Chapter 5

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Once night rolled round we bid our dragons goodbye who then informed us they would keep an eye on us from the sky to make sure we got home ok. 

We walked side by side in silence as we made our way through carvahall but then realised something wasnt right. It was way too quiet which confused us greatly as we looked around to inspect the area from where we stood. We glanced at each other in confusion when we don't see anyone around before hearing a noise from Sloans place and making our way towards it. 

We peeked through the window of the butchers to see Sloan being held down on the counter by a weird, dark looking creature. It looked to be made of vines, mud and twigs from the forest with one eye on the right side of it's face. Daggers could also be seen peeking out from it's hands and it had placed one of them at Sloans neck. The creature seemed to be asking Sloan questions as he answered saying "they took them with them, the boy lives on a farm while the girl lives here in town". Eragon and myself looked at each other in shock after realising that the creature was looking for us before looking back at Sloan who fearfully begged "please dont kill me". The two tried to quietly back away but Eragon ended up backing into a table which made the creature look towards their direction and Eragon to grab me and pull me under the table with him.

We heard a bang on the table above us making us look up fearfully knowing the creature had just landed above our heads. We both held our breath as the creature stood on top of the table looking around for the source of the noise before jumping down and running off. Eragon immediately ran out from under the table and followed the creature with me close behind him as i called out "what are you doing?". He kept running as he said "i have to save my uncle".

We kept running through the fields towards the farm before hearing a pair of wings behind us. We looked up only to see our dragons making their way towards us and when they were close enough they picked us up in their claws. "Put us back down, we have to save Eragons uncle" i tell Macnair in an annoyed and worried tone. No they'll kill you Macnair tells me while i try to reach up and get a good grip around his neck. "But he needs our help we cant let him die" i tell him in a stern, frantic tone. Im not putting you down just to get yourself killed he informs me when i start to fall off but he pushes me back up with ease. "Im begging you Macnair, we cant let him die, put me down now" i say in a pleading tone. Your so stubborn he tells me while turning upside down which makes me lose my grip and scream as i fall before landing on a pile of hay along with Eragon. We both run inside the barn while our dragons land to see it completely destroyed with Eragons uncle dead in the middle of it. He rushes over to him and pulls the debri off his uncle before starting to cry and hug his uncle tightly in despair. I try to stiffle my sobs with my hand but its no use as the tears run down my cheeks. He may not have been blood related to me but in my eyes he was still family and he acted like a second father to me which i loved him for.

Suddenly theres a noise behind me as i turn to see my dad standing there in his dark clothing looking grim. Eragon in his rage rushes over to my dad with a peice of wood but my dad easily disarms him. He then looks down to Eragons hand and notices the mark that Saphira left. "You" my dad says accusingly before letting Eragon go. "Wheres your dragons?" my dad asks us as he looks between us. I look at him surprised that he knew about the dragons. Although i should have really figured it out that he already knew because of how he kept giving me hints on how to take care of them. "Gone" Eragon replies still with hatred and sadness in his voice. "What do you mean gone?" my dad ask questioningly. "I sent her away" Eragon replies. My dad then turns to me and asks me the same thing "probably gone with his dragon". He nods at my reply before trying to drag us both out of the barn "im not going anywhere, not until i bury him" Eragon informs my dad while pushing him away. My dad then looks around before spotting a piece of wood on fire, picking it up and throwing it down onto the body. "What are you doing?" Eragon questions while dad grabs us both again and pulls us out of the barn towards three horses. "Listen they killed him but they were after both of you, if we stay here we are all dead now get on that horse" he explains as he pushes Eragon up onto his and i climb onto mine. "Ride now" he instructs us before slapping our horses on the butt, making them ride off with us.

We rode for two days straight and my butt is numb but i dont remember most of it since i slept for most of it. 

We finally stopped in a clearing and hopped off our horses as my dad walks over to me and gives me a hug which i return. "Are you alright?" he asks me while pulling away and checking for any injuries. I nod my head and smile at him until we hear Eragon grumble behind us asking "why here?". "Because i said here" dad replies simply while walking over to check on his horse. "Call your dragons" he instructs us while Eragon snaps back "my uncle was killed because of her"."Eragon" i say in a warning tone but he just ignores me. My dad turns to face him as he replies "she was protecting you against the raz'ac, two seventeen year olds wouldnt have lasted a minute against them. There Durzas henchmen he created them". "I could have killed them" he replies to my dad while my dad states back "thats the spirit one part brave three parts fool". I smile to myself after hearing that saying that my dad has used for years. Eragon had an angry look on his face as he stated "then ill find Durza and kill him". I looked over at him as if he was mad since i had heard the stories about Durza from my dad and know how dangerous he is. "Durza is a shade, a sorcerer, if you find him you wont last long facing against him. What we need to do is go to the Varden" my dad tells us while untieing his saddle from his horse. "How do you know all this?" Eragon questions dad curiously. "Because ive been to the Varden and seen things neither of you could possibly imagine" he tells us both truthfully. "Call your dragons" he repeats his instruction from earlier in a stern tone. "There far away by now they cant hear us" Eragon lies. "Should we make an agreement not to lie to each other, i know they hear your voices now call your dragons" my dad demands as he sets up his blanket on the ground. 

I turn and look at the sky before talking in my head Macnair are you able to find us. He quickly replies saying  of course young one i never left you in the first place nor has Saphira left Eragon. I smile at his reply before feeling a strong gust of wind surround the area, leading Eragon to grab the reins of the horses just in time as Saphira lands first with Macnair following close behind. I walked towards Macnair with a grin while petting Sapphira on the nose as i pass before running up to Macnair and hugging him. He chuckles at me in his deep voice before hugging me back like he did before.

I pull away and take a step back while looking up at him before asking "are you ok?". He nods his head at me with a smile while inching closer to my face and nuzzling his nose against my cheek. I giggle and stroke his nose just as he pulls away and looks at something behind me. Who is that? he asks while indicating towards my dad with his head. Thats my dad i think to him as he nods his head. "What are their names?" dad asks me and Eragon while gesturing to our dragons. "This is Saphira" Eragon replies gesturing to his dragon "and this is Macnair" i say pointing to my green dragon who lets out a puff of smoke from his nostrils in greeting. My dad then starts to walk around the dragons to examine them as he first examines Saphira. "Muscular proportion, talons nicely curved, legs a bit thin" he lists off until Saphira growls at him for the last comment which makes me laugh. He then comes over to examine Macnair who stands still as he does this. "Very muscular proportions, talons and horns nicely curved, legs a bit wide" Macnair also growls at him for this comment which makes me laugh again. "All an all fine young dragons with fine names" my dad states still observing both the dragons. I like him Macnair tells me which makes me happy. I cant wait till i get to ride you i think to him honestly. Me neither young one he replies in a gentle tone.

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