When you two fight

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You two rarely fight, but when you do you can't stay mad at each other. Eventually one of you gives in and apologises.

He sometimes starts it, but it's only minor like he forgot to wash up or something silly. But when it's a big fight you give each other space until your ready to apologise and sort it out.

The arguments are usually started by Jerome over reacting to something but he's always the first to give in and apologise, he could never stay mad at you.

He will panic wether it's small or big but every time he makes sure to respect you and buys you flowers to apologise.

You will ignore each other for a bit but when it comes to going to bed you can't help but cuddle up to each other now matter how angry you are at each other.

Ed will be bitter after an argument, at first he always believes he is right. But after having time alone to think about it he always comes and apologises

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