Chapter 40 - Natsu

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I was running my fingers through Luce's hair as she slept, her head on my chest. The sun was still coming in the window but only barely, it must be getting close to lunchtime but for some reason I'm just not hungry.

Luce smiled when I asked if she wanted to make a baby, she actually smiled! I've been wanting to bring it up for a while but we were just always running towards one adventure or another and seeing that smile on her face at how excited she was every step of the way, I just couldn't. But that smile? Mavis protect me, the way she moaned in my ear while I thrusted into her, or the way her nails dug into my chest while she rode me, Luce dragged out every ounce of energy I had and I loved every moment of it.

Suddenly I noticed that Luce's hair was no longer glittering in the sunlight and when I looked up the sun wasn't coming through the window anymore. I must have spent at least an hour just watching her sleep.

"MOM! DAD!" I heard Happy yelling from the front door and I groaned, I love him very much but damn it I was hoping for a little more time with my mate!

"Happy?" Luce opened her eyes before looking up to see me still groaning before she remembered that she was still naked.

"Just a minute, Happy we need to shower!" Luce called out and I heard Happy giggle about us loving each other and I couldn't help smiling at that.

"Yeah, we sure do," I started noticing a while ago that Luce's hearing was getting sharper weeks ago, long before Igneel told us about Draco or anything else for that matter. I think she was already becoming a dragon slayer in her own right, not just a resistance to my fire like a couple months ago. Wait if it's after noon then Virgo will be here soon to pick us up for training...

No wonder Happy is here. We quickly showered and changed and when we came down the stairs Happy was eating a fish humming about baby brothers and sisters...

Damn, am I that predictable?

"You want siblings?" Luce asked curious only to get Happy to start chatting excitedly about how cool it would be to have little one's to protect and look after. Luce and I just laughed before Virgo arrived and we went to the Training Realm and Luce and I trained our dragon slayer magics together, while Happy worked on his battle tactics, turns out Cancer likes sparring with my little buddy and Sagittarius loved the fact that he adores the cross bow so much. He spent a lot of time with them everytime we came since Draco started joining us.

It also gave us an idea as to how long we were here, cause he would occasionally say something like; it usually takes around six months to learn how to roar. All under his breath but Luce and I heard him just fine. By the time we were ready to leave Luce had the basic concept of the dragon slayer's basic moves; Dragon Roar, Claw attack, Kick and how to eat our elements.

She can literally just go under the stars and feed on the starlight, other than her smoothies I don't really see her needing too much as far as food goes. I can't lie, I'm kind of jealous.

We went home and even laughing we made our way to the guild, it was time to start searching out the dragon slayers, I want a baby and I know Luce can easily defeat some young thing with little to no actual training.

"Where to start?" I groaned as we walked into the guildhall and started making our way to the mission board.

"I mean I know that they will eventually find me but I don't want to wait," Luce sighed before turning to read the job board.

"Yeah," Happy landed on my head. "I really want to save up enough for one of those fancy rings to ask Carla to be my mate," he sighed dreamily and I couldn't help laughing at the snort and coughing of several of our guildmates who had overheard him.

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