Chapter 11: The Truth Of Vampire's...

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Kaname POV:

"Lord Kaname, what exactly is your relationship with Lady Lelouch"said Hanbusa looking at me. "I was wondering the same thing Kaname-sama"said Ruka looking at me questionly. I simply looked at them and kept walking ahead to my seat without regard to answer them. As I sat down I looked out the window lost in my own thoughts....I've known Lelouch sense I was born, she was the first one I ever met that accepted me for me, not for my title. I fell in love with her the moment I layed my eyes on her. But she was always in a different category than me, she held herself like my parents she was so far away like they were. Like them she stood above all others she was respected, feared and placed in the same status as my parents, looked up to by many female Purebloods, one of the greats that still exists in our time. I still remember when sometimes I would catch her and my mother giggling and whispering about my father or about something he did that reminded them of a old memory. I would ask my father he would just sigh and rub the back of his neck and say "Women are a mystery Kaname, its better keeping them happy than them being angry and dragging you down to hell" than laugh and walk over to them giving my mother a kiss on the lips and placing a kiss on Lelouch's cheek. I always envied my father for being so close to Lelouch and knowing her better than I do, I even envy Kiryu for being so casual around her, or how she treats them so differently than me. I turned to face the front of the classroom glaring at nothing but the blackboard, the teacher declared lunch break. As soon as the teacher left, the students began to talk amongst themselves, I crossed my legs and drank from my glass "Lelouch Shoto knew my parents long before I was born, my mother considered her a best friend so did my father, from what I remember she is also close friends with Kaien Cross. She was the only other pureblood that shared memory's of my grandparents besides my own parents. I love as a sister and as a aunt, she was always there when my parents couldn't be, and she still is."I said while I unwrapped the box of chocolates Lelouch and Yuki gave me. " She's deadly if you disappoint her, I wouldn't suggest you go asking her anything or question any of her actions "I said laughing quietly. "As old as she is why isn't she married or have a family of her own, I mean she could of had a daughter or son your age by now right Kaname-sama"said Hanbusa. "Just because I'm a woman and there's only a few female purebloods left doesn't mean I need to repopulate our numbers, I have a brain to numbnuts"said Lelouch glaring at Hanbusa from the front of the classroom, "I swear Sanito Aido wasn't this nosey or even this disrespectful, at least he had Manner's"said Lelouch shaking her head. I just laughed and ate the chocolates,.......

Lelouch POV:

"You knew my great-grandfather"said Hanbusa looking surprised, I just rolled my eyes, as I heard Kaname laughing. "Of course, I knew all your great-grandparents, like Sanito Aido, Rito Kain, Masaki Touya, Zasuta Shiki, Kakashi Ichijo, Naohito Souen they were a great bunch"I said thinking of them made me smile softly. "Its sad though, it seems there children didn't inherit there qualities, nor there grandchildren" "hey your talking about my father and grandfather there" snapped Hanbusa. I rolled my eyes "I've yet to see any difference in this generation either, your just as misguided as your grandparents, and parents, so prove me wrong"I said crossing my arms leaning against the teachers desk. "We have a question Lady Lelouch"said Rima and Senri looking at each other, " ask away... " "why does your assistant always glare at Ichijo-san whenever he see's him?"said rima giving me a blank look. "I've been wondering the same thing Lady Lelouch"said Takuma giving me a sheepish smile, "Sebastian hates the Ichijo Family especially your grandfather, because of your family Sebastian is the last one of the Michaelis family. It was your grandfather Asato Ichijo that made the plan to wipe out the Michaelis family for good."I said giving Takuma blank expression. "Because of this Sebastian deems all Ichijos bad people even you, even though your just a child"I sighed "After his family's demise, Sebastian was captured by the senate and was severely abused and raped by them,making who is today, I first met him when he was serving at a party held by the senate themselves many centuries ago, I was with my brother than, Sebastian isn't a bad person he just views certain people differently is all."I said. "That can't be true, the Michaelis family was murdered by a group of Level E's and a few common vampires that were envious of the family for being so close to the pureblood families"said Hanbusa thoughtfully. "I swear what do they teach you guys nowadays...."I scoffed shaking my head, "they teach the basics so that nobody steps out of line, or questions the control of the Senate...about half the students here are pro Senate...the other pro monarchy.."said Kaname sounded bored. "Anyways what do we owe the pleasure of your visit"said Kaname giving me a small smile, before I could speak up Zero spoke first, "due to it being St. chocolates day the headmaster deemed a early release for all of YOU"said Zero sneering at the end of you. The classroom became tense, everyone seemed hell bent on breaking Zeros neck right there and then. "Come on let's go, before Yuki and Sebastian start worrying"said Zero grabbing my left arm, but before he could make it to the door, Hanbusa, akatsuki, and a few others didn't look to happy about that and stood before the door glaring at Zero. "You should respect those higher in rank than you Kiryu, unhand Lady Lelouch"said Hanbusa glaring at Zero. I looked up to Zero seeing him ready to attack them, I put my hand on his arm "Its alright Zero, let them be..Yuki wouldn't be to happy if you caused more trouble"I gave him a push towards the exit making him leave, I sighed once I saw him leave. I turned to face the classroom placing my hands together "Anyways, thank you for your time please report to your dorms immediately, and have a pleasant evening"I said than turned to leave, before more trouble was caused. As I left the classroom and headed out the mind began to I turned the corner, Zero was leaning against walk looking at me. "Did you really have to start on something like that back there"I said as I passed him...he didn't answer back he just followed me. I glanced behind...and saw him looking out the windows.....things aren't going as planned... I wonder what kaien is going to this rate Zero will turn...and hurt himself....especially Yuki...."Let's meet up with the others before heading of to bed"I said. As we both made our way out of the building, to find Yuki and Sebastian....

Thank you for reading. Remember I don't own black Butler, or vampire knight... Just Lelouch Shoto... Kay...thank you for reading...please comment and vote thank you...

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