his jacket pt.1

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Haileys POV

   It's been about 5 days since the 'date' or whatever it was with Harry and since then we have been talking more and more. I would facetime him anytime I was bored and he would text me about the videos he was filming. I like that we are getting closer but I have this urge to just be more than what we are. I'm sitting on the couch when Sydney comes running into the apartment, "HAILEY" she yells " SOS I need to go to Belgium right now". I frantically get up not questioning why she needed to leave " Alright heres the bag, just calm down and lets pick some outfits". Sydney opens the door to her walk in closet as I throw the bag onto the floor. "Okay so what are you doing in Belgium exactly" I ask trying to find outfits. "My brothers friend Ryan is getting married and I'm invited." "alright when is this wedding" I ask knowing that its probably one day to close. "In two days" Sydney says. "Oh shit" I say as we both start pairing pieces of clothes together. 


"Alright the uber should be here in 2 minutes" I say as Sydney pulls her bag to the front of the flat. " I can't believe your leaving for a whole week" I say throwing myself onto the couch. 

"I know, but at least you get some alone time with Harry" She says nudging me with her elbow.

"Ya ya your ubers here lets get the bag down" I say thinking about this week alone. 

"Bye babe" Sydney says as we hug and then she drives off

I walk back into the empty flat bored as ever. So I decide to call Harry.



Hey harry

Hellloo what are you up to

nothing sydney just left for a week and im BOREDDD

He giggles well me and the guys are going to order some dinner would you like to come

Won't it be weird

No you'll get to meet them all and if you don't come you'll have to stay home alone.

True what is it going to be like

We are just going to order some food to the simon and JJs apartement nothing special.


Oh and we leave in like an hour so you can come with Freezy and I 

An hour I need to get ready then byyyyeee

Bye bye.

I hop of the couch and get quickly get read. I chose a basic outfit and paired it with sunglasses.

this is the outfit

I did put on very simple make up as it was my first time meeting most of these people

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I did put on very simple make up as it was my first time meeting most of these people. As I put on my new earing I see a text from Harry.

"We are in the lobby"

I slide on my shoes not replying to the text and walk out of the flat. I get off the elevator and see Freezy and Harry. Harry looked cute in a sweater and sweatpants. I go up to them hugging Harry.

"Hii" I say looking up at freezy giving him a side hug

"Ello, lets get going ya" Freezy says walking out the door.

"Someones hungry" Harry says as we walk out the building. 

We continue walking Harry and I having small talks Freezy adding on every once in a while. We all stop in front of a large building where I am assuming JJ and Simon live. I get a bit nervous which Harry seems to notice as he gently holds my hand giving it a small squeeze. We go into the elevator still hand in hand. Freezy making a joke about the elevator breaking again which causes Harry to kick his leg. 

"alright we're here" Freezy says banging on the door so loud I'm sure Sydney heard it on the plane.

A tall man opens up the door which I believe is Simon. 

"Hey come on in" He says.  

A/N hey peeps heres the first part of this,  I was going to make it super long but I have to get on a plane soon so enjoy this. The continuation should be updated in like 5 hours. SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY I FORGOT THIS EXISTED 


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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