Chapter 13: Unforgivable act committed

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Hi everyone AnnieKuran here, I'm just mentioning a few details, I don't have access to internet nor to vampire knight manga. This story is based off completely from my memory of VK, so some events may be out of order or not included in the fanfic....thank you for your time and enjoy Chapter 13....😄

Lelouch POV:

Today I saw Yuki attend classes alone with Yori, I checked the room I left Zero in last night he wasn't there it looked like Zero left the room as soon as it became dawn. Sebastian was weary of Zeros actions and kept waiting for my order to deal with him, but I knew Zero wasn't my problem yet, right now he's Kaname's. After last night's events I knew Yuki had come to a conclusion of accepting Zeros change into a vampire quite well, even shamelessly stating to me how she will be there for him, of course Kaname being Kaname didn't take the revelation well he expected Yuki to be weary of Zero. I on the other hand couldn't help but feel sad for Zero in his condition, I knew first hand how awful the thirst for blood can be,  but I wasn't turned I was born a vampire so I couldn't really compare our thirst's. The day flew by soon it was change of classes, and sense Zero was nowhere to be found it was just me and Yuki and Sebastian to deal with the day class fans. The bell rung signalling the night class to the classrooms, the fangirls and fanboys clustered around them but with Sebastian asking politely to stand back and Yuki struggling with her side nothing was helping. "Alright you got a glimpse of your 'Oh So Special Night Class' please head back to your dorms in orderly fashion, or I'll personally see to it your banned from all social interactions with the night class"I said blandly watching the courtyard clear leaving the night class and Yuki, Sebastian and myself their. "Alright you guys better get to classes, headmaster Cross will deduct points from your dorm of your aren't following the rules"I said addressing the night class, "Of course Lelouch-Nee forgive our rudeness"said Kaname walking towards the classrooms and the other night class members following. I told Sebastian to patrol the front of the school while I scout the back, "What about me Lelouch-nee-san"said Yuki standing there waiting for her orders, "For tonight Yuki why don't you go back to your dorm and sleep, your still recovering and I'll know if you're still wondering the halls, so go straight to your room and sleep don't make me have Sebastian stand outside your door all night"I warned Yuki as she paled at the warning I gave her. "Yes Nee-Sama"she waved goodnight and ran back to her dorm with my fair warning to rest on her mind, "Sebastian when you are done patrolling go to Yuki's room and stand watch outside her door don't let her leave her room without my permission, do you understand"I ordered Sebastian as he stood little ways behind me "Of course Milady, are you going to deal with Zero Kiryu yourself or is something happening"said Sebastian looking at me. "Yuki well try to stop Zero from leaving the academy and at the same time I need to talk to him before he sees Yuki"I said walking towards the boys dorm, Sebastian disappeared with my order as I entered the boys dorm.
As I walked through the halls I could hear the human's in their rooms, but before I could reach Zeros room on the third floor Sebastian appeared on the stairs before me "Milady Yuki is not in her room I only found Sayori when I got their"said Sebastian, I groaned "Come on can't that girl listen to anything I tell her, sometimes I think Yuki's worse than Zero, I'm sure she's either with Zero now or at Kaien's place"I said walking out of the boys dorm. We walked towards Kaien's place and walked inside, Kaien wasn't home he mentioned he was running a few errands in the next town over for a few days and left the house open use for me and Yuki and Zero. Sebastian checked the lower levels while I checked upstairs for Yuki, I hadn't even stepped onto the stairs yet and I smelled Yuki's blood the moment I smelt it I blocked the scent with my own so that Kaname and the night class doesn't smell it, the smell came from the bathroom down the hall near Kaien's bedroom. I walked closer to the bathroom till heard quiet moans, I came to the door and opened quietly without alerting the others inside, once I opened the door I found the shower door open I stepped closer to the shower and found Zero leaning against the shower wall holding Yuki against him drinking blood from her neck as she held onto Zero, neither of them had noticed my presence. "Well this is interesting indeed, by all means don't worry about me carry on"I said standing there with my hands on my hips, they jumped apart Zero had blood dripping down his mouth and Yuki blushed holding onto her neck. "Now I remember I told you Yuki that you were supposed to be in your room resting, you didn't head my warning now I have to inflict consequences for your actions both of you, especially you Zero I thought you knew better being one of those humans I expected you to know how forbidden this is, now I have to punish you both and I hate to, "Sebastian see to it that Yuki's cleaned up and sent to bed and make sure she stays in her room, I'll take care of this one"I said glaring at both of them. "Lelouc...."said Yuki but she never finished as I sent her a look, which caused her to look down and follow Sebastian out and back to the girls dorm, as soon as I knew they were both gone I faced Zero sighing and rubbed my temples causing the electricity to flicker and the mirrors in the