Chapter 39 - Lucy

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I couldn't help rolling my eyes at Natsu but we were all having too much fun to take his pouting too seriously, including himself. I could feel in my blood though that there weren't all that many dragon slayers even including Laxus and those like him. Those lacrima's are not easy to find and the process is extremely painful, not to mention deadly.

"That reminds me your dragon's were asking if I would bring you the next time we went to the Dragon Realm," I said not at all quietly and the shock was not hard to see on all of their faces. "It will probably be another week before we go again though, it takes a lot of magic in order to go by myself not including each additional person, we only came back this morning and I'm exhausted from just Natsu, Happy and myself."

They quickly agreed and started making plans on what all they needed to do in order to make time for the trip.

"I'm sure Mom and our dad's will be happy to see you all, Mom said she wanted to meet you all and dad did say he would like to meet you all properly but I don't think he realized that he hasn't met most of you yet." I shrugged and they all started asking questions and Natsu and I started chatting about anything and everything.

Natsu was laughing when he said, "Yeah, Zeref said he wanted a rematch and Mavis hit him so hard that even with them both being spirits he was seeing stars!" I laughed agreeing and we kept ignoring our guildmates until a thought came to mind.

"Hey didn't I order a smoothie this morning? It's been months since I've had one of Mira's amazing smoothies," I whined and Natsu laughed before going behind the counter himself and pulling it out of the fridge making me smile while he carried it back and handed it to me with a flourish, making me blush.

"Natsu!" I groaned, slapping him away jokingly after taking my smoothie and we were all laughing again.

"My Goddess?" I looked up feeling my magic drain to see Virgo standing next to us. "It's time to go," she bowed before asking for punishment and I sighed before I flinched and I backhanded her sending her flying across the guild.

"I'm never going to get used to this," I grumbled when she came back with stars in her eyes and praise for the 'glorious' punishment. I just groaned before Happy landed on my shoulder and we waved, following her first to the Celestial Realm and then the Training Realm, leaving our shocked and frozen guildmates and dragon slayers behind.


We came back exactly where we left at the guild only a couple days after the fact and I stretched before leaning against Natsu yawning. He laughed a little before he gently picked me up and started carrying me out of the guild while I dozed off, Happy electing to stay at the guild with Carla and Wendy instead. When we got home, Natsu took me to our bedroom and we got some much needed alone time before we passed out, my head on Natsu's sexy sculpted chest.


I woke up hearing Natsu's gentle snores as he slept peacefully under me, I stifled a giggle as I watched him, his chest slowly going up and down as he did. Much better than when I wake up to him snoring so loudly that I swear it could wake the dead, maybe I should take him to see a doctor? That can't be healthy right?

Right now though he just looked so peaceful it was sweet, the morning sunlight was showing through the curtains making his skin practically glow with his golden tanned skin. The scar on his jaw was starting to fade but it was here to stay, but at least it didn't look so angry as before. It doesn't look like it hurts and somehow he says it doesn't hurt at all, in fact it's kind of numb.

I looked at the one on the side of his neck, it was already faded and it looked soft. I like to kiss on it and sometimes nibble on it but unlike the one on his face, that one is super sensitive. I can use it to either tickle him or turn him on faster than most anything. Almost anything, the one on his waist makes him jump, but I'm firmly pressed against that one at the moment. I bit my lower lip, last night was amazing it really was but it's been a while with Happy with us all the time.

I can't take it. I reach up and gently kiss on the scar on his neck, earning the light moan from my sleeping mate. I smile before I lightly coat it in light kisses, his muscles flexing under me even while he sleeps.

No, it's time for him to wake up now. I lightly bite into the mark and hear him hiss right before his arms are around me and he rolls us over so that he is on top.

"Good morning beautiful, I hope you don't have any plans today?" He asked his voice deeper than usual thanks to the sleep still in it.

"Outside of you? Nope, none at all." I giggled and I saw him smirk before he dipped down taking my lips with his. It's been months yet somehow he still makes my blood boil, my heart race and he never fails to steal my breath away. 

"I want you," I whispered when I finally caught my breath again making him grin but then he froze and rolled off of me. What?

"Luce? Do you want to have a baby?" He asked shyly, that fierce fire in his eyes was replaced by something much more like a timid flame caught in a cold draft.

"Uh, eventually... Why are you asking that now?" I was very confused, I am still very needy at the moment and this was not how I expected to start my day.

"It's just, dragon slayers a little different than regular humans," he started running his hand over his face.

"Oh, yeah Igneel told me." I shrugged, making him freeze before he looked back at me again.

"What exactly did he tell you?" He was hesitant but still guarded, that's odd. Usually Natsu would just laugh and maybe forget the conversation as a whole.

"That we have to be actively trying to have a baby, accidents are not really a thing and that we could choose to have either live birth or eggs. Then of course what he told us together about the fact that eggs were healthier for both me and the baby," I shrugged before cuddling up against his side, relaxing. If Natsu brought it up that means it has probably been on his mind since Igneel told us. Sex can wait.

I watched him sigh out relieved before wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer against him before he grinned back at me.

"Want to make a baby?" He asked a mischievous grin tugging at his lips before he started rubbing noses with me. Oh that is SO cute!

"Oh yes, I don't mind laying an egg or two," I smirked, only for him to trap my lips with his. I'm so glad we were already naked as we gently loved each other.

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