Day 23: The Last Person I Kissed (yeah, right)

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To No one in particular,

I'm a 14 year old girl who has never kissed anyone. Sorry if that seems weird to any of you 12 year olds that go around making out with people, but I guess I'm more reserved than some of you guys. I'm fine with it, it doesn't bother me. What does bother me is how my friends will talk about going places with their boyfriends. I will be fine, I'm me!

There was one time when a boy almost kissed me. If you haven't guessed from previous letters, that boy was Chris. Stupid player. It wasn't one of those glamorous moments in books and movies when the guy says something retarded, since this isn't a fairy tale. We were just alone and it was nighttime, but my dad walked outside, I turned my head, and those luscious-looking lips landed smack on my left cheek. Oh well, I'm glad he wasn't my first kiss, that would've been a waste of time. (You know, I could dedicate "White Horse" by Taylor Swift to him)

So long random people,


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