bathroom to crack. Neither one of us spoke for a couple of minutes till he walked passed me out of the bathroom, "What were you thinking back their Zero, if Kaname finds out about this he will not be so lenient"I said following him to his spare bedroom. Zero didn't say anything he just grabbed a clean shirt and jacket of his bed and stuffed clothes inside a duffle bag ignoring me, "What are you going to achieve leaving the academy Zero, your just proving to everyone including Kaname that they have won, What about Yuki and Kaien they'll be devastated they'll.."I never finished as Zero pulled me down onto his bed, he was straddling my waist holding my arms next to my head glaring down at me. "I told you already I don't care about what others think, it's better this way Yuki well be safe and screw Kuran, unless you're willing to end my misery than do it"said Zero pulling one of my hands up and placing a Hunter's gun in my hand aimed it at his heart, the gun didn't agree with me and started electrocuting me, I glared up at him. He just got up and grabbed the duffle bag on his bed and left me there with the gun "You can keep the gun you might need"said Zero walking out, I layed there for a while rethinking of what just happened, Zero was just here and made me almost kill him and I let him pull me around like a rag doll. I turned to my side and stared at the small hand gun Zero left me, against my better judgement I grabbed the gun and ran after him, I made it passed the courtyard till I caught sight of him. I ran catching up to him but he still was little ways ahead of me I waved my hands in a circler motion causing the gates of the entrance to close and lock, "Unless you can climb 16ft high wall I suggest you stop, come on please I don't want to call Sebastian out here nor do I want to use firm command over you"I said waiting for Zero to turn and look at me, but he didn't he just stood there I watched as he pulled out Bloody Rose and aimed it at me "Open the gate Lelouch-Nee-San I don't want to harm you"said Zero clicking the gun. I stared at him and sighed "Go ahead and try to shoot me Zero I'll stop the bullets before they are even fired, hell I could disarm you right now you know I can control metal, but I won't because I've trust you now please don't make a mistake and leave without getting your revenge, What happened to that little boy I met that would destroy all vampires no matter what?"I said looking at him. He just glared then cocked his gun ready to shoot, I rolled my eyes and gestured my hand in my direction drawing Bloody Rose out of Zeros hand and aimed it back at Zeros face, "Are you willing to listen to me now or do I have to shoot you to prove my point"I said gesturing the gun closer to his face. He raised his hands up in surrender "Great choice Z, now grab your stuff and let's head back inside I'll get Sebastian to make us something to eat"I said waving my hand and the gates opened and Bloody Rose returned to Zeros holster, Zero just stood there and glared I walked up to him and grabbed his duffle bag and stood on the tip of my toes and kissed his cheek and grinned "I may be a filthy Vampire, but I'm still your sister Zero, and your elder so you have to do what I say, and I say your staying unless I say otherwise is that understood Zero"I said holding his duffle bag and using a little pureblood command on him. I held his duffle bag in my hands as we walked back to Kaien's house, "Oh My God you just called me nee-san back their Zero, you actually care about me you see me as your sister"I gushed swinging his bag back and forth between us. Zero just grunted a response and snatched the duffle bag away from me, "Hey I can carry that Zeeerrrrooooo"I whined pulling on his arm, "For a elder you act like a child, I can carry my own stuff besides once we get to the house Sebastian will just take it from both of us"said Zero looking down at me, I glared back "I don't act like a child, I just don't like being serious all the time it's tiring"I said quietly. We both reached the house with Sebastian waiting for us at the entrance and upon entering the house like Zero said Sebastian took the duffle bag from Zero and asked if I wanted anything, "Yes could you prepare something to eat for me and Zero were a little hungry"I said settling down in the living room Turing on the tv. I flipped through channels trying to find something to watch, "Could you please get comfortable or go upstairs to sulk just don't stand there your making me uncomfortable"I said looking up at him. He just glared at me then went up stairs leaving me alone with Sebastian as he walked into the living room, "Where's Kiryu I thought you said he was hungry?"questioned Sebastian, "Three, Two, One"I said aloud than a slam was heard. "Looks like I pissed him off somehow with telling him to get comfortable"I said taking one of the sandwiches Sebastian made, "I guess we'll be staying here tonight Sebastian"I said watching TV. "Of course Milady"said Sebastian serving me some orange blossom tea, I finished up my share of the food Sebastian made and the other half I placed on a plate for Zero to eat. As Sebastian cleared the living room I walked upstairs and placed the plate on the floor outside his bedroom here and knocked once "Here's some food Sebastian made I didn't want it to go to waste, eat it if you want if not don't good night Z"I said walking towards my spare room here. I closed my door and changed out of my uniform into my pajamas and brushed my hair out then braided it out, I turned out my lights and lied down on my bed thinking of today's events, a few minutes later I fell asleep.

