9: Riddletopia

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With a sigh, Alba dropped her head down in despair and let her forehead clonk against the table a couple of times. She was trying to figure out how to decipher the treasure map but was getting nowhere. There just wasn't enough on the paper to read. Just a few scattered blobs and a dotted ridge in the middle. It could be anywhere. She needed some landmarks or directions to base their search on.

Her wallowing in pity was disturbed by a light puff against her shoulder. A cold scaly nose demanded her attention.

Alba looked up and peered at the lizard who trampled all over the map that laid unfolded on the captain's table. "Ignacio," she said. "You're not helping by putting your dirty paws all over."

A pattern of claw marks revealed where the iguana had just stepped. Ignacio now posed regally in the middle of the map, covering the blobs and lines with his body. Alba tried to gently push him away with her hand but the lizard wouldn't budge. She sighed again.

The sails would be ready the next day, and after that they should ideally leave the port as soon as possible. Their doubloons to pay for food and board were running out. But the question of where exactly they should set sail remained. Alba needed to somehow read the map to find the answer. The men were expecting their captain, in fearsome lizard form, to give them the directions to their next destination. Which, of course, put the responsibility of solving the riddle on Alba's shoulders.

But the map stubbornly refused to reveal its secrets to her. And her mind kept drifting towards a certain beautiful aquatic creature.

Perhaps a change of scenery would help.


Alba definitely wasn't on the beach because of Mirabel. She definitely wasn't hoping to see another glimpse of a shimmering tail grazing the surface. She definitely wasn't longing for another kiss from pearly lips.

But yet, she was on the beach, with her lizard bodyguard by her side. Ignacio happily skittered across the sand in search of bugs, leaving wavy trails from his tail behind, while Alba had spread out the map on top of the sand. Hopefully, the new surroundings would put the document in a different light.

Although her gaze kept peeking up from the map, towards the alluring waves beyond. She couldn't help it.

With a sigh, Alba got up. Staring at the map was getting her nowhere. It wasn't like new shapes would suddenly appear if looked at it hard enough. She needed to clear her mind somehow, to perhaps get new ideas.

She rolled up the map and put it in the bottle it came in. "You watch it, Ignacio," she ordered the iguana. Talking to the animal had become a habit for her, and often it seemed like he actually listened and obeyed. Or maybe she was just imagining things.

Judging from the fact that the giant lizard placed himself on top of the bottle and dutifully stayed behind while Alba made her way towards the water, there might be something to it. He was quite a sight, perched like a dragon prepared to defend its treasure.

While walking down towards the waterline Alba threw off her loose linen blouse. It landed behind her, on top of the iguana, who with an insulted look shook the item of clothing off. "Sorry Ignacio," she chuckled while reaching down to remove her sturdy boots. Then she unstrapped her belt to let her trousers fall. A perk of pirate life was that no one looked twice at a woman wearing britches. Skirts were not practical for scaling masts or hauling ropes.

Dressed in nothing but her undergarments, Alba walked out in the water. She let the waves wash over her body and calm her mind. The sand felt soft underneath her soles, not a trace of sharp seashells or jagged stones. A shudder went through her as the water reached her belly. She let her body accustom itself to the cold embrace before she leaned into it. The water welcomed her. It held her. It became part of her.

Iguanatopia - ONC 2021 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now