Stuck Together

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Haileys POV

It's been about 4 days in our new apartment Sydney and I are loving it we have spent the past 3 days decorating getting somethings set up and working out the main aesthetic of our apartment. We have dedicated a whole wall to our friends and family where we have polaroid picture of them. I have many with my brother, i miss him a lot sometimes but I've learned to live with it. Because he's here but not exactly here. We also ran into Harry and Freezy a couple of times, not too much of a conversation though just a Hi, or "how's the apartment going". However I've notices that Harry seems to be more quiet or nervous while Freezy is vocal. Well now your all caught up lets go to today. "OMG' Sydney screamed. She rushes towards me 'We got it Hailey' she says jumping around. 'Got what' I ask trying to calm her down. 'We are doing a runway show for bum bad da da TOM FUCKING FORD' she says. 'AHHHHHH" we both start screaming. We have been wanting to do a proper walk for a while now and this feels like a huge step in our modeling career. 'Ok so what are we waiting for give me the details now' I say. We sat on the couch and Sydney explains that we have a fitting Saturday, Sunday, and the actual show is on tuesday (for context today is Friday). I can't even believe whats happening right now. 'I say we go out for a lunch' Sydney says. 'Yum where though" I ask. 'Maybe The Garden i heard good things about it' Sydney suggests. 'Its a date' I say. We get up and get dressed, since we have two fittings and a show I decide not to wear makeup as I don't want to have dry skin.

Haileys Fit

Sydney's Fit

'Are we matching?' Sydney says, poking my shoulder. ''We coordinate,'' I say, correcting her. I grab my bag and we leave. We enter the elevator and push the lobby. It stops at a floor. 'Hey' Sydney says as Harry and Freezy walk in. They push the lobby and it starts going down. The elevator shakes and all of a sudden drops then it stops. 'Ah' I say, holding my arm. I probably cut it on something I noticed that I kind of fell on Harry. I quickly got off him and apologized. ''It's fine, are you alright?' he asked, pointing at my arm. 'Yah, probably just a scratch' I say. Sydney looks at the elevator screen 'Guys I think we r stuck' she says. Freezy starts pushing every single button until Harry tells him to shove off.

Harry's POV

It was just a chill day, Freezy and I were heading to the Sidemen House. We have run into Sydney and Hailey a few times but I've never plucked up the courage to talk properly with them. Then we get into the elevator and it breaks down. Hailey fell into my arms. She was pretty light so I didn't move as much. I notice she's holding her arm. I think she hit it somewhere. Freezy starts acting mad pushing all the buttons until I push him off. Sydney presses the help button and we hear a call. 'Attention the elevator malfunctioned and is not responsive at all. The firemen should be here to fix the elevator and pull you guys out safely. However it will take not less than an hour and not more than five hours please hold tight, we apologize for this inconvenience.

Everyone's POV

'I'm sorry but did she just say it could be 5 hours? Sydney says. 'Yup' Hailey replies. 'We should have eaten breakfast' Sydney says. 'Yup' Hailey replies. 'Well then since we are all starving, why don't we play a game to pass the time?' Freezy suggests as he sits in a corner of the elevator. Everyone agrees and sits down. 'Let's play 25 questions' hailey says. 'What's that' Harry asks. 'Basically a game to get to know each other' Sydney says. 'Alright who wants to go first? ' Hailey asks. 'I will' freezys says 'What do you guys currently do'. 'We both model' Sydney says. 'Ha you owe me 20 pound' Freezy says, pushing Harry's shoulder. 'You bet on us' Hailey laughs. 'Well Freezy said that he's seen you in a magazine or something and I told him there's no way.' Harry says and then cuts himself off 'wait that sounds bad, you're both very pretty but I just thought I recognized you from somewhere else". Harry scratches his neck and both girls laugh. 'Hey maybe this whole locked thing isn't so bad' Hailey says.

A/N- Hello everyone so for updating this story it will either be everyday or every other day depending on my homework and stuff. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, tell me if you want more pictures like instagram or something. ENJOY YOUR DAY STAY HYDRATED AND EAT SOMETHING YOUR LOVED<3

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