Chapter 23 - Lucy

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I really didn't want to wake up anytime soon. I feel like I was hit by a train. Damn it Natsu where did you go? I finally open my eyes and see that I'm in a room I've never been in before. What? No! Don't tell me I was kidnapped again! Just how? 

I look around the area looking for clues and finally see the Sabertooth guild mark and relax. That's right I used the stars to heal Frosch and Luther, I must have been exhausted just too pass out like that. I relaxed back into the bed and realised for the first time that I'm not alone. My hand is pinned down and when I look down I see Natsu sitting by the bed and asleep holding my hand. 

Of course Natsu would never leave me, I relax back and just watch him sleep for a little while. I guess he didn't want anyone to walk in on us sleeping together. He tried so hard to make me happy. Why don't I want Fairytail to know though? I know they would be happy for me and if Erza's gift was any indicator she knows that I at least have a crush on someone. 

But I still don't want to tell them. At least not yet. Something inside of me says it's too soon still. Maybe I just want us to spend some time together as a family? Away from our friends. They can be a bit much so that wasn't exactly a surprising thought but still. Again thoughts of little feet running around our house came to my mind. I try to shake the thought away, it's far too early to think about having babies! 

I let out a groan and start to stretch a bit, I feel so tight and achy like I've slept for too long. 

"Good morning beautiful. Welcome back to the land of the living," I couldn't help the giggle that came out at Natsu's words. He was rubbing sleep out of his eyes and his voice was so deep and sexy I was biting my lip. 

"Oh don't do that or I'll make everyone hear your screams," Why? Why in the hell does Natsu have to be so sexy while he is half asleep? It's like the only part of his brain working is instinct and I really can't complain. 

Breathe! Deep breaths now. He can and will do exactly what he claims if I let him and I can't let him. Not yet anyway. Breathe. I took deep breaths and when I was calm again I saw Natsu grinning at me. Why does he have to look so pleased with himself?

"We should really get going. We need to start heading towards that last mission if we want to be done by Valentine's Day," I smile back at him and laugh when he perks up. Of course chocolate would get his attention. 

"This year is going to be extra sweet!" He exclaimed excitedly, confusing me. 

"What do you mean?" Why would this year be extra sweet? I make him chocolates every year. 

"Because this year I get to eat them off of you," His eyes narrowed as he licked his lips letting his gaze go up and down me. Oh yes. I like it when he is horny. But unfortunately we can't right now. 

He must have seen the look of disappointment on my face because he let out a low growl before shaking his head. "How are you feeling?" He asked, trying to change the topic. 

"Like I got hit by a train," I groan trying to stretch some more. Natsu decided now was a great time to let his hands explore my body, he rubbed and gently massaged the knots that had been so painful making me gasp out in relief and pleasure. It wasn't until I heard his low growl that I realized how I sounded. 

"Sorry Natsu, it just feels so good," I tried to bite my tongue to prevent the moan from his hands finally working out particularly painful knots in my sides. 

"Don't apologize for me making you feel good. I like it. Even if someone walked in they wouldn't know. So let me hear your moans," His voice was so low that I reached up to tap my headset to raise the volume and found them missing. "Here," he hands me the kitty headband and waits until I put them on before talking dirty to me. 

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