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"You needed me?" Zenevieva asked as she sat down next to Regulus

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"You needed me?" Zenevieva asked as she sat down next to Regulus

"Yes, it's quite important" regulus replied. He looked somewhat shaken and worried. He'd paled considerably and his hair laid messily

"What's a matter Regulus?" She asked noticing his appearance

"Well recently I've been doing some research regarding the locket. I don't like what I've found" he said shaking his head

"That bad?"

"Unfortunately. Have you ever heard of a Horcrux Zenevieva?"

"I haven't" she replied

"Well neither had I until recently. A Horcrux is an object that has been used to conceal part of ones soul. As the witches or Wizards soul is stored within this object they are unable to die-"

"They're immortal?"

"Indeed. The creation of a Horcrux is viewed to be horrific, unnatural and killing has to be carried out in order to split the soul. Given that Horcruxs are so important and vital to their creators often curses and counter- charms are placed upon them for protection"

"And that's why Tom needed Kreacher" Zenevieva whispered, the pieces of the jigsaw clicking into place in her brain, "to test the defences"

"Precisely" Regulus nodded

"You're a genius Reg! A genius!" She sung grabbing Regulus' head and kissing him quickly.

"Well, I like to think so" he smirked

"Could... could Tom of split his soul into more than one Horcrux?" Zenevieva asked to herself, thinking hard

"It's never been heard of. But it is Voldemort. It's never stopped him before"

"If he has we have no way of finding the others"

"Correct" Regulus agreed, "but we can always retrieve the Locket" he hummed, "and destroy it"

"Retrieve it?"

"We know where it is, well Kreacher does. I bet we'd be able to destroy it. Voldemort cannot die until the locket is destroyed, for now, he is immortal"

"But won't Tom know what was happening?" Zenevieva asked

"I believe so" Regulus frowned

"So he'd know we tried to destroy it?"


"Regulus, tell me what to do"

"I can't do that Zenevieva" Regulus replied looking at her sternly

"We could die retrieving the locket?" She asked

"...yes. But if we do not, Voldemort can never be defeated"

Zenevieva nodded in understanding, "we'll leave tomorrow morning. Inform Kreacher that we'll need him soon"

Regulus took Zenevieva hand with a nod before apparating away to inform Kreacher.

7th Year

"Do you want to go down to the kitchens?" James asked as he and Lily sat together in the common room.

"I don't think that's allowed James" Lily sighed

"Come on Evans. It'll be fun" James smiled jumping up and pulling Lily out of her seat

"James..." Lily drifted off as he dragged her out of the common room and through the halls.

James took off in a run, holding Lily's hand and pulling her down the corridor

"Slow down!" Lily called

James stopped and grinned. He slung his arm around her waist before throwing her over his shoulder.

Lily thrashed and scolded him as he laughed

"James! For the last time! Put me down!" Lily shrieked angrily making James put her back to the floor.

Entering the kitchen they watched as the many house elves gathered around them.

Mitzy the house elf came rushing around the corner, "Mr Potter and Miss Gau-... pardon me miss"

"Lily, Lily Evans" Lily smiled looking down at the small elf

The elf smiled up to Lily before looking to James questioningly, wondering where Zenevieva was. They'd not been to visit within a few weeks and was questioning where they'd been and when they'd next visit.

"Would Mr Potter and Miss Evans like anything to eat?" Misty asked enthusiastically

"The usual?" James asked Lily

"The usual?" Lily repeated in confusion

"Oh right, sorry. Chocolate cake?" He clarified

"Oh" Lily started, "I don't actually like chocolate cake" she frowned, "but we can have it if you-"

"It's okay" James smiled, "we'll have a Victoria sponge please Mitzy"

Mitzy returned with a giant cake and placed it between them.

Lily looked at James skeptically as he picked up his fork.

"Are we not cutting the cake?" She asked, "we don't have plates"

"I wasn't going to" James shrugged, "but I'll go and get some"

The pair sat enjoying their slices of cake on their plates while watching the house elves rush past.

"After this do you want to go to the prefects bathrooms?" James asked

"I don't know James" Lily frowned, "I don't want to abuse my head girl duties and I'm kind of tired"

"Oh, that's okay" James smiled weakly, "we can just go back to the common room"

"Thank you" Lily hummed kissing James on the cheek before saying goodbye to the house elves and leaving through the portrait.

James watched her leave through the door, glancing between Mitzy confused expression and the plates of half eaten Vanilla sponge.

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