End Notes

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That's it! That's the end of my very first original story. I want to thank everyone who gave this weird little pirate romp a shot. I bet you didn't expect it would contain this many turnips...

But, as you might expect from that ending this is not the end of the journey. I do have a plan to write a sequel detailing Alba's journey to Atlantis in search of Mirabel. And I also have an idea for a prequel that tells the story of the fabled pineapple heist. It would probably be told from Captain Ignacio's POV and give some backstory to how this crew came together.

Since I currently have a couple of other stories in progress already though these stories will probably have to wait until those stories are finished.

I also have to take the opportunity here to plug my other stories, if you haven't read them. The Stag and The Frog trilogy (book 1 and book 2 are finished) and the spin-off story The Lion and The Falcon are all Game of Thrones fan fiction, but don't let that put you off! The stories are all set post-show and follow minor characters who were, in my opinion, underserved by the show narrative. The stories do also, just as this one, feature plenty of adorable animals, weird and awkward hijinx, and characters who truly care for one another.

I might not be able to help myself from writing some short bonus chapters for this story though (I have an idea for a Joe/Pedro scene that delves more into their relationship, and also a Grace scene that tells more about her background). Because, surely, a lot of things happened while they hung around on Iguanatopia that could be fun to show, even though it's not necessary for the story. So archive this story to get notifications about such chapters (and also about coming new stories, because I will probably inform about that in this story when that happens!)

But, for now, this is the end of the journey. Thanks for traveling to Iguanatopia with me and the motley crew!

Iguanatopia - ONC 2021 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now