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Zenevieva held James' hand tightly, giving him one last glance before walking in front of him

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Zenevieva held James' hand tightly, giving him one last glance before walking in front of him.

"Well well well cousin" Voldemort said as he glided up the Potters path, "what a lovely surprise we have here tonight"

"Lovely is perhaps the wrong way to describe this little meeting Tom"

"You had me fooled. You really did Zenevieva. How very cunning of you. Right under my unsuspecting gaze. It truly was ambitious, you are a true Slytherin. I'm proud to say the blood  of Salazar Slytherin still runs through our veins strongly, it is such a shame that blood will be wasted here tonight"

Zenevieva scoffed, "please Tom, spare me the speech"

The dark Lord sneered in amusement, flicking his wand sending a jet of light towards Zenevieva.

In a split second she blocked the curse, holding up a protective barrier with her free hand, her other still holding onto James.

Voldemort sent spell after spell towards Zenevieva, each rebounding off her sheild, pushing her further backwards each time a blast reverberated against the  protective charm.

Her patience wearing thin she let the shied go.

She flicked her wand expectedly, chanting curse after curse.

Each as quick and as unexpected and damaging as the last.

Tom had barely managed to rebound the spell before the next one came flying at full force.

He staggered backwards, overwhelmed at the amount of spells being shot towards him.

"Diffindo!" She yelled finally

Tom staggered backwards clutching the side of his face. He pulled his hand away from his cheek, a crimson liquid coating his fingertips.

"All of that for a little cut?" He chuckled coolly, a blankness swimming within his eyes.

A blank canvas, his face wiped of all emotion, much like Zenevieva.

Through the silence, crying caught her attention.

For a second she thought it to be Anala.

But it couldn't be, Anala was at the Tonks'

A woman's voice hushed the baby.

It was Harry and Lily, they were still here.

Voldemort had also heard the cry, a new look of determination on his face.

Zenevieva spun around to glance to James, she thought that they'd left, "Go!" She yelled, "go! Tell them to go!"

But James Potter was always her weakness

Avada Kedavra!

She smiled softly, but this time it was different. Her mouth smiled but her eyes didn't and in that moment her smile faded into nothing. You see, she wanted to feel something, something strong enough to form a proper smile. She tried so hard. She tried so hard to pull herself out, but each time she tried she fell deeper.

She didn't want to go into a world where he didn't exist so she watched the light shift and change, and let the world pass by without her.
And she will never know what it is like to look up to the night sky and wish.

Perhaps in the end, love just meant longing for something impossibly bright and forever out of reach.

And that was how Zenevieva Gaunt faded into the forgotten and how Harry Potter was a name that would be known world wide.

For one name disappears another arises.

Zenevieva's kingdom crumbled to the ground over night.

And that was the story of how the war came to an end, of how Andreas was captured and placed within Gringotts, of how Zenevieva Gaunts name was whispered less and less, eventually becoming one on one recognised, no trace of history.

As if nothing happened.

For the true saviours of the wizarding war never received the light they fought for.

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