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Months had past and Zenevieva had decided to not turn up to the first few order meetings

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Months had past and Zenevieva had decided to not turn up to the first few order meetings. She was doing this for her, not Dumbledore. She'd turn up when it was convenient for her, and organising an army and atleast fifty dragons was not an easy job.

Zenevieva apparated outside the supposed accommodation of Mad eyed moody.

She placed Anala down beside her, watching her toddle around.

Zenevieva had never been so glad to watch Anala stand up and walk on her own. Her arms had started to hurt from carrying her around all of the time.

She'd been advised to leave Anala at the castle for her own protection but Zenevieva had decided that the order were less likely to attack her if she brought along the child with her.

She knocked on her door as Anala sat herself down on the step making happy squeals as she watched a snail crawl past her. Zenevieva looked down at her with a strange expression as she watched the little girl giggle over the snail.

Anala went to pick up the snail making Zenevieva scrunch up her face.

"Don't touch that Anala"

Anala just pouted and did as she was told as the door swung open.

"Get in" Mad eye grumbled as he revealed himself from behind the door

Zenevieva rolled her eyes, pushing the door open and walking in.

"Anala" she called, "come"

Anala looked back to the snail before she wobbled into the house looking up at Mad Eye and smiling.

The pair entered the kitchen where majority of the order had already gathered. Zenevieva hung by the doorway unnoticed.

"There's still a few people missing" Remus said looking around at the missing order members

"I'm sure they'll turn up in due time" Dumbledore replied as Anala started to toddle into the room.

The order members looked to each other in confusion as they spotted the strange child.

Zenevieva cleared her throat making everyone look at her.

Their eyes widened at the sight.

The last time they'd seen the woman was when she burnt down nearly an entire village.

"Don't mind me" she announced making everyone turn to look at Dumbledore as if he'd gone mad.

"The kid" Sirius said pointing to Anala, "who's is it?"

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