APEC Ch 42 More Frank Talk

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The end of this chapter is much reworked, with additions by Deb and me, due to her inspiration. I hope you enjoy reading it. I had fun writing it. Diane inspired a few paragraphs of clarification as well.


Ginny watched Fleur walk away, every move beautiful, sexy and sophisticated. Fleur could not help it. Ginny knew it was going to be a difficult Christmas for Fleur and her family.

François, Frank. It was going to be easier to remember the pair of names than just one isolated name. Memory was so easy before her accident, but ever since that Bludger hit her head and almost killed her she had to work at remembering.

François, Frank. It was just so frustrating when she could not remember a word she knew. It would eventually come to her, eventually. Usually.

They had two full Quidditch teams flying, with Rose and Cleopatra watching. The Weasley/Potter families were getting large. They kept accumulating people. Ivana Romanoff was not biologically a grandchild, but as the niece of Charlie's late partner she was family. 'Late.' Stribog Romanoff was not 'late,' he was dead. Charlie was Ivana's surviving father, legally and every other way. Ginny thought Ivana was with Jane, visiting Jane's family.

Caroline Fawcett, Charlie's full time caregiver, was not exactly family either, but she was always with Charlie, with few exceptions. What was left of Charlie needed full time care.

Jane's father was living in a one-bedroom flat across the street from Dudley and Belinda, and her grandparents, uncle and his new wife were living in a three-bedroom flat. Jane's father had buried himself in his work, putting in long hours at Mario's, the restaurant she and Harry had been going to forever. Ginny thought Jane had seen him this Christmas break, and would again, but she would have to look at the family calendar to make sure. Jane and Ivana were visiting Jane's grandparents. Jane's grandmother was well into losing her memory due to Alzheimer's. Jane's new aunt had worked at a care home before marrying her uncle. She was the full time caregiver of Jane's grandparents now, grandfather, who's back problems had become worse, and grandmother. Ginny thought that the Harry and Ginny Potter charity was helping the family, but Fleur really ran that. There was a limit to what Ginny could remember and do, and she was content to let Fleur handle the charity work.

Ginny knew that her head injury predisposed her to dementia as she aged, something that frankly terrified her, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Jane's uncle was working at Dursley, Potter and Weasley LTD. He was driving some sort of little vehicle that loaded and unloaded things. Ginny could not remember the name. It had a blinking light on top, and something that stuck out in front that had something to do with silverware, not spoons. Maybe forks, but they looked more like knives. Some of the box like things they put containers in were containers, and some were lorries, and that was something else that she just could not remember very well. DPW LTD was a very confusing place, and she just did not need to try and remember all the confusing things that went on there.

Frank, François.

At least she had Donna Lionheart to help her remember Quidditch. Donna was no writer, and resisted learning how to type, but she had a fantastic memory for Quidditch. Ginny would not have been able to write her column without Donna's help. Donna was great at catching mistakes, and at remembering past games where something similar had happened. Ginny had an editor at the Prophet as well, who was good at smoothing out her writing occasionally, although the editor did not know Quidditch like she and Donna.

Audrey waved and walked over. "Hello, Ginny. Watching the assembled crowd?"

"It is not exactly a small family," Ginny admitted. "What have you been doing this fine day?"

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