Chapter 3

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Hey guys im done making parts within chapters because the chapters are taking to long so here is chapter 3


Ashley's pov :

This feels wrong in a way but it also feels right. We were practically about to make out up there and we are not even dating. But, it feels right because he is just so perfect with his sapphire blue eyes and how his natural brown hair shows just the right amount under his blonde dyed hair. Also, and especially how sweet and gentle he is with girls, he is probably everyone's dream prince I know he is to me. But he probably has another better girl in his life, I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot all about me the next day. I thought to myself on my way out the door.

I grabbed my coat and bag and headed out the door. When I walked out the door I noticed Tori, I was about to scream out her name when I noticed she was talking to a girl that looked familiar and looked like she was dressed to go to a stripper joint. I decided to walk up to them and see what the commotion was about because it didn't look good. Tori had that " Bitch please! " look on her face.

" Uhhh hey Tori what's going on? " I asked suspiciously. " I was on my way home and I was stopped by this bitch who decided to come up to the wrong person to talk shit about you. " said Tori.

" Wait me?! , who are you and what did I do to you to make you mad at me! " I said trying to hold Tori back before she knocked this chick on her ass. 

" Are you serious!!, you don't know who I am!? wow your slow aren't you? "  she said sarcastically.

" Just answer the question before the both of us knock you on your ass! " I said screaming at her.

" Oh please, neither of you would be able to beat me up! " she said looking at her claw like nails.

" WANNA BET!! " Tori screamed while jumping on her like a cat with that was possessed.

" OWWW YOU JUST PULLED OUT ONE OF MY EXTENSTIONS!!!!" screamed the girl. " GOOD NOW MAYBE I CAN TRY TO BREAK YOUR PRETTY LITTLE FACE!!! " screamed Tori while punching straight in the nose.

" AHHHHHHHH TORI REALEASE REALEASE  !! " I screamed as I tried to pull Tori off this chick.         " DAMN TORI YOU ARE STRONG!! " I said as I finally got to pull her off of this chick.

" COME HERE YOU SLUT I WILL MAKE YOU LOOK BETTER!!! " she said. I turned around and the next thing I knew this chick had jumped on me.

Niall's pov:

 What the hell what's that noise!? I thought to my self. I went over to the ledge on the roof and saw 3 girls fighting, kicking, scratching ,cussing I couldn't make out who it was. But the the next I saw was Zayn running the fastest I have ever seen him run even though he only lived at the end of the street. When I saw Zayn I knew almost instantly who was in that fight. my ex Laura , Victoria, and Ashley.

" OH SHIT!!!! "  I said as I ran down the stairs and out the door. I ran as fast as I could until I finally caught up to Zayn trying to pull Laura off of Ashley and Tori was helping him.

" GET OFF OF HER!!! " I screamed at Laura as I pushed her down and off of Ashley from the front. I knelt down beside Ashley was holding her bloody eye while Zayn did the same to Tori except Tori only had a couple of bruises and scrapes.

" Oh my gosh Ashley are you alright here hold my hand everything will be alright. " I whispered in her ear. I looked up at Laura angerliy who was trying to catch her balance . " Ow! What the hell is wrong with you! " she said as she stood above me. " What the hell is wrong with you!! " I screamed back at her. " I came to get you back Niall, I miss you and I love you! " she said with tears starting to fill her eyes.


" Maybe " she mumbled

" You know what Laura, there is a reason why I broke up with you your a bitch now shut the fuck up and go home. " I said back at her. I could here the rest of the guys running down the street.

" But Niall I--- " " Go. Home. Laura. " I cut her off. Then Louis, Harry, and Liam ran up and started to push Laura away.

" Fine you have your way, tonight. " she said as she gave us all the middle finger and turned around and started walking away in her 6 inch heels clicking down the side walk.

I looked down at Ashley who was still holding her eye but she was giggling now." What's so funny? " I asked her and she pointed to Louis who was mocking the way Laura walked. Louis could make any bad ending into something funny.

" Here love we will get you some ice for that eye come over here Louis and help her up with me. " I said

" Harry can you help me with Tori? " asked Zayn. " Sure thing. " said Harry as he rushed to Tori's other side. Zayn put his arm around her waist and I did the same to Ashley.

" Ya know Liam can help to! " said Liam standing there with his arms crossed. " Can you open the door to my flat? " I asked Liam. " What's the magic word? " said Liam. " Oh for Gods sake just open the door Liam!! " said Louis as he helped me with Ashley into my flat.

Zayn's pov:

I loved holding her in my arms being near her with her looking at her except I don't like seeing her hurt like this even though she isn't hurt as bad as Ashley is. She is still hurt and it is my fault I knew I should have drove her home Ahhhhh stupid Zayn THINK THINK!! I thought to myself as  I set Tori on Nialls couch a couple of feet from Ashley.

" I will be right back babe." I said to Tori and kissed her hand and went to the bath room to go get a wet wash cloth.

I walked into the bathroom and saw Niall in there " Whoa sorry bro, didn't know you where in here just came to get a wet wash cloth for Tori. " " No, its okay im getting one for Ashley you can come in. " said Niall. I walked in and grabbed a wash cloth and started to wet it. " Hey while I got you in here with no one else I need to talk to you. " said Niall. " Ok. " I said back.

" So tomorrow I am planning to surprise Ashley at her graduation ceremony im gonna ask her out. Im ready for her to be mine. I learned a lot about her and we have so much in common. We both love food , we both talk in our sleep and well her eyes are the same color as mine! I also found out that brown isn't her natural color its red and she even showed me a picture of when she had red hair, she was beautiful. So basically what im trying to say is do you want to come with me so you can surprise Tori? I can tell how much you like her. " said Niall.

" Of course I wanna come but im not gonna ask out Tori just yet, she's a really beautiful and great gal but I just got out of a long term realationship and I don't really want to rush things between us." I responded to Niall.

" Ok, no big deal that is your decision but I will be bringing Ashley some flowers in her favorite color pink. " said Niall. " Oh yeah that is a good idea! I'll bring Tori some purple flowers cause I know that's her favorite color. "

" Cool so were all planned out for tomorrow? " asked Niall. " Yep " I said as we fist bumped each other.

" Were coming with you!!! " said Liam , Louis , and Harry through the door and they swung it open.     " Hey, it's not nice to eves drop!! " said Niall. " Why do you guys want to come? " I asked them. " Well if Niall is going to be dating this girl then we should probably come because this girl is obviously going to be in our lives a lot." said Liam. " We also want to bring our girlfriends to the fair afterwards. " said Harry with a smirk.

" Alright fine, me and Niall are gonna drive our girls home now see you guys in a couple of minutes. " I said to the boys and Niall and I walked down to the living room to get the girls in Niall's car.

I hope tomorrow turns out better than today. I thought to myself.

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