Chapter 1 - Lucy

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A/N Okay so I was just talking to someone AlexVelez054 about this and inspiration stuck! I finally had a title! Lol. So I can finally start publishing! Enjoy Minna! 💃

The day was long, my feet hurt and as usual we only got half the freaking reward. Why did Natsu have to destroy half the harbor? I can't help the groan that escapes me as I take my shoes off at the door and drag myself to my bathroom where my tub was waiting, as always, ready to be filled.

I set the water as I added my bath salts and oils and finally turned off the water before going to the shower and scrubbing all the grime and dirt from the day off of me and rinsing before gingerly lowering myself into the hot steamy fluid that never failed to earn a gasp from me. I could almost feel the tension melting from my body as I leaned back submerging my body in the blissful water.

I stretch out and not for the first time I'm grateful that the tub in my apartment is so large. It could honestly fit another person in here maybe two. I giggle at the thought, this is all mine. I rest my head back letting my hair fall into the water, not worried about the oils in it because I can always wash it back out again after I'm done.

I wish I wasn't alone. My eyes snap open at the thought, what? Why wouldn't I want to be alone in the bath? I must be tired, that's all. I relax again letting my thoughts drift off again.

Natsu would probably be avoiding me for the next day or two. I was pretty hard on him about the whole harbor thing. I really should be more considerate; he was after all just saving me again. I frown at the thought, of course he was saving me. Again. The pervert we were fighting had managed to separate my keys from me and was holding me hostage. Again.

Why am I always getting kidnapped? I look at my beautiful keys hanging close to the tub. I learned a long time ago to keep them closer even while I was in the bathroom. I pick up Virgo's key and summon her.

"Yes Princess?" She bowed to me while standing next to the tub.

"Would you like to join me? We never really get to just hang out that much." Okay maybe I am lonely. I hate when Natsu avoids me, even when I tell him to leave me the hell alone.

"Certainly!" Virgo answered before removing her own clothes and getting into the water with me. When she was comfortable she looked at me with stars in her eyes before asking, "Punishment time?"

"Wha- No!" I could feel my face turning bright red as I screeched at her. When I look up at her again I see her eyes droop a bit from disappointment.

"Virgo why do you WANT to be punished all the time?" I can't stand it, my curiosity finally having won after all these years together.

"Because it feels good," her answer was so quick I don't think she even thought about it. Then as an after thought she added, "Princess."

I frown, "How does punishment feel good?" I hadn't even realized that I said the words out loud until her answer found my ears.

"Do you wish for me to show you?" Her eyes are showing excitement again and honestly I'm so confused I just nod my head without thinking about her words.

She leaned forward and slid her hands up my legs making me flinch at the unexpected contact but she continued nonetheless. "Punishment isn't about pain," she seemed to breathe into my ear as she made her way up my body.

"Punishment is about finding out how much your body and mind can take," without warning she bit my earlobe earning a light moan from me that seemed to surprise me more than her.

"This isn't right. You're one of my spirits... My precious friends... My family." I tried to pull away but she held me still before nipping at my ear again this time harder.

"It's okay, I know your heart already belongs to him. I won't push you, Princess." Her voice was soft and she pulled away slowly. I barely even noticed the tears in my eyes even as they streamed down my face.

"Why doesn't he know that?" I choked the words out, my hands clutching at my chest trying to calm the hammering in my chest. Sobs now racking my body while I tried to hold myself together.

"Why am I so weak? Without you all I am nothing at all. Can I even consider myself a real mage?" My body was shaking. I knew it but my sobs would not go away.

Silence filled the room as she watched me cry my eyes out occasionally patting me on the shoulder before I turned and cried into her shoulder. Several minutes passed before I calmed down enough to still my shaking body but my tears continued as if now that the flood gates were open they wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Princess," Virgo seemed to hesitate before continuing. "If you want to get stronger there is a way to do it but it will take time. Would you be willing to train with us in our training realm?"

I looked at her like she grew a second head. "What?"

My keys glowed and before I could do more than cover my breasts Loki was standing there by the tub, "Princess come train with us we will make sure you never feel this way again. You are strong." Loki looked up for the first time and realized where we were, his face turned bright red and I swear I saw a puff of smoke escape from his ears as if he were broken but his words had my attention at the moment.

"Train? I can train more than I already have been?" I looked between Virgo and Loki.

"Yes Princess and you will see that you are much stronger than you realise." Virgo answered while Loki remained broken, frozen in place. Is he even breathing?

"Yes! Let's go, how long will we be gone, what all should I pack? I guess I should leave a note saying I left to train." I started mumbling to myself not even realizing as Virgo helped me out of the tub and dried my hair while helping me to get dressed.

My hair was put into a tight braid swept over one shoulder and I was wearing something that looked much like my cancer stardress now but with a galaxy pattern on it with golden Zodiacs embroidered all around it. I didn't just look nice, I looked bad ass.

"Virgo do you think I could get a few more outfits like this? I really like it!" I oohed and awed over the outfit so much, I swear I heard her giggle.

"Of course Princess, feel free to write your note but don't worry about packing I will take care of all that." She bowed, I nodded in response walking past the still frozen Loki; I give him a weird look before leaving the bathroom and walking to my desk. I sit down with a pen and paper and leave a short message;

Fairy Tail,

I'm sorry I didn't stop in to tell you all goodbye but I'm leaving for a little while just to train. I don't know how long I will be gone; it could be a few days or months. I hope you all understand that I will be back.

Love Lucy.

I picked up another sheet and wrote separate letters for each of my teammates as well addressing each envelope as I went before snapping Loki out of his weird trance like state.

"Loki can you deliver these for me please? Before returning to the celestial realm with us?" I looked up at him, my eyes wide with just a hint of a pout.

"Anything for you princess," He bows all formal and kisses my hand, confusing me. This is extra even for him. He quickly left out the door and I made sure to lock it behind him before turning back to Virgo.

"Okay, I'm ready whenever you are!" Virgo smiled and held out her hand before taking me first to the Celestial realm where I talked to the Celestial King and then somewhere else altogether.

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