Chapter 12: Regret...

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Zero POV:

I followed Lelouch through the halls looking for Yuki and Sebastian, "It's seems their still patrolling the sun dorms, we should met up with them at Kaien's place"said Lelouch looking back at me. I just walked passed her towards the Headmaster's house, "Stop being so difficult Zero the night class meant will they don't know better"said Lelouch little ways behind me. I didn't care about those vampires and their stupid status system, I cared about my condition each passing day sense four years ago I've felt the change the feeling of falling level E, I feel unsafe I fear for Yuki's safety from me. But deep down inside I wonder what Yuki tastes like if she tastes as sweet as she smells, then theirs the subconscious part of me that tells me take Bloody Rose and shoot myself and save my insanity. I hadn't noticed we reached the Headmaster's house till Yuki shakes my arm to draw my attention, "Zero are you okay, you aren't paying attention"said Yuki looking up at me. Am I okay, what's this burning feeling...

Lelouch POV:

I've been walking with Zero sense the classrooms and I've noticed how he's succumbing to blood lust. We arrived at Kaiens house and waited a few minutes I watched as Zero was lost in his own thoughts. Almost a whole ten minutes passed Zero didn't even take noticed Yuki and Sebastian approaching us and telling us that the sun dorms were clear and that Yuki was ready for bed. It wasn't till Yuki touched Zeros arm that he snapped out of it and looked at us "Are you okay Zero, you aren't paying attention"said Yuki touching Zeros arm. "I'm fine"glared Zero pulling his arm away from Yuki, Yuki looked reluctant to let Zero go without a explanation, I didn't want them to fight so I spoke up "Alright then sense were done with patrolling the grounds we should all head back to bed okay"I said putting myself between them. Yuki nodded Sebastian looked to me and Zero just walked back to Sun dorms without looking back, I watched as Yuki and Zero went their separate ways to their dorms. "Head back to your room Sebastian, if I need you I'll call till then wait"I commanded Sebastian, he just bowed respectfully and disappeared. I waited for a few seconds till I knew I was alone and walked towards Kaien's office, I rounded the corner and spotted his door I knocked once till I heard Kaien say come in. "Ah Lelouch how can I help you this night"said Kaien cheerfully behind his desk, I shut the door as I walked in and took a seat on one of the leather chairs. "Have you noticed Zeros condition?"I questioned Kaien leaning back on the chair, Kaien sighed and rubbed his eyes under his glasses "I've noticed his change closely and the effects it's having on the academy especially Yuki and the night class, but I cannot intervene till either he himself comes to me or Yuki comes"said Kaien looking at me in eyes. "You might need to intervene sooner than that Kaien the effects of his change is already changing things and Yuki is becoming suspicious, if you don't do something soon, something very bad will happen and those three are going to be in the..."but before I could finish I turned and looked at the door for a few seconds then we heard a knock at the door. Kaien looked at me "it's Kaname he's come here regarding Zeros condition as well, but he's more resilient in harming him than helping him"I said to Kaien, "Come in Kaname"said Kaien folding his hands together on the desk in front of his mouth. I watched as Kaname entered the room looking between me and Kaien, "Kaname how can I help you"said Kaien giving Kaname a cheerful smile, "I didn't come here for a social visit, I came here regarding Kiryu's condition"stated Kaname looking at Kaien seriously. Kaien looked at me than back to Kaname then looked defeated, uncertain to address this topic with Kaname without him getting angry, "Their is nothing I can do at this time, till Zero acts out as a Level E I cannot intervene because there is no just cause, it would only cause strife with the Hunters Association and Vampire Senate"Kaien explained stiffly to Kaname. Kaien conflicted over his children and his duties as a Hunter, "And what about you Lelouch-nee what do you think of this situation, don't you care for Yuki and especially Kiryu, wouldn't it be better if Kiryu was in the night class, were he should be"said Kaname staring back at me over his shoulder. I glared at Kaname he was implying that I cared more about Zero than him "I care about both of them and you equally, but Kaien's right if we intervene the Senate and the association will also they'll demand Zeros execution, and I don't want anyone in harm's way while dealing with both parties, and what of Yuki she'll be devastated if she finds out about all this"I said trying to reason with Kaname. I watched as he glared at Kaien and claw at the desk leaving a reasonable angry claw Mark's on Kaien's desk, I stood up and placed my hand on Kaname's back trying to calm him down, "Kaname calm down getting angry won't help, you'll just get the night class agitated with worry, please Kana enough you could hurt Kaien and Yuki won't..."I never finished because at that exact moment I smelt blood in the air. But not just anybody's blood it was sweet alluring smell that only belonged to Yuki, I turned and faced the door the smell was coming from somewhere outside in the hallway, Kaname stiffened next to me then his eyes flashed red and mumbled one word 'Kiryu' then rushed out to find him and Yuki, I reached out trying to stop him from doing anything "Kaname don't hurt Zero please don't hurt him KANAME"I yelled out to Kaname before he disappeared down the hall. "What's going on Lelouch"asked Kaien looking at me, "Zero has begun to fall, he's bitten Yuki get to the infirmary, I'm sure Kaname will bring her their"I said walking towards the smell, I ran down the