Chapter 9

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Dad didnt speak a word to us until we reached a clearing in the forest where he gathered different plants to make a yellow substance that would fix our dragons wounds. He had already applied it to Macnairs side who had  received a small gash from the rough landing and now lay in front of Saphira. Myself and Eragon sat beside them awaiting the lectures we were about to receive. "It attacked your dragons" dad starts off in an annoyed tone while applying the yellow substance to Saphiras wing who was lying on her stomach with her left wing outstretched towards him. "Your actions nearly cost Saphira and Macnair their lives" he states with his tone gaining slight anger to it. Do not worry about me young one i am perfectly fine Macnair informs me as i look up at his face to see a gentle and reassuring look in his eyes which makes me feel better about what has happened. Once i realised that Macnair was hurt i became very upset with myself and started to scold myself for being so reckless. On the other hand though im happy i did it because if i didnt I'm afraid something might have happened to dad and i dont want anything to ever happen to him, hes the only blood related family i have left. I would still have Eragon cause he is like my brother but it wouldnt be the same. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by my dads slightly risen voice asking "do you both not listen to anything i tell you?". It goes quiet for a few seconds before Eragon states "better to ask forgiveness than permission" which makes me smile as its one of the things my dad always says. My dad gives a slight smile before standing up and heading over to the left of us a bit where a little stream is situated to wash the yellow substance off his hands. Eragon stands up and follows him but i stay seated beside Macnair and in front of Saphira. As soon as Eragon reaches him dad raises his voice and says "your duty is to reach the varden alive". "Lets talk about the truth before we start talking about duty" Eragon replies. Hes figured it out i think to which Macnair replies in his deep voice seeming intrigued it would seem so. "What are you talking about?" dad questions him trying to play it off like he has no clue what Eragon is implying. Eragon takes dads wrist into his hand and cuts his glove off with a knife while saying "i thought we agreed not to lie to each other". When he finally manages to cut through the glove, dads dragon rider mark is revealed to him. "Dragon rider" Eragon says out loud as the realisation hits him. Dad looks down in sadness before stating "not anymore" and walking over towards me. "Wheres your dragon?" Eragon asks in curiosity which makes me sit forward in interest as i have never been told what happened to his dragon. "Dead" he states simply before carying on "she was murdered by another rider named Morzan with this sword". He then pull out the red bladed sword i saw him use earlier with the raz'ac. This makes Macnair and Saphira growl from seeing it. That sword has killed many a dragon Macnair informs me still growling slightly from behind me. "Galbatorix won him over and while my dragon was trying to protect me she was killed" he informs us with sadness laced in his words. Better we then our riders Macnair states in his deep but calm voice which sends a shiver down my spine from his statement. Dad continues with the story "i searched for months to find him and i did" this makes my heart jump in my chest wondering whats gonna happen next. "I took his sword and i drove it through his heart" he informs us while pushing the sword into the ground "and as he died so did his dragon". He takes a deep breath before continueing "i then took my wife and Bronwyn and hid in carvahall, what a shame it was because of me the time of the dragon riders were over". Dad then put a hand on Eragons shoulder and looked over at me as he said "then you both received your dragons and now the time of the dragon riders has come again". A smile appeared on my face at the thought of dragons returning to our land once more. "There is one thing you need to remember though" dad informs us while looking between us "a rider will live on if his dragon is killed but if a rider dies" so does their dragon Macnair finishes as i look up at him in shock with this new found information. 

That night i was enjoying a great sleep when i suddenly heard movement and rustling from my left. I shot up from my blankets thinking we were being attacked only to see its Eragon packing his bag. The noise had also woken dad up as i ask "Eragon what are you doing ?". "Im going to find Aria" he states sounding like hes leaving no room for disagreement. I look over to see dad with a shocked look planted on his face "how do you know that name?" he asks. "Shes Durzas prisoner, im going to free her" Eragon informs us continueing to pack his bag. My dad shakes his head before saying "thats out of the question Gilead is in the other direction we cant start going back we are almost there". He thens climbs out of bed and moves over towards Eragon while i do the same. "Eragon think about what your doing, we have to continue our way to the varden" i tell him in a calm and hopefully convincing voice trying to persuade him off this path he wants to take. "If i dont save her she'll die" he simply answers not looking at me and our dragons have woken up at this point. "If she dies she will join the countless others who have died waiting for the both of you, as the varden now wait for the both of you" my dad tells him in an urgent tone trying to persuade him. He continues speaking in a much gentler tone "you must try to understand this is her choice and you can't save her". Eragon finishes packing before standing up with us following suit and looking at dad "i know i can save her" he states with confidence. He walks away over to Saphira, secures his bag on the back of the saddle before climbing on. "Eragon listen to me" dad raises his voice slightly with more urgency than before. "Your shame is not mine" Eragon replies to which dad takes an annoyed breath. "You've forgotten what it feels like to be a dragon rider, i will save her" he tells us with the same amount of confidence. It seems like Saphira tries to convince him otherwise also but it doesnt work and he ends up flying off. 

I look over to my dad with a pleading look hoping he will let me go and help them. He gets what im hinting at and immediately disagrees with me. "Please dad i just need to make sure he's ok i dont want anything bad happening to him" i plead with him. "No it's too dangerous the only reason hes gone is because hes as stubborn as a mule and its impossible to stop him when he puts his mind on something" he informs me. "Yeah well so am i" i state before packing up my things, walking over to Macnair, who had been watching the conversation intently, and strapping my bag to the saddle. "Bronwyn please listen to me it's too dangerous, i dont want you getting hurt" he tells me while walking towards me and stopping me from climbing on Macnair. "I know dad but Eragons like my brother and i cant let him do this alone" i state. "Then take this with you, it was your mothers and it will give me a piece of mind knowing you will have something to protect yourself with" he tells me while handing me a sword. It was quite beatiful the end of the handle had a silver dragon head while the rest of the handle was wrapped in a light green fabric and the blade was very clean and clear. I give him a tight hug which he returns and thank him for the sword. There are unspoken words in this hug the main ones being a promise to be careful and reassurance that ill come back. I then pulled away and climbed onto Macnair. are you sure you want to do this Bronwyn? Macnair asks me in a caring tone. "Im sure Macnair, lets go" i reassure him and without further question he takes off into the early morning sky.

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