Chapter 26 - Natsu

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A/N Thank you for your patience! The chapter is ready a little early this week but considering I have been on Hiatus I figured you all wouldn't mind. Hehe. Anyway a bit of fluff before we get into the meat of things again. Please enjoy! 💃

Happy and Luce took turns flying through the air carrying me and when they tossed me back and forth in the air I'm pretty sure my heart was in my throat a few times... I LOVED IT! Eventually though we had to stop because even in the dark we were causing a scene. I mean come on! How many people can actually see in the dark? Too many apparently. 

Happy was getting sleepy but said something about a sleepover with Lector and Frosch. Should we actually allow this? I mean they were just extremely sick for Mavis sake! But Luce simply smiled and gave him extra hugs and kisses prompting me to do the same. I guess she would know what she is doing but that didn't stop my skin from crawling.

In the end we agreed to let him go but he had to be back in time for Luce to give him a thorough check over and cleaning in the morning. Then we finally made our way back to our hotel room.

"Luce? I still don't like this," I groaned, plopping onto our bed.

"I know but he is still his own person and if I have to I will do the spell again," Luce laid next to me, putting her head on my shoulder as she did.

I just growled, I really didn't have an argument after all. I just wanted to keep our son safe. That's all. I felt her snuggle into me which did wonders in helping me to relax and soon enough I was cuddling her back.

"You know? This might be the last time we are alone for a while," Luce hummed, she was enjoying the way my purrs seemed to vibrate through us both. I know because she has told me so before.

"Well," I tilted her head towards me before leaning down to kiss her. "We better make the most of it then." Her eyes seemed to light up with that fire again. Just how does she do that? But before I could ask her she was already on top of me and had my arms trapped behind me and caught in my vest so now I can't move without destroying my clothes.

"Look at that? It's not fun having your clothes destroyed now is it?" She cooed, blowing gently on my neck. When did it get so hot in here? Actually when am I ever hot now that I think about it?

"Luce," I warned her but she giggled and somehow bounced from her perch on my hips. Yeah no I don't care about my clothes that much.


We woke up before the sun has even risen somehow and cleaned up taking a shower where at this point I'm going to just assume that if it feels good in general it feels even better while we are having sex.

Happy came in, thankfully knocking first, and Luce scrubbed him head to toe. From all the noise he was making you would think she was torturing him or something. A member of management even came up to check on us and she was doubled over in giggles when she saw Luce soaked and Happy still dripping in the tub. On the bright side Luce took another shower and Happy went to find a breakfast place that served fish leaving me to join my mate again.

When we finally left Luce of course looked stunning and because of last night Virgo had to bring me a new top from the Celestial realm but the colors looked the same as what Luce was wearing today. She always wears the same type of clothes anymore but the way it showed off her body had me thanking her female spirits every time she summoned them. Not the Males though. I usually threatened them because of how they were looking at her...

Yeah Loke and I have gotten into more than one physical fight over this. Luce was not happy either. But at the end of it we were both apologising to her for it. Our trip to the sea was fairly boring otherwise. We rode the train and then rented a couple horses.

"Luce! I'm actually on a horse!" I yelled towards her. Okay so maybe I got a little too excited over the horse. But I was RIDING a horse! Luce started giggling and rode up next to me before planting a kiss on my lips. Yes I am enjoying this.

"Hey Luce maybe after the mission we could go to a fair or theme park?" Just why am I nervous about this.

"That sounds great but first," I look up at her only to see her grin at me. "Race you up the hill!" She laughed talking off on her horse leaving me behind.

"Oh I'm all fired up!" I yelled and my horse filled after her although at a much slower pace. WHY!?!?!??!


The week passed by in a blur of us doing different odds and ends all on our way to the mission. Luce said we didn't have to hurry and Happy agreed to 'get distracted' on Valentine's day. Just how do you agree to get distracted? Oh well we still have a few weeks before then anyway so it really doesn't matter.

"Daddy!" Happy called out from behind me and I turned around just in time for him to tackle my face with a piece of paper or poster thing in between us, the thing crinkling and tearing a bit when he did.

What the? I grabbed him before he could fall to see that he had a flier for a hot air balloon ride going on today and tomorrow. "LUCE!" I called out before looking up to see her standing right next to me. She looked at the flier and smiled before nodding yes.

"Yes! Let's go!" I gave the flier to her and picked her up so she was riding on my back, she giggled while pointing which way to go. Happy flying next to us and we raced.

We got there just as they started selling the tickets, we bought ours and walked around and played at the different booths as we waited our turn. Turned out to be a whole fair! We caught goldfish, which we then gave back because Happy kept trying to eat them. We all rode a ferris wheel not as fun as I thought it would be but I liked the way Luce laid her head on my shoulder or when we finally got all the way to the top she kissed me. Yes, very fun.

We ate popcorn and cotton candy, hotdogs and burgers. Okay maybe I ate all of that while Luce nibbled on little pieces of this and that. Happy somehow found a fried fish booth and convinced the guy to sell it to him raw.

Then the moment I've been waiting for, for what has been probably my whole life. A rollercoaster ride! Luce was sitting next to me and she patted my leg as we rode to the top of the first hill. We were sitting in the front and there was a small jerk. Okay maybe my knuckles were white while holding onto the harness. What if the charm doesn't work on rollercoasters? I mean it's worked so far but what if half way through the ride it stopped? OH MY MAVIS!

I heard a very loud click and the ride plummeted. It wasn't until we were going up the fifth or sixth inclined that I realized I really fucking love rollercoaster rides!

We ended up riding all of them and it wasn't until we got off the last ride that they called our ticket number to get ready for our hot air balloon ride. My blood was still racing through my veins when we actually started getting into the basket and Luce held my hand while Happy perched himself in my shoulder.

We went up.

We went up so high I could actually see the sea several miles away; the sun just now setting over the waters. The hues of pinks, reds and purples mixing naturally with the different shades of blue.

Luce wrapped her arms around my waist leaning into my chest as the three of us just watched the sky and water take our breath away.

"Luce?" I ask in a whisper only to hear her hum to let me know she was listening. "I want to do everything. I want to see everything. I want to fly with you and Happy and most importantly," I stopped to catch my breath and kiss the top of her head. "I want to spend it all with you." I hear her giggle in my arms and snuggle into my chest nodding as she did. This is only the beginning. The beginning of our lives together and I want to see everything life is going to throw at us.

After all, it's always more fun when we are together...

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