stairs I caught sight of Kaname coming up behind Yuki who was bleeding from her neck. As I got closer Yuki hadn't noticed our presence she just kept trying to get away from Zero as he tried getting closer to her, she held her hand to her neck but before she could say anything she fainted into Kaname's arms still bleeding, I stood next to Kaname as he spoke to Zero, I just listened as I brushed some of Yuki's hair and checked on her pulse. "Tell me Kiryu does she taste as good as she smells"said Kaname glaring at Zero picking up Yuki bridal style, Zero looked lost and disgusted on what he did to Yuki, I knew he was in pain from hurting Yuki and the burning sensation of thirst. "Enough Kaname take Yuki to the infirmary, Kaien's waiting for you their leave Zero to me"I said looking at him and Yuki, he glared at Zero than looked back at me "Then take care of your mutt, or else I will do something I'll won't regret"said Kaname walking away with a bleeding Yuki. As soon as they were gone I turned back to a bloody Zero, I approached Zero slowly taking his hands away from his face took them in my own "It's alright Zero the first time you feed on actual living beings is the hardest, Come on let's get you cleaned up you look like you just butchered a animal"I said pulling Zero along holding onto his arm leading him to one of Kaien's spare bedrooms. I brought him into one of the rooms and sat him on the bed "Take off your shirt and jacket I'll wash your face and neck"I said walking into the bathroom getting a washcloth with soap and first aide kit, as I walked back into the room Zero still sat there unmoved sense I left him their. "I said take off your shirt and jacket Zero"I said waiting but he didn't move, I sighed and started unbuttoning his shirt off and pulling him out of his jacket, after he was free from his top clothes I turned to get the washcloth to clean him up I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulling me in between his legs holding onto me burying his face into my stomach. I stiffened at the contact but placed both my hands on his head "It's alright Zero, your still a good boy you didn't hurt Yuki I'm sure she's just resting from the blood loss, it's nothing a few cookies and a cup of Orange juice can't fix" I said patting his head "Now let me clean you up and you can get to bed I'll check on Yuki after for you okay"I said pulling back and cupping his face, he just stared into my eyes with pain. I kissed his forehead and cleaned his face and neck than handed him a spare shirt and settled him into bed and told him I'll talk to him more in the morning and closed the door leaving him alone. I walked down the hall and took the stairs I walked towards the school infirmary I sensed Kaname and the others talking, as I got closer Kaname met me outside of the building, he looked sad "Yuki is asking for you"he said walking away without telling me anything else. I walked inside the room upon hearing Kaien explaining to Yuki the hierarchy of Vampires and how Zero was turned vampire that was made by a pureblood vampire, and that she won't turn because he was a lower class vampire. I watched as Yuki rubbed her neck were Zero bit her and look up at Kaien "A pureblood? Is that what Kaname-Senpai and Lelouch-Nee-Sama are"asked Yuki, Kaien looked at me then back to Yuki smiled "I'll leave you ladies alone, if you need anything I'll be in my office"said Kaien patting Yuki's shoulder and left the room. Yuki looked at me than stood up instantly as I got further in room, I watched as she seemed cautious and looked everywhere but at me, I smiled softly "Are you afraid of Vampires now Yuki, are you afraid of me"I said looking at her for a reaction, and she flinched as I talked, " of course not Lelouch-Nee-Sama"she stutters out. She wrung her wrists looking down "You know I can hear your heart beat Yuki I know your scared of me"I said leaning against the door frame, "I'm not scared Lelouch-Nee-Sama, I'm just....I'm...."she didn't before she burst into tears and ran towards pulling me into a hug, I stood up and held her as she kept sobbing quietly. I held her and whispered soothing words "It's alright Yuki, Zeros fine your fine, theirs no need for tears come now it's alright darling"I said pulling back and brushing tears away, she hiccups and clears her face of tears "I'm not afraid of you Lelouch-Nee-Sama I love you your my older sister, I could never be afraid of you nor Kaname-Senpai, I just want to find a way to help Zero work his way through this"she said looking up at me and looked determined to be there for Zero. I smiled "You do that Zero cares about you very much, he'll appreciate the gesture of kindness, but you head off to bed before dawn at least get a few hours sleep before classes"I said scolding Yuki, "I will Lelouch-Nee -Sama but Zero may care about me, He listens to you and does whatever you tell him, I think Zero respects you more than he cares about me Nee-san"said Yuki thoughtful walking out of the infirmary. I stood their thinking about what just happened, I ran hand through my hair sighing loudly and closed my eyes listening for any other disturbances tonight "Is everything alright Milady"said Sebastian, I cracked one eye open and found Sebastian standing by the door way looking at me and surveying the room for danger, "Everything's fine Sebastian, their was a accident is all but it's been taken care of, let's return to our rooms"I said walking passed Sebastian. I knew Sebastian knew what happened here already, there was no reason for me to explain, I wonder what's going to happen now, will Zero cause Yuki pain or Will it be Kaname that hurts Yuki.

Thank you for reading chapter 12..please comment and message me....and remember I don't own vampire knight or black butler, the only thing I own is my character Lelouch Shoto...thank you again....😊

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