans. It made it all worse that he wouldn't look at her. She felt like a spurned child.

"I...."She breathed in deep. "I wa...."

At that moment he looked up and all thoughts fled from her mind. She could have sworn he had a look of tenderness in his eyes. It was not what she had expected.

"Sit," he said softly.

She slid to the couch as he watched. Once seated, he turned back to the show. In front of her on the coffee table was a bowl of popcorn and a cold glass of juice. The ice was still fresh. How did he do that? It's as though he knew exactly when she was coming out.

They watched the show in silence. At the first commercial, he reached for the popcorn bowl and set it between them with a slight smile. Ranalla tried to smile back. Everything was so odd. Here she was sharing a bowl of popcorn with her abductor. Yep, she needed psychological help.

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