(Time skip next day)

Classes have just been released and the class switch is about to happen, Zero hadn't shown up in class today again, Yuki and Sebastian were already at the gates directing the Fangirls and fanboys. I still was inside the classroom gathering my stuff slowly and lazily, "You can control metal right, what about the rest of your family"said a voice down below near the teachers desk, I looked up saw Zero standing there waiting for me. I smiled "You finally decided to show your face"I said walking down the stairs, he just shrugged his shoulders, "The answer to your question is yes and my family are exceptionally talented even my ancestors were gifted, My Father had telekinesis and My Mother could control plants and My Grandfather could control Air and My Grandmother was a great spell caster, and then theirs me the Metal controller, my parents believed my gift was unique and beautiful, I think differently sometimes it's a blessing other times it's a curse I can't really lose control of my emotions or I'll cause harm to others, but I've Learned to control it now I hardly use my gift unless I really need to"I said walking along side Zero. "The Shoto family is well known through out the vampire world as one of the most gifted pureblood family along side with the Kuran's, of course the Kuran's are the original monarchy my family served as the Guard Dogs of the Kuran Crown, my family of course are very modest people so we would consider ourselves Lord's and Lady's rather than Prince's and Princess's of the monarchy, I've grown up with a privileged life but it still felt lonely knowing my family and myself only existed for guardianship"I said staring at Yuki and Sebastian as they held the day class fans away. Zero looked at me than at everyone else, "Guardianship or not you do a good job as a sister slash mother for me and Yuki when we were stuck with that babbling idiot, and now managing a class full of Vampires, I think you live up to your name"said Zero walking towards Yuki. "ZERO your here I was so worried"shouted Yuki cheerfully, "Welcome back Zero"said Sebastian nodding his head, Zero just grunted and started yelling at the day class to get in line and pipe down, Zero stood their as usually Zero. I watched as the bell rung signalling the change of classes, the night class walked out with Kaname leading them, "Good evening Yuki, I hope you're doing well, you too Lelouch"said Kaname walking to class, Yuki waved and smiled brightly while blushing and Kaname glared at Zero while Zero glared back. "Thank you Kaname now please get to class"I said pointing to the classrooms, he nodded and walked away, the day class left leaving us four "Alright the usually patrols everyone, after that everyone's free to go"I said to everyone. Everyone nodded and everyone separated, I hoped everything turned out okay, Zero and Yuki don't deserve this treatment.

Thank you for reading chapter 13, remember I only own Lelouch Shoto everything else belongs to their rightful owners, please comment and message me and please vote...Thanks again...😆

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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