twenty six.

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Just Do Me Like Kunta Kinte

present !

Maria and Allison had been driving for a few hours. It was now early in the morning and Allison and Maria had gotten some coffee to keep them awake. They were now held up in a bunch of traffic due to a police problem. They were just sitting in the car when Maria noticed something. "Allison, isn't that Vanya's?" She pointed out a blue and white scarf. "Yeah, it is."

Allison pulled her car over onto the side of the road. They got out of the car and Allison picked it up from the hook it was hanging on. They walked over to the police tape and Allison ducked under it. "Uh Allison, you can't-"

"Hey, pardon me, hey!" Allison looked at the officer confused. "Allison, get your ass back here."

"Yeah, please step behind the lines. We had an accident here last night."

"What kind of accident?" Maria put her hands on her face. "He isn't going to tell you."

"She's right, you'll just have to read it in the paper like everyone else. So have a nice day."

"Allison." She looked at her. "Take off your glasses."


"Just do it!" Allison took off her glasses and Maria coughed out, "Officer."

"Y-holy shit! You're Allison Hargreeves! I saw you on TV a few nights ago in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers who rob a bank!"

"Yeah, that's me." She chuckled a little bit and Maria just rolled her eyes. "Oh wow! Hey, if I'm being honest, my wife and I, we prefer you in the romantic movies."


"The Love on Loan trilogy. We can't get enough!" Maria was now fiddling with the zipper on her leather jacket. "Hey, you look familiar too." Maria looked up and looked behind her and back at the cop. She pointed at herself and asked, "Who me?"

"Yeah, you kinda look like someone we had in the prison I worked at not a long time ago. She uh, almost killed some people. Scary she was."

"Oh no, that chick's way hotter than me."

"No, oh wait it actually is you! Wow. Good for you for getting out. Your old cellmate Mary told everyone you were too weak to fight back so you had your rich friend bail you out." She mumbles under breath, "Why didn't she just do me like Kunta Kinte and chop off my foot."

"Yeah, you are a scary one. Hey, don't kill me!" He laughed a bit at his joke and she was just staring at him. He immediately stopped laughing out of fear. Allison then had an idea that came to her head. "Hey, I'm researching a law enforcement role."

"In Jackpine Cove? We haven't had a murder here in years."

"Oh's about um...a small town cop who takes down a drug cartel. In fact, maybe we could tag along while you conduct some official police business. I promise we won't get in the way, I and my friend here really wanted to get some better intel and maybe it could really help me develop my career, if I could live the day in the life, you know?"

"Day in a life, huh? Come on, follow me." The got into his car and they headed to the hospital. Allison was glad that she didn't have to convince the cop to bring Maria along with them, it was probably because he was scared of her. Even though she was gone, she still had a reputation.

They got to the hospital and went into a hospital room where a man was laying down, beaten up very badly in a hospital bed. "Mr. Luntz? Mr. Luntz, can you hear me?"

"Who um, who are you?"

"I'm Sergeant Cheddar and these are...these are my associates. Just have a couple of questions for you."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No trouble, nothing like that. I just wanted to ask you about the accident in Bearskin Tavern parking lot last night."

"You're a cop. You gotta protect me no matter what, right?"

"It's my sworn duty."

"It was no accident." Maria and Allison exchanged the same look of fear on their face. Something was not right here and they are supernatural beings dealing with someone who is the cause of the apocalypse, whatever happened could not have been good. "What do you mean?"

"This guy hired us to start a fight. He wanted us to rough him up in front of his girlfriend. He paid real good up front. We got drunk, took it a little too far. Started to hassle the girl, too and then all hell broke loose."

"The guy who paid you, what did he look like?" Allison then interjected and as soon as she did Maria put her hands over her face. "Brown hair, light scruff, slight build?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's him." Maria gave Allison a look that said 'why did you just do that?!' The cop looked at Allison with a bit of suspicion. "Well that's a...a really good guess." Allison then took out the cover of Vanya's book from her pocket and showed the man on the back a picture of Vanya and asked, "Is this the girlfriend?"

The cop got really suspicious and brought Allison over to the side. "Hey uh...just, um...just a moment. Hey, by any chance is your movie called Small Town Cop Falls for Hollywood Superstar's Bullshit?" The cop started questioning Allison and she kept apologizing. Maria walked over to the man and whispered, "Was that the girlfriend?" He simply nodded his head and she knew that it was for sure Harold Jenkins. The cop stopped talking to Allison and turned to the man. "Answer the lady's question, is this the girlfriend?" A doctor then came in before the man could answer. "Sorry, but the doctor's ordered more tests. You're gonna have to ask him questions later."

Allison sighed and walked out of the room and Maria and the cop followed. They were waiting in the waiting room when a nurse came up to the cop. "Hey Dale?"


"Have you seen Mr Luntz?"

"No why?"

"I took him to X-Ray and then he disappeared."

"Well, you better let security know. I'll call it in."


"Oh wait, one more thing."

"Do you recognize this woman?" He held up the cover for Vanya's book and showed the picture of Vanya too the nurse. "Mm, she left with Mr. Peabody this morning." Allison and Maria looked at each other and Allison realized something. "Wait this morning? They must have been here when we stopped by the cabin."

"Oh my gosh you're right." They started to walk away but the cop stopped them. "Who hold on. We got a missing vic, this guy could be dangerous. I need you to stay here."

"You do know who you're talking too, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware just both of you, wait here. Allison freaking Hargreeves, man!" He started fangirling again and he left to go with the nurse. Of course Maria and Allison weren't going to listen. They started walking out the hospital and headed out to find Vanya. They went back to Harold Jenkins grandmother's house but they found something they never expected.









Light As A Feather..Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now