Chapter 14

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It was the next night and everyone was busy sharpening their weapons and putting on armour, preparing for the upcoming battle. It was hard to not miss the feeling of tension in the air as women and children were evacuated wishing for their loved ones to survive this battle. My heart was thundering in my chest as i managed to finish putting on my armour. It felt strange to me since i had never worn armour before but its something i will have to get used to since i will wear it more often to help defeat Galbatorix's rein.

"I almost didnt recognise you" a familiar voice speaks from behind me. I turn to see Eragon also wearing his armour. "I could say the same about you" i reply with a warm smile towards my closest friend who has become my brother. He comes towards me and stands to my left looking like a true warrior with the way he carries himself. "Just think Eragon, only a few weeks ago we were nothing but young adults living in a small town but now we are fighting in a war as dragon riders" he looks down at me with a contemplative look in his eyes. "Your right but i wouldnt change any of it, especially not the part of you becoming my sister" he tells me while putting his arm around my shoulder with a proud smile on his face. A warmth fills up my chest at his words, proud to have someone like him by my side "i love you brother" i reveal honestly. His gaze softens as he says "i love you too sister". He then gives me a hug as best as he can with our armour on before leaving the embrace to meet up with Saphira. The battle had just begun. 

I hear Macnair before i see him as he makes his way up to stand beside me from behind. I give him a once over only to notice he has dragon armour covering the majority of his body. "Hey Macnair" i greet to which he nods his head at me as a greeting in reply. I then get him to lower his head and once hes low enough i wrap my arms around his muzzle in what i hope is a hug. He slightly nuzzles against me as i speak from my heart "you are the best dragon, no the best friend anyone can have and i love you so much. I am so happy you chose me as your rider and for bringing me on this adventure. I only hope we can continue it after this". I then pull away only to look into his wise eyes to see a wave of fondness towards me. I have enjoyed this adventure with you too and i also hope we can continue it once we finish this. From the moment you touched my egg i knew you would be the best companion for me and i was not wrong. I love you too young one forever and always. What he says almost brings tears to my eyes but i manage to hold them back. Instead i smile at him before climbing onto the saddle on his back. 

Once he knows I'm secure he lets out a mighty roar and flies off the cliffs to help fight alongside our comrades in arms. We work together in sync with each other as we take down the kings men. Macnair like Saphira uses his newfound fire for the first time to burn them while i cut down any of them within my reach with my sword. We work together with Eragon and Saphira to take down our enemies but are careful not to hurt anyone on our side. Battle cries and screams of anguish are heard all around us as we fly over the battles that rage on underneath us but my attention is quickly captured by a familiar figure on a bridge being surrounded by the enemy. "We have to help him" i say to Macnair who instantly starts flying in his direction. Eragon appears beside me and gives me a nod before both of our dragons turn upside down making it easier for us to take out the enemy. "I guess we're even" Murtagh calls out once we have righted ourselves again. I turn and smile at him before focusing my attention back on the fight.

Suddenly i notice a dark shadow looming over me and i look towards the sky only to notice Durza flying on a bat like creature made from smoke with sharp teeth. I look to Eragon who is still flying beside me who also notices the creature and i shout over to him "ill take care of it, you continue with what your doing". He looks over at me unsure as he asks "are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure". He looks back up at the creature contemplating whether he should let me or not before returning his gaze to me and giving a firm nod "just be careful". I nod my head at his request assuring him i will before flying away towards the creature. "Ah the little girl wants to play first, lets play" Durza exclaims happily once im close enough. Lets do this Macnair i think to which he roars in response and charges at the creature. The creature makes a high pitched squeal just as we collide with it that makes my ears ring but it doesn't sway me from the battle at hand. 

While Macnair tries to take down the creature with his claws and teeth i engage in a deadly sword fight with Durza. He tries to go for my right side but i manage to block him and push him away from me. He keeps coming at me again and again, left, right, right, left but i manage to block him everytime. I'm thankful at this moment that i put my hair in a braid as the wind that blew past us would have made me go blind if my hair was down and I'd end up dead.

Although my luck doesn't seem to last forever as Durza finally gets a hit in and stabs me through my left side. I scream out in pain as the blood starts to pool out from my injury which makes Macnair get distracted and gives the shadow creature an opening to bite into Macnairs right side. He roars in pain while i scream his name in worry. He loses his hold on the creature and we both go tumbling down to the ground just outside of the Varden base. 

Macnair tries to protect me with his wings when we land but i still end up falling off the sadle and landing hard on the ground with a grunt. I scream in pain from the burning in my side as i try to put pressure on the wound. The pain is so indescribable it brings tears to my eyes but i don't let them fall because i know theres something more important to focus on. I slowly and carefully get up still keeping my hand on the wound while grunting in pain as i do and make my way over to Macnair.

Hes lying on his left side showing the deep bite mark on his right side that is gushing blood. My heart instantly stills in my chest at the sight of him as i try to regain air into my lungs and take the last few steps to his side. "Macnair" i whisper in horror of the damage that has been done to my friend. Its alright young one he tells me gently as he moves his head down to look at me standing by his wound. "No it's not i wont lose you, i can't lose you" i state with tears forming in my eyes. You wont lose me, not truly, i will always watch over you from where ever i go never will i leave you he tries to comfort me but it only makes my tears roll down my cheeks in waves. "That's not the same i won't let you die im stronger now i can fix you" i tell him with determination in my voice as i raise my hand over his wound. Bronwyn its no use you might be stronger but not strong enough for this yet he tells me solemnly with a look of sadness to his eyes. "Watch me" is all i reply before focusing on my hand and shouting with hope and determination "WEIS HAIL!". The same light that emerged from my hand the night i tried to save my dad appears again but this time it seem brighter and stronger. I can feel my energy draining but i don't stop. I'm determined not to lose anyone else i love if it's the last thing i do. I will do anything to keep them alive because i don't want to go through the same pain i went through a few nights ago again.

Eventually though i can't give anymore and black spots start to appear in my vision as i try to push myself to keep going but it's no use as the last of my energy is drained and i collapse to the ground beside Macnair. The last thing i see is Macnair wrapping his head arond my body protectively before my eyes can't stay open anymore and i fall into darkness, praying that my friend will be ok if or when i wake up.

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