Chapter 8

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It must have been a few hours later when i awoke as when i opened my eyes i noticed the sky was a deep blue instead of the dark orange it was this morning. Looking to my left, i noticed Eragon was still out like a light lying beside me on his blanket. There was a slight breeze blowing which made me smile as it delicately brushed across my slightly tanned skin. "I see your finally awake" i hear my dad say making me turn my head to the right and see him sitting on a log looking over at me. I slowly sit up and cross my legs just as he starts talking again "how many times have i told you its dangerous to go wandering off on your own?". "Im sorry dad but i was perfectly fine" i reply while staring at the ground suddenly finding it very interesting. I didn't like looking at his scolding expression, it made me feel like i had disappointed him. "Oh really and would you like to elaborate on why you think that?" he asked curiously while my mind went to thoughts of Murtagh. I felt a smile come over my face as i remember those deep green eyes that looked back at me with kindness and curiosity, the way his gentle smile made butterflies appear in my stomach and how his black hair hanging a bit in front of his face gave him a sense of mystery. "Are you going to answer my question or are you just going to sit there with a dopey grin on your face?" my dad asks me with a suspicious look while i try to recover from my thoughts and remember what he asked me. "What were you smiling about?" he asks me curiously while leaning forward towards me on his log as he adds on "you were blushing too". I feel my blush get darker as i look up at his face to see him with a mischievous smile on his face. "Did you meet someone, perhaps a boy in the village?" he questions me teasingly along with a shrug of his . After a few stuttered words I finally manage to find my voice to tell him what happened "well there was a boy and he saved me. I felt someone following me but everytime i looked back i didnt see anything. After walking a bit more i got pulled inside this house by the boy and told to stay quiet, thats when i noticed there was an Urgal following me and the boy let me go after i thanked him". 

After finishing my story i noticed my dad still had the same michief filled smile on his face as he had before. "Aw does my Bronwyn have a crush" he asked me in a strange voice while my cheeks flared darker. "N -no" i stuttered out which i silently cursed myself for while my dad laughed at my embarrassment. "Uh huh" he says in a disbelieving tone before asking "did you happen to catch his name?". I tried to stop a smile from coming to my face as i found it to be stupid to have a crush on a guy you just met once but it was futile and my smile managed to sneak onto my face. "Murtagh" i replied to him while he looked at me with happiness but also sadness which confused me greatly but i didnt get to question him on it as Eragon began to stir. 

He slowly sat up, wincing as he did and looked around at our surroundings which i had only just realised it looked like we were at the end of the forest in a small clearing above a cliff. "My head, it feels like its been kicked by a horse" is the first thing Eragon says once he's is finally able to fully sit up. "It takes dragon riders years to learn the art of magic" dad informs him as he slowly gets to his feet. He had a thoughtful look on his face before saying "but you thought us that spell with the stones a few days ago and we were both fine". "Some spells dont have consequences while others leave you weak" dad answers him as he also stands up beside him. "Brisingr" Eragon muttered towards my father with a curious tone. "Brinsingr controls fire, is fire, the thing is the word, know the word and you control the thing" dad teaches us while waving his hands back and forth enthusiastically. I get up and walk over to a tree asking "whats the word for tree ?". "Tree is trévon" he answered me while Eragon walked over to a branch on the ground and picked it up before asking "whats branch ?". "Evista" my dad answered as me and Eragon became really excited to learn all of this. "When a dragon and rider are truly one and they see as one now thats skulvakasven" he informed us which only increased our excitement as we murmered the spell to ourselves. (I dont know if i spelt the words from the old language right but i tried my best so dont judge). "Now we have to find another way through these hills, of course that would be alot easier if you both were flying" he tells us just as Macnair and Saphira fly up from the side of the cliff and land with saddles strapped to their backs. Are you ready to try flying young one? Macnair asks me with a smile as he stands in front of me with his usual regal posture. Of course i am ive been wanting to do it properly for a while i state with joy as i rush over and climb onto his back while he gives a deep chuckle at my antics. Your father made the saddles for me and Saphira you can thank him later Macnair informs me while walking to the edge of the cliff. I look over his shoulder to see a huge drop off the cliff which makes my heart jump straight into my throat as if its trying to get as far away from the drop as possible. Eragon takes off ahead of me with a scream while Macnair chuckles at my wide eyed reaction before following behind them in diving off the cliff. I scream loudly as he dove deeper down the side of the cliff and only started to pull up when he was about 2 or 3 meters from the ground which makes me stop screaming and cheer in happiness. He made his way quickly and effectively through the trail between the cliffs and exited through an opening perfectly. "How fast can you go ?" I question him while he chuckles and speeds up to as fast as he can go. My eyes can barely stay open from the rush of wind blowing harshly against my face. However i still laugh with joy from the amazing feeling it causes inside of me. I notice Saphira doing the same with Eragon nearly going flying off but i manage to stay put in my seat. well done young one you managed to stay in your seat unlike your friend Macnair tells me in a teasing tone while i giggle happily. I look down and see dad on his horse with the other two trailing him. Hes watching us with a smile and lets out a laugh every few minutes as we try to adjust to flying on our dragons.

Eragon comes and flies next to me shouting over the wind to me "why dont we try what Brom thought us?". I smile and nod my head in agreement before saying the spell that dad thought us "skulvakasven". Suddenly my eyesight becomes clearer and i can see things in detail from miles away. "This is amazing" i say in happiness with my arms out by my side. I looked over and see Eragon doing the same only his eyes have slits in them and i wonder if my green ones are the same. i have to agree with you on that its great for helping us hunt for food Macnair tells me in his deep voice. Suddenly a growl slips from his mouth as he exclaims your father is in trouble the raz'ac are closing in on him. I feel my heart stop from this revelation before snapping out of my trance and ordering "go lower we have to save him, i still need to take them out for taking my mum and Garrow away from me". Macnair chuckles darkly before diving lower going into the trees with Saphira and Eragon following as he states this should be fun.

As we get closer to where my dad is we get surprise attacked by raz'ac which makes both dragons crash to the ground with us falling off their backs. Bronwyn Macnair calls in alarm as i turn to see one of the raz'ac coming for me but just as hes about to strike hes impaled by the claws of Macnair and killed instantly. I breath a sigh of relief only to look over and see my father fighting the other raz'ac with his sword. I hold my breath in anticipation waiting for the end result and hoping its a good one. I have no need to worry though as dad is able to deliver the finally blow killing the raz'ac. Im able to breath a sigh of relief finally as i look around and see us all alive and well with only a few scratches. Dad looks over at both myself and Eragon while holding his ruby red sword up with a scolding look, one i know only too well as he walks towards us and i prepare myself for the longest scolding of my life, oh goody

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