Stuck Together pt.2

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a/n- someone in a past chapter told me having cars in the UK was not common so hailey and sydney no longer share a car. enjoy the chapter and for future reference smut or no smut.

Harry's POV

It's been almost an hour, we played a bunch of "get to know each other'' games' '. Turns out both girls are models, and have moved here about a year or two ago for college. They are originally from France and New York which explains their accent. They both found out we were youtubers and were really cool about it. But I have to say Hailey was so easy to talk to like normally when I like a girl or whatever it was kinda hard or awkward but it was really fun talking with Hailey and Sydney. 'Now what' Sydney says leaning her head on Haileys shoulder. 'I don't know but I'm so hungry' Hailey replies putting her hands on her stomach. All of a sudden we hear an alarm noise 'Hello the firemen have located the elevator and will escort you shortly however the elevator stopped between two floors so the firemen will help you down' said the lady on the speaker. 'How the hell did we stop in the middle of two floors' Hailey says in a bit of a panic tone. 'I'm sure the firemen will get us out safely,' I say, trying to relax her. I notice her hand is starting to shake, Sydney rubs her back telling her everything is gonna be fine. 'I think she might just have anxiety,' I said to Freezy. She breathes out so I'm assuming she calmed down. The. The elevator door starts to open slowly and we notice that only the bottom is visible. 'Alright we will help you step out' the fireman says. Sydney goes first. 'Alright just take a seat and I will pull you down from your waist' He instructs. Sydney sits and the firemen lift her up and set her down on the floor of the lobby. Hailley goes next and her hand starts shaking slightly so I hold her hand and help her sit. 'It will be fine, trust me' I say. She nods and the fireman holds her waist and brings her down. For Frizzy and I we hopped out of the elevator quite easily as we are quite tall. The firemen start fixing the elevator while Sydney, Hailey, Freezy, and I go near the exit. 'That was terrifying' , says Hailey. 'I know' Sydney agrees. 'Well at least we are fine,' Freezy says. All of a sudden we see Ethan and Simon walk into the building. 'Oy we were supposed to film 2 hours ago' They say. 'Well we were stuck in the bloody elevator the whole time' I reply. 'Where you stuck with them' Ethan asks, pointing at the girls. 'Yah this is Hailey and that's Sydney we met them like 2 weeks ago or something' I say. Both girls wave.

Haileys POV

We wave at who we are assuming is one of Harry's friends from their youtube group. 'Alright we gotta go get something to eat but talk to you soon' I say as Sydney and I walk out of the building. 'Wait up' I hear Harry say. I turn around while Sydney waits outside. 'yeah' I respond. 'We should hangout sometime' he says. 'Sure dm on instagram' I respond. 'What's your username?' he asks, handing me his phone. I type it in 'its @HaileyRob and sydney's is @SydneyBlack' I say passing him the phone. 'Alright talk to you soon' He says. I wave goodbye and jog back to Sydney. 'Hurry up I'm dying here' she says. 'Alright alright'.We walk up to the nearest restaurant. It's 'The Sandwich Bar' not our favorite but we were hungry so we just went in. 'Omg are you Hailey Roberts' a random girl says from behind me. I turn around 'yup' 'Can I have a picture I love your modeling' she says. 'Of course' I say we take a few pictures and then she walks away.

Harry's POV

'Yah and harry's like falling for the brunette her name is Hailey' I overheard Freezy say. I push His shoulder 'Shut up lad' I say. 'Anyways I got their instagram and they weren't joking they have over 8 million followers' I say showing them my phone it opened on Haileys instagram.


@HaileyRob - new place with @SydneyBlack 🌻

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@HaileyRob - new place with @SydneyBlack 🌻


@user6789 - stunning

@SydneyBlack - bestroommatee eva❤️

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I knew she was pretty but woah. I close my phone 'Damn two hot best friends am I right' Ethan says. I push his shoulder 'lets just go' I say.

a/n - Hi thank you for all the support school still sucks but I have more time to write so lets hope I upload more. Please tell me if you want daily uploads of short chapters or every two days for a longer chapter. ANYWAYS HAVE AN AMAZING REST OF YOUR DAY LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

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