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Flashback- start of 6th year

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Flashback- start of 6th year

"Y'know Zen" James hummed as swung on his chair, bothering Zenevieva in the library, "I really don't know why you're in Slytherin sometimes"

"That's that supposed to mean Potter?" Zenevieva asked raising an eyebrow, looking up from her book, "and for the last time stop calling me Zen"



"Well too bad. I like it so it's staying"

"Can't you just leave me to study?" She sighed

"Nope!" James beamed, "as your honorary friend I, James Fleamont Potter, promise to never leave you alone even in great times of peril such as right now, homework" he shivered at the thought

Zenevieva snickered a little from behind her book, "Fleamont?" She smirked

"Oh shut up" James rolled his eyes, "go on, what's your middle name then? Huh? If you think it's so funny"

"That's information only friends get to know" Zenevieva teased

"Zene, you're just going to have to accept my love and friendship at some point. I know you want to"

"Of course I do" Zenevieva nodded and smiled sarcastically, patting his head as if she was talking to a small child

"You know what?! I'm bored" James quipped, plucking her book out of her hands and slamming it closed, "come on, we're doing something fun"

"James please" she sighed reaching for her book

James only whipped it away making Zenevieva stumble into him a little bit.

"Prick" she huffed, backing away from James' chest and scowling up at him

James only stared down at her with a strange look on his face before he readjusted his glasses and ran his hand through his hair, "come on Zen, let's not be boring" he smiled taking her hand and dragging her out of the library and through the corridors after throwing the book down on the table carelessly, Zenevieva whining in protest behind him as she was dragged through the castle.

"Ta-dah!" James exclaimed showing Zenevieva the one eyed witch

"You do know that I've seen the one eyed witch before. Believe it or not I have walked through this corridor a few times"

"Stop being so difficult" James rolled his eyes before pulling out his wand

Zenevieva's eyebrows raised as James tapped the statue, watching it creek and shift away.

"What's this?" She whispered with wide eyes looking around to see if anyone else was in the corridor.

"Quickly Zen!" James hushed back, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the tunnel as he watched the statue jerk back into place.

The pair were instantly propelled into darkness

"Lumos" they whispered casting their wands around for the light

"Follow me" James said still holding onto her hand as he guided her through the dark cold tunnel

"Potter you can't let go of me now" she said looking down to their intertwined hands

"Nah, you don't want to fall, the floors very uneven. Trust me it's for the best"

"I'm starting to think you're going to kill me and leave my body down here" Zenevieva said as the dark tunnel seemed to carry on as far as she could see

"Bit dramatic Zene" he laughed giving her hand a squeeze

"For the last time! Stop calling me that!"

"What ever you say Zene" he smirked

Zenevieva was about to snap back when James hushed her

"Quiet, we're here" he said pointing up to a trap door

James pushed the door open slowly as Zenevieva felt the warm sweet air of the room rush down into the tunnel below.

She looked to James in confirmation while he only smiled and nodded enthusiastically, holding his other hand out to help her up.

Zenevieva spun around looking around the room.

"Honeydukes cellar?!" She asked wondering over to a box of items, "we're in Hogsmeade?!"

"Quiet, love" James whispered smiling at her excited face, "we'll get caught"

"Sorry" Zenevieva whispered back

"Come on" James said taking her hand again as he climbed the stairs and pushed open the door to the shop

"Oh merlin" Zenevieva panicked, "we shouldn't be here!"

"It's okay zen" James reassured, "I've been here loads of times"

Zenevieva watched James as he walked around the shop, picking up bits and bobs from the shelves and stuffing them into his pocket.

"For you" he said picking up a chocolate bar that had been charmed to produced little bubbles of pink love hearts when broken and handing it to Zenevieva

Zenevieva only looked at James with a raised eyebrow, "isn't this stealing?"

"Nah" James waved off, "they can have it all back in a few days time" he chuckled

"That's disgusting" Zenevieva winced, still, she had to hide her smile

Deciding they should get back to the castle before night fall Zenevieva started to descend back down towards the cellar, out of the corner of her eye she spotted James leave a bag of money on the counter.

Smiling softly she turned around and pretended she'd never seen the action.

She always did think that James Potter was just another extremely arrogant and just down right irritating Gryffindor, but perhaps he wasn't as bad as she had originally thought.

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