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Harry's POV

I see a notification pop up on my phone. '@HaileyRob posted a picture' I clicked on the notification to see her new post. She looked stunning. I can't believe I could have a chance with her. I set my phone down and try to get some sleep since we are having an early lunch tomorrow.

-the next day-

Haileys POV

Sydney and I have been up for hours now just relaxing as we have had busy days. We both had a small breakfast before I hopped in the shower to get ready for lunch. After I'm done showering I sit on my bed still wrapped in a white towel and text Harry.

Hey Harry Sydney and I are gonna be ready in like and hour or so

Hey Hailey tobi and ethan are on their way we can leave as soon as ur done

Alright see u soon

I closed my phone not looking at his response. I open my closet and stare blankly. I'm not sure what I want to wear yet. I picked up a few options before telling Sydney to help me. I decide on wearing a skirt with a sweater, and Sydney puts on a pair of jeans and a crop top. We put on our jewelry, make sure everything is in our bags, do a light make up and head out.

Haileys Fit (feel free to change things about it)

Haileys Fit (feel free to change things about it)

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Sydney's Fit (feel free to change it)

I post a quick instagram story and we leave

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I post a quick instagram story and we leave. I message Harry and he tells us they are in the restaurant because they had to get a reservation. Sydney and I walk out and notice a few paparazzi waiting. We just ignore and walk into the restaurant. We see the table they are sitting at and walk over.

Harry's POV

"Oh looks who's here" Ethan says, nudging me to look up. I see both girls walking in Hailey looking so perfect she was wearing a skirt and a sweater. I'm honestly starting to think she could wear a potato sack and look stunning. They walk over, say Hi to everyone and sit down. Hailey is sat across from me.

No ones POV

Everyone ordered their food and they were getting along. Sydney told the guys about their fashion show tomorrow and the guys said they would watch it. ''It's for Tom For and starts at 6pm" Hailey adds finishing up her food. 'I'll watch it and try to spot you' Harry says after letting out a small chuckle. Ethan knew Harry had feelings for Hailey but was scared that Hailey didn't like him back. Ofcourse they liked each other but it was just as friends. They all talked some more and once they finished eating said their goodbyes and left. 'I had a great time' , Hailey says, giving Harry a small hug. Butterflies swarm Harry's stomach. 'Yah we should do this again' Sydney adds as she gets her bag. Everyone heads home normal except for Harry he couldn't stop thinking about the brunette girl who has just stolen his heart. Not knowing if he was ready to tell any of his friends about how deep he has fallen he decides to just go through her instagram account.


@HaileyRob - sun hat☀️ 

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@HaileyRob - sun hat☀️ 


@HaileyRob - till death do us apart @SydneyBlack

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@HaileyRob - till death do us apart @SydneyBlack

While scrolling through her instagram admirring some posts one caught his eye.


(small authors note HARRY LOOKS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IN THIS PICTURE ok thats it)

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(small authors note HARRY LOOKS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IN THIS PICTURE ok thats it)

@HaileyRob - hey stranger @harrystyles 🖤🤍

Thoughts ran through Harry's head of course she's in a relationship I mean look at her' hes her type then she probably doesn't like me'.... harry didn't even know what to do ' are all his feelings not the same with her.' Harry throws his phone on his desk removing his shirt, then throws himself on his bed. Was he angry and even if he was who he was angry at. Was he sad? Was there really nothing there.

a/n - enjoy this chapter pleaseeeeeeeee give me any advice. LOVE YOU ALL MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES. 

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