Chapter 12

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It was now night time and we had just finished setting up camp in the middle of a circle of rocks before the sound of our dragons wing beats could be heard, noting us of their arrival. I looked over to my right and noticed Macnair making his way towards me. Once he gets close enough he lies down beside me while keeping his head raised to look at me, sitting an a log near the fire. "Hey Macnair" i greet him to which he nuzzles my cheek and greets me back. "Did you have a nice flight and get enough to eat?" i ask him in concern. I did young one thanks for asking he answers me with a comforting tone. "Thats good" i reply before getting my share of food to eat. 

Once the food has been consumed we all lie down on our blankets to try and get some sleep. Unfortunately in my case i cant seem to fall asleep which permits me to sit up and leave my blanket to sit on one of the rocks near me. 

So many thoughts fly through my head as i sit there looking up at the night sky filled with stars that shine like diamonds. Like what if im not able to help people the way i want to? What if i fail at my destiny? I know this path has been layed out before me but whether i'll be able to continue taking those steps down that path is another thing. 

I'm so lost in my thoughts i don't even realise Murtagh has taken a seat beside me until he gently bumps his shoulder with mine. Startled, i quickly turn my head in his direction with a slight jolt of my form which makes him release a low chuckle from his throat. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologised to which i nod at while he continues asking "you looked deep in thought, what's on your mind?". I stay silent for a minute trying to gather my thoughts after being startled while he waits patiently beside me. "What if i end up hurting people more than helping them because i cant help them in the way they want me to help them?. I mean i know Macnair chose me for a reason but im afraid that i might not be able to do the job right and just end up hurting people more by accident" i reveal to him with worry and concern in my tone. He stays silent for a few minutes as if trying to figure out what to say before speaking his thoughts out loud. "That may be true that you may not be able to help everyone but you can do your best to help the ones you can help. Its not possible to please everyone that much is true but that does not mean you are not able to do your job properly it just means you are doing your best with what you have. In my books your already doing a great job because your staying up late worrying about people you havent even saved yet" he finishes with a slight chuckle which makes me giggle quietly in return. I stare into his green eyes that are slightly illuminated from the firelight behind us which makes my heart speed up and think to myself this boy who i have barely known a few days has helped me so much already and he doesnt even realise. I smile at him gratefully saying "thank you". I hesitate a little before leaning over and leaving a sweet kiss to his cheek which surprises him slightly. Then i return to bed and sleep peacefully not realising that Macnair and Eragon were awake to see the whole encounter with smiles on their faces.

The next morning we awoke early from Saphira and Macnair nudging us awake. I sit up grogily with my hair standing up in odd places asking "whats up Macnair?". The Urgals arnt far behind we must get moving he warns me in his usual deep tone. I quickly bolt up out of bed and start packing at this news only to notice Eragon and Murtagh doing the same thing. 

We managed to quickly gather everything up and ride away from where we slept with Murtagh in front, myself behind him and Eragon behind us while our dragons flew above us with Aria on Saphiras back. Murtagh led us up a mountain and we hastily make our way through valleys placed throughout the montain until we reach a cave where he advised us to leave the horses as we wouldnt be able to bring them any further. The path up ahead was just too thin to bring them through. We jogged the rest of the way through the path until we reached a waterfall that looked familiar to Eragon from one of his dreams. 

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