Chapter 5 - Lucy

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"Okay, I don't really think I need anymore help with my weapons or fighting but I do need to strengthen my actual magic," I let out a deep breath. Somehow I still felt fine but looking around at my spirits I can see they were exhausted and a few couldn't even get back up. I felt a twinge of pride that I was able to hold my own against them but at the same time I was trying to stop myself from running over to them to help them back up again. Aquarius made it VERY clear that I was not to do that while we were training.

"One more match and then we will leave," Loki grinned at me. "I will be your opponent." I nod in understanding but it only took a couple minutes for me to knock him out of the arena we set up in, who knows how long ago.

Seriously I get that time stands still on Earthland while we are here but what the heck? It's like time doesn't move at all while we are here. I get hungry, yes, but never sleepy and I have no idea how long we could have been here for. I even lost count of how many meals we have had since being here. Also where does our food even come from?

"Let's eat and then we can go? I'm sorry!" Aries whimpered, earning a reassuring smile from me as she did. I nod in agreement and we all eat and I start to relax again. I almost didn't notice Virgo staring at me.

"What's wrong Virgo?" I asked her looking up from my seat. Most everyone continued with their small talk or eating not worrying about what was said.

"Natsu," she only said one word, confusing the hell out of me.

"What about him?" I take a drink of whatever it is that Loki gave me. It was tart and creamy at the same time, maybe pineapples and cream? But that still seems wrong somehow.

"You love him, we understand that. But we need you to understand that we love you. It's different, sure but just as strong." I almost drop my now empty cup at her words. I'm just sitting here staring open mouthed at her. She has been expressing herself more and more since this training started but sometimes she still seems to knock me out.

"Brat, she is right," I turned to look at Aquarius as she talked. "We will always have your back and you are welcome to call on us if you need more help. I know you just got my key back. I'm glad you found it but you need to have more faith in yourself." I think my jaw is broken, I can't bring myself to close it.

"Princess," Loki's turn to talk. "We all are forever in your debt. We have all spoken about it and decided that we all wish to change our contracts with you to reflect it."

I look around at my spirits, my friends, my family, my Nakama. As tears slid happily down my face as we fixed each of their contracts. Hell even my silver spirits wanted to change their contracts as well. So now I can call on any of them at all on any day and at anytime I want. Sometimes I have to wonder to myself; Do I actually deserve their kindness? Do I actually deserve their love?

"I love you all so much," I whisper as they circle around me cooing at me. Even Aquarius stopped to hold me and for the first time since I was a small child I can say that I am totally at peace.

"Now Princess, we need to get you all dressed up so you can see the King before going home again." Virgo brought all the attention back to her as she held a fresh and clean outfit much like the one I'm already in, only this one is pink. They all seemed to be slightly different almost like they were pictures from different places in space. I'm not entirely sure they're not.

"I need to get several of these for my closet! They are just so beautiful!" I awe over the beauty of the material, this one kind of looked like a supernova.
(A/N-Picture above)

"Well you can have them. We can make several patterns for you and if you are wearing our signs it will actually take less magic energy to call for us." Loki looked super proud of himself as he talked.

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