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a/n - if the last chapter wasn't clear hailey and sydney are both young models who just graduated from college. Both took fashion and design. They are gaining more and more fame/recognition.

Before you read I know Sydney and Hailey aren't very french names and im too lazy to change all of it so ya. PLEASE TELL ME IF I SHOULD CHANGE HAILEY SO Y/N INSTEAD.

Haileys POV

'I really like the one in Halo Towers' I say. Sydney and I were trying to decide on two apartments. 'I know and the view is gorgeous' Sydney agrees. 'I say we just do it' Sydney says. "Alright, I'm pretty sure my manager can get everything settled," I say, calling my manager Jordan. Jordan has been my manager ever since I started modeling. Jeff , who is Sydney's manager, is really close with Jordan.

On the phone:

Jordan - Hey Hailey what's up

Hailey - Hey Jordan Syd and I agreed on the Halo Towers suite

Jordan - Perfect I loved that apartment

Hailey - yeah same here, so do you think you could set up the moving trucks and stuff

Jordan - Yah, the apartment is mainly furnished you just need to decorate it

Hailey - Sounds great,

Jordan - alright i'll call if we need anything

Hailey - totally but please make sure to tell Jeff about this

Jordan - consider it done

Hailey - You're the best

Jordan - I know

Hailey - alright bye

Jordan - bye

Haileys POV

'It's done' I say hugging Sydney. 'Celebratory cupcakes' Sydney says lifting a box from under the counter. We eat our cupcakes and start looking for apartment inspo on pinterest.

-time skip-

It's been a solid 4 hours of ordering apartment decor and fixing our schedule so that we are free for the next two weeks with only one fitting on Friday of next week. Sydney and I have been wanting our own place for so long and everything is going so well. Both Sydney and I are very grateful for everything that has been happening but we both miss our families a whole lot. After we moved to the UK both our parents moved back to our childhood home in France. I really want to see them soon.

-time skip 1 week-

'That is all' says Jordan as he escorts the moving company out of our apartment. Jordan points over to the four boxes that are left. 'What about those?' he says. 'Those are just fragile things that we will take on the day of moving' Sydney says. 'Alright then give the moving company the rest of the day to unpack everything so by tomorrow morning you girls can move in and decorate as much as you please' Jeff says. 'Thanks guys you two are awesome' I say. We all pull in for a group hug. Jeff and Jordan leave as they will make sure our new apartment is perfect for us to move in too. 'This is it' Sydney says. 'Don't get all sappy' I reply, pushing her shoulder jokingly. 'I'm serious Lil(sydney's nickname for hailey) we have lived in this apartment for two years, after our first modeling walk that we did for Tommy Hilfiger where did we have dinner" Sydney asks looking at me. 'Over there on the floor because we ordered too much food' I laugh remembering how many great things happened in this apartment. 'I know we complain about this hell of an apartment but I'm gonna miss it you know' Sydney says. I put my arm over her shoulder 'Yeah I know but hey if we had so many good times here think about how great our lives will be there' I say. We chill for a bit then go to bed.

-time skip-move in day baby-

Sydney's POV

We load the few boxes we have into Hailey's car and start driving to Halo Towers. I'm so excited. We blast music for the whole ride screaming the lyrics. Hailey pulls up to the parking lot and we both get out of the car. We have exactly four boxes to carry but they are kind of heavy so we both decide to carry one, go up, come back down and get the rest. 'Jesus these are heavy' Hailey says as she picks up the box. 'I know let's just get this over and done with' I say.

Haileys POV

As we both do our best to carry one box each I notice two dudes both have blonde hair one is slightly taller than the other. I ignore them and decide to just pick up my box and try my best not to die while doing so.

Harry's POV (harry lewis btw)

Freezy and I are waiting for our uber when in the corner of my eye I see two girls. One is brunette and the other is blonde. I feel like I recognize them from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. All I know is that they are really pretty, especially the brunette.

( in case you forgot Hailey is brunette and Sydney is blonde)

They seem to be struggling with boxes. I tap Freezys shoulder 'We should help them'. Freezy looks at me, 'Which one do you fancy?' he says. 'What none I'm just saying we should help our new future neighbors' I reply walking over to the girls dragging Freezy with me of course. "hey' I wave "need some help" I ask. 'Yes please' the blonde replies. 'I'm Harry by the way this is my mate Freezy' I say. Freezy waves. 'I'm Sydney,' the blonde says. 'I'm Hailey' the brunette says.

Haileys POV

The two guys we met (Harry and Freezy) seemed really nice. They helped with our boxes and told us where the best parking spot was. We got to our apartment and the boys set the boxes down. 'You guys have a huge apartment,' Freezys says. 'Thanks' Sydney replies. 'Well we better get going but we are two floors down if you need help' Harry says. 'Thanks you two are life savers' I say. Both guys leave our apartment. So me and Sydney start exploring it.

A/N - sorry for the incredibly late update school sucks so ya. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY HAVE SOME FOOD AND DRINK SOME WATER YOU ARE LOVED.

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