mixed thoughts

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Harry's POV

I've been lying in bed for the past 30 minutes trying to gather my thoughts. I used to be so confident that I could be with her but she's in a relationship or at least could be in one. I decide to relax and do a bit of my own research before giving up completely. I open instagram again and go through any pictures of her and styles. (calling harry styles, styles, so its not confusing).



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@HaileyRob - black and white pics 🖤🤍

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@HaileyRob - black and white pics 🖤🤍

@harrystyles - 🎬❤️(liked by creator)

@user101 - I know they aren't dating but they should be💔

- reply @user678 Im pretty sure they grew up together

@SydneyBlack - these were taken before the argument about 'is a hotdog a sandwich'

Harry's POV

As I read through the comments I feel more relaxed they seem to be just really close friends. I decide to just forget about it and go to bed. 

( the next day)

Haileys POV

Sydney and I are currently in the dressing room the show starts in 50 minutes. Both of us are feeling pretty good we got to meet some designers throughout the day and all the other models are so nice. We are pretty much done hair and makeup, all we need to do is get dressed. 

40mins pass

Everyone is in there place and the muslowlywely starts I take a deep breath and soon the models start to walk.

Harrys POV

Me and the boys are sitting in the sidemen house wheremembereber the fashion show. I open up the TV and put it on. "Whats this" Simon asks as he takes a seat next to JJ. "You know the girls we are friends with" I say pointing at the TV " they are modeling here". JJ " ain't no way Harry is dating a model" JJ says opening up a bottle of water. "They would be dating if Harry could grow some balls and ask her" Ethan says. "Alright alright can we just watch" I say. The models start to walk on "There's Sydney" Freezy says. I wait until I see Hailey. She was wearing a blue dress with an open back 

 She was wearing a blue dress with an open back 

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(like this) 

"Damn" JJ says "Oi Harry if you don't date her I will" he continues. "Shut up' I said throwing a pillow at him. After the show I hear my phone ring and pick it up. It was hailey. 




Hey did you see me

Yah me and the boys watched it you did great

Thankss Haz

Hey so I was wondering


Would you wanna hangout soon

Oh um sure 

Alright I was thinking a movie 

Sounds good oh shot I have to go talk to u soon


Harrys POV

I did it boys' I say walking back to the living room. "No way' Freezy says. "Well kind of I asked her to hangout' I say scratching the back of my neck. We start talking the boys make fun of me a bit and when it gets late I head back home. Before going to be i scroll through twitter and see that a picture of Hailey and Styles is going around. 

@randomgossip - Photos of Hailey Robberts upcoming an model and Harry Styles a singer are going around

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@randomgossip - Photos of Hailey Robberts upcoming an model and Harry Styles a singer are going around. It shows them having a dinner to celebrate the Tom Ford show, Hailey modeled in.

Harrys POV 

Maybe they are dating and she sees me as a friend?

Haileys POV
After the fashion show Sydney and I meet up with Harry (styles) and some of his friends to celebrate our show. Harry is a really good friends of mine I met through on of his close friends. We have kind of a sibling relationship but everyone always thinks we are dating. A little bit before Harry called me asking to hangout. I told them about it but never said it as a date. "I mean I don't know he didn't say date he said hangout" I say looking at Sydney. 'don't stress it if he feels the same way you feel he could just be a bit nervous" she says taking a bite of her Pizza. "I guess' I say. "Trust if he doesn't like you like there's about 500 million boys who do" Harry says cheering me up a bit. 

A/N - hiiii hope u guys enjoyed this part I rushed it a bit but I thought it turned out well. 

Do you think they should date soon or it should take some time. (for hailey and harry(w2s) ) Let me know.  


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