Ch 1 The Students Raised with Elves

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I want to thank a new Beta, Deb. As usual with a good Beta reader, I have had to make some major changes because of her suggestions. Thank you, Deb.

Starts the afternoon of the same day Albus Potter and the Deathly Hallows ends. You really need to read that story first.


Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy left the room they were sharing at the castle in Switzerland, and met up with Rose Granger-Weasley and Cleopatra Smith, who were sharing a room next door. While Al's father and Rose's mother were busy with the International Conference of Witches and Wizards, Al and Rose were going to be meeting with the other boys and girls who had been raised with an Elf, and had been learning Elfish.

"I'm nervous," Scorpius admitted. "I've been learning Elfish as long as any of you, but I've never met these people. They all have prominent parents and grandparents, and I'm just the son and grandson of criminals."

"As far as I know," Albus explained, "we are the only Magi in the world who know the Elfish language. Since you know the language as well, you should be meeting with us."

"Are all of the parents of the students here at the International Conference of Witches and Wizards?' Scorpius asked.

Nodding, Albus answered, "I think so."

"My father would be very upset if he knew I was not wearing robes," Scorpius mumbled.

"Almost all Magi wear Muggle styled clothes," Rose insisted. "England was one of the last areas in the world to wear medieval clothes. You are wearing perfectly acceptable casual clothes. Your father is just very old fashioned." Rose looked over all of them. Except for the unfashionably large pockets on Cleopatra's dress, everyone was appropriately dressed.

Martin Luther King P/W, the Elf Al and Rose had been raised with, was walking hand in hand with Rosa Parks, the Elf Scorpius and Cleo had been raised with. The Elves joined the Magi as they walked to the meeting room in the castle. Cleo noticed that Rosa and Martin were talking to each other like old friends, and asked them how long they had known each other.

Rosa explained, "Elves has own school for young Elves. Ever since Harry Potter has Potter/Weasley Elves, is school for young Elves, in upstairs of New Burrow. Martin and I meet. We are the same age. We are also named after freedom fighters. Besides, Elves not so alone as some Magi think. Our families know each other. With new Elf rules we have a little free time, and the two families meet."

"Galadriel has arranged a meeting room in one of the lower levels of the castle," Rose explained. "I think some of the lower levels are reserved for Elves. She is running the meetings; she usually does."

"How important an Elf is Galadriel?" Scorpius asked.

Albus looked at Martin and Rosa. Martin declared, "When Harry Potter became the Regent in Switzerland, his magic, what he did for Dobby, for Kreacher, for all the Potter/Weasley Elves, changed the Elves under the Regents from house-elves into Elves. John and Mary, the two head elves, took surnames, John and Mary Rivendell. Their daughter Arwen married Elrond Lothlorien, and they have two daughters, Galadriel and Luthien. Galadriel and her sister Luthien are very important. Galadriel is using the First Wand, the Wand from Outside, not made on earth but from where the Elves came from. Elf prophets say she is the heir, the first since Elves enslaved.

"Thorin Oakenwand, the goblin, may be her mate someday. If so they will be High Elves again."

The four Magi and two Elves walked down a sloped passageway in the huge castle until they came to the room set aside for the meeting.

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