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The order meeting had quickly come to an end and Zenevieva had listened quietly and intently in the corner, keeping an ear out for anything that her advisors and council had missed that the order knew

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The order meeting had quickly come to an end and Zenevieva had listened quietly and intently in the corner, keeping an ear out for anything that her advisors and council had missed that the order knew.

She could feel the members glancing at her every so often.

The strongest stare, James'

"Now" Dumbledore finished, "I think that most of the other issues are out of the way, however we still have the issue of the potters hiding place. I fear the enchantments will not be enough to keep Tom out. They're not powerful enough" he said looking to Zenevieva

Zenevieva sighed knowing what was coming.

"Miss Gaunt, I believe you are well accustomed to powerful defences, shields and concealment charms. It did take me ever so long to find you. Would you be willing to help cast these to protect the Potters?" Dumbledore smiled

Zenevieva rolled her eyes before looking to the Potter family.

James stood by Lily's side, Harry back in her arms.
Lily's eyes pleaded for Zenevieva's help while Harry let out a yawn and settled into her shoulder. James looked uncomfortable but desperate.

They were both desperate to protect their son.

Their family.

"Let me call someone to come and pick up Anala before we head over there" Zenevieva spoke coolly, her eyes seeming to see straight through the Potter family.

Gibbon had arrived and taken Anala with him back to the castle before Zenevieva made her way over to the Potters residence in Godrics Hollow.

She scoffed to herself, of course they lived in Godrics Hollow.

As Zenevieva looked around she felt increasingly more uncomfortable. The homeliness and warmth was so different to that of her castle.

Her castle was grand; Towering, malevolent, cold, empty, hidden, intimidating, oh so different to the Potter household.

It was just another reminder of how different they were.

For it summed up both Lily Evans and Zenevieva Gaunt.

It summed it up perfectly.

The perfect and pruned gardens lined with flowers contrasted the wild forests of the castle.

The thatched roof contrasted the piercing peaks of the castles towers.

"Should we get started?" James asked looking up to the house

Flashback 6th year

Zenevieva sat alone in Potions, reading through her book before class started.

As the rest of the class filtered in, the seat beside her remained empty as usual.

She flicked over the text books pages before she felt someone slide into the chair next to her.

"Hi!" James beamed

"Er, hi?" Zenevieva only looked at him blankly before going back to her potions book.

"James Potter" he smiled

"I know and honestly I don't care" Zenevieva replied, "do you want something or can I get back to my work?"

"I just thought you needed a potions partner? I noticed you didn't have one" he shrugged with a friendly smile

"It's okay, I'll work on my own" Zenevieva said, desperately trying to get rid of the Gryffindor sat beside her

"It's too late now" smirked James, "we're partners now. Plus, I think you need a good friend. I don't think Snivellous, Malfoy, Lestrange and Parkinson are good enough conversationalist. I bet the dark arts become a bit of a boring topic after a while, plus Snivellous smells like Bubotuber pus"

Zenevieva tried to hide her smile with a fail.

James grinned at the sight, "I hope you know you're special. I'm never usually this nice to Slytherins but since you seem different and are cute you get to witness the brilliance of James Potter in potions"'he smirked with a raise eyebrow

"Please" Zenevieva rolled her eyes, "I bet you're terrible at Potions"

"Watch and learn.."


"Watch and learn Zenevieva" he laughed leaning back on his chair doing nothing

"So er, should we get started then?" She asked James who was sat staring at her

"Oh yeah! Course"

Zenevieva pointed her wand towards the house, muttering strings of charms, enchantments and shields she'd and Regulus had used on the castle. She was about to announce her departure thinking she'd finished when she remembered one last charm, the Fidelius charm.

She cast the charm turning to Lily and James stood watching with their son.

"The fidelius charm" she started, "you'll need to choose a secret keeper"

"A secret keeper?" Lily asked

"A Secret Keeper is a witch or wizard designated to hide a secret by means of the Fidelius Charm; the secret is embedded in their very soul. Once a Secret Keeper is selected, the person who told them the secret will find themselves unable to pass the information on again, as the Secret Keeper is the only one capable of revealing the secret, whether orally or written.The Secret Keeper can tell as many people as they like, but they must do so voluntarily and the secret cannot be blackmailed, bewitched or tortured out of them. It shall be only them that know of your where about, besides of I. I suggest you both choose wisely" she explained looking to the couple

"Can we trust you?" Lily asked, unsure of whether she was comfortable with Zenevieva knowing their hiding place"

"We can" James said confidently from her side, "I know we can"

"I suggest you stop worrying over me and worry about who you're making your secret keeper"

"Oh, that's easy, definitely Siri-" James started

"Don't say it out here!" Zenevieva hissed in a whisper, anyone could be listening, "go and think it over. I have places to be" she nodded about to apparate way.

"Wait!" James called out to Zenevieva as Lily walked into the house to put Harry to bed.

Zenevieva turned around expectantly

"Zene, thank you" he said approaching her, "I appreciate it, and so does Lily"

She nodded her head once, her face still a void of emotion.

"I guess I'll see you when I see you" James smiled weakly, "on the other side of the war. When we're all safe and it's gone back to normal" he tried, "then we can go back to how it used to be"

"Not everyone can go back to what they used to be" Zenevieva stated blankly before apparating away, watching James' crestfallen face before she disappeared.


Happy birthday James!

We love you!

Tell me why I've cried today over a fictional, dead wizard from the 70s, birthday

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