Chapter 3

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The next day i decided to go see Eragon and show him my creature and see what he thinks about him. I grabbed my satchel and slung it over my shoulder before grabbing the creature and gently placing him in my bag. "Now please stay quiet and try not to move to much ok" i ask of him in a gentle voice while i stroke his head. He lets out a whine of agreement before i close the flap on my bag and make my way down stairs. "Where are you off to?" i hear my dad say from behind me just as i reach the door. I turn to him and simply reply "just to visit Eragon, see how he is doing". My father nods at that answer before giving permission and letting me leave.

I make my way through carvahall while waving and smiling at people i recognise as i go. I head towards the outskirts which is where Eragon, his uncle and cousin live on a farm trying to make a living by selling their goods.

Making my way down the familiar path i begin to hear my name being called out. Turning around i see Eragon running towards me and he engulf me in a hug once he reaches me. "Its good to see you" he tells me with a smile which i return as we walk towards the barn. "Hello Garrow" i greet Eragons uncle. "Ah hello Bronwyn, havent seen you in a while" he tells me then continues with his work as i smile at him. We both walk into the barn as i start to speak "i have to show you something but what im about to show you cant tell anyone". He looks at me curiously before promising he wont tell. I slowly open my bag to reveal my green creature who pokes his head out and looks up at Eragon with curiousity. Eragon looks shocked as he gazes down at the dragon not able to say anything for a minute but finally asking "did that come out of the green egg?". My eyes snap up to his wondering how the hell he knew that. I slowly nod my head before i see him walk away from me while saying "then i also have something to show you". I follow him round a pile of hay to see a blue creature similar to my own curled up on some hay watching us with big blue eyes. It lets out a small growl at seeing me to which my creature growls in a protectice way back. I look down and stroke his head trying to calm him while Eragon explains "its ok shes my friend". The blue creatures looks at me for a minute before relaxing and glancing at my bag. I put my hands into my bag and slowly lift out my green creature as he lookes at the blue one curiously. I gently place him down on the hay opposite the other creature as they slowly approach each other. Myself and Eragon stand back and watch as they greet each other then start playing.

We laugh at them before we take a seat on the floor and watch them play. "Have you got a name for yours yet?" Eragon asks me. I shake my head and look over at him as i ask "have you?". He shakes his head as well as he says "every name i pick she doesnt like it". "I havent thought of one for him yet" i tell him honestly as i start to try and think of one. It takes me a minute before i finally think of one. "Hey little one" i call out to him to which he stops playing and looks over at me. "I have an idea for a name for you, wanna hear it?" he nods his head as i continue "i was thinking of calling you Macnair". He looks at me thoughtfully for a minute before nodding his head at my suggestion. I smile at him while he goes back to playing. "I like that name" Eragon tells me as we continue to watch them play. "I have a suggestion for you if you want" i inform him to which he nods his head. "I heard my dad mention this name before and i quite like it i think it would suit her" i tell him honestly as i indicate towards his creature. "What is it?" he asks me curiously "Saphira" i inform him. He thinks about it for a minute before smiling and saying "i like that". He then turns to his creature and calls out to her which she responds to instantly. "What do you think about the name Saphira?" He questions her. She has a thoughtful look on her face for a minute before nodding her head and going back to playing. "Finally, i dont know how many name options i gave her and all of them she hated" he exclaims falling back into the hay. I laugh at him and reply "well maybe your just terrible at picking names". "Hey" he exclaims indignantly at me to which i just laugh and he soon joins in.

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