Chapter 2

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Bronwyns P.O.V

That night i was sitting on my bed with the stone laying on my stomach as i thought of the multiple creatures it could be. Maybe its not an animal, maybe its some sort of gem i think to myself as i glance down at the green object on my stomach. I kept going through my thoughts and multiple ideas of what it could be but none seemed to fit. Eventually it got really late and my eyelids were unable to stay open any longer. My consciousness slipped away from me, letting the stone slide off my stomach and lie against my side.

In the middle of the night, i become disturbed from my dreamless sleep as i heard some scratching noises coming from beside me. I looked to my right side to see the stone wobbling back and forward slightly. My eyes grow wide in shock as i pick up the stone, place it on the floor and back away from it unsure of what its going to do as it continues to rock back and forth only a bit more aggressively now. It continues to do this for another minute before slowing down when a small crack appears on the egg. I can see something trying to poke its way out of the crack but its much too small for the creature to fit through. I hear a small huff as if whatever is inside is annoyed at the fact it cant get out yet before the egg explodes and out comes a green lizard type creature with wings. It has horns on the back of its head, long claws, green scaly skin, a long tail and big brown eyes full of wisdom and wonder that reflect off my own. I feel awe struck at seeing this creature in front of me as i slowly and cautiously crouch down and approach it with my hand out stretched to show i meant no harm. "So it wasnt a stone but an egg" i say to myself as i continue to approach the creature while it watches me curiously. "Your beautiful" i tell the creature honestly after observing him closer as i finally reach it. It sniffs my hand carefully for a minute while keeping it's eyes trained on me before pressing it's forehead against my hand which makes a bright light shoot out between us and makes me collapse into darkness.

I wake up the next morning to the feeling of something warm and scaly nuzzling my cheek. I slowly open my eyes and look to my left to see big brown orbs staring back at me. The creature nuzzles me again while letting out a low whine. I pat its head as i slowly sit up careful not to make my headache worse and remember the previous nights event. I look down at my hand to see a weird swirly e shape imprinted on my palm. How did that get there i question myself but in the end i just shrug it off. I turn to the lizard like creature as i ask "can you understand me?". The creature nods its head which i smile at and ask "are you a girl?". It shakes its head no to my question. "So you are a boy then. You should have a name but i will have to think about what it should be" i state as i slowly stand up. I then hear footsteps coming towards my room and my fathers voice asking "Bronwyn, are you up yet?". I quickly turn to the creature and quietly exclaim with a bit of panic in my voice "quick hide!". It does as its told and dives under my bed just as my father opens the door. "What are you up to?" he questions me while glancing around my room. "Nothing" i answer a bit to quickly before we both hear a sneeze from somewhere. I pretend its me by covering my nose with my hand before saying "oh bless me". Father glances at me then at my bed before informing me "breakfast is nearly ready get dressed and come down". I nod at him as he leaves the room before looking under my bed after the door closed. I see the creature rubbing his nose before letting out another sneeze. "Im sorry i know its dusty under there" i tell him gently taking him out from underneath the bed as he lets out a whine in response. I cuddle him to my chest as i tell him "im going down to have breakfast and ill try and get something for you too". He lefts out a whiny growl before licking my cheek which i giggle at. Little did i know my dad was still outside my door listening with a smile on his face.

Broms P.O.V

As i left from my daughters room and closed the door behind me, i decided to listen in to see if my suspicions were correct after i noticed a hatched egg on the floor of her room. I could hear her talking accompanied by a few whining sounds and her giggles. Which made me smile as it confirmed to me that Bronwyn has become a dragon rider. Just like myself and her mother.

I waited for her at the kitchen table where i had breakfast laid out and ready. It wasnt long before i heard her footsteps make there way down the stairs and into the kitchen where she smiled at me and took a seat at the table. She grabbed a slice of bread and poured herself some milk before taking a drink from her cup.

I decided to try and give her hints on how to take care of her dragon but not be too obvious as to tell her i knew about hers. "So i saw an interesting lizard type of creature yesterday" i tell her hoping she'll pay attention. Her head jerked up in my direction as she asked "really, what did it look like?". I pretended to think for a minute before i answered "oh it was scaly, had a long tail, sharp claws and horns on its head". I noticed her eyes widen slightly before she tried to cover it up and asked "where did you see it?". I turned to her and replied in a nonchalant fashion "oh just down the road a bit, i seen it eating a rat". She had a thoughtful expression on her face and i could see the gears working in her head as she finished her bread and milk and stood up from the table. "Sorry i just remembered i have to go do something i'll be back in a bit" she tells me before rushing off out of the house. I laugh to myself at her obviousness before continueing with my meal. It wasnt long before i felt someone watching me and had a sense of them trying to sneak by me which i tried not to laugh at as i heard her go upstairs to her room.

Bronwyns P.O.V

I quickly raced round to the back of the house where i knew we had a rat trap to check if it had caught any. When i got there i was glad to see that it had caught one as i quickly picked it up and carried it with me back inside.

I peeked round the door to see dad still sitting at the table as i quietly snuck by him up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and stepped in before quickly closing it behind me. "You can come out now, i have breakfast for you" i called out to the creature as he crept out from under my bed.

As soon as he saw the rat in my hand he got really excited and started jumping around my room with a smile. I laughed at his antics before getting him to settle down and giving him the rat which he devoured in seconds. He then crawled into my lap and curled up into a ball before falling asleep which i found quite adorable as i stroked his head.

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