Ch 37 After the Hogsmeade Attack

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More critical edits, additions and corrections by my beta readers. Thank you!


The Monday Prophet made note of the Hogsmeade attack, but said, "More details will be forthcoming tomorrow."

Harry and others from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement spent part of Monday working with Cindy, writing and rewriting an account of what happened. They wanted the article to be an honest account, but also to emphasize that the four students and in fact all of the students who were learning Elfish had protection from Elves. Harry hoped the article would be picked up by papers around the world, and that it would help to keep the children safer.

Harry also had to agree to appear on the Wizarding Wireless Network, reading a statement that he and Cindy had prepared.


Monday late afternoon Harry called Ginny and told her, "We have a lot of follow up with all the arrests. I am going to be tied up late. I have to pick up Albus and Cleopatra and bring them to the Ministry to identify people. I will call you before we take them back, if you would like to see them."

Ginny replied, "That would be nice. I hope you are not going to have to work double shifts all this week."

"Just or a couple of days," Harry replied, giving a regretful sigh. He tried to take enough time off, and give his Aurors enough time off, but being an Auror could easily turn into an all-consuming job if you were not careful.

Harry took Cho Chang and two young Aurors to pick up Al and Cleo; that way Cho could see her children briefly. All four Aurors Apparated to Hogsmeade, to right outside the main gate. "We will take the students back side-along," Harry informed the other three.

The Auror who was assigned to Rose gave Harry a terrified look. "I've never Apparated with anyone else, side-along. I don't want to start with Ms. Granger-Weasley's daughter."

"Mild mannered Hermione?" Harry quipped.

"Paperwork!" Cho jumped in with, then with a good imitation of Hermione, "Mary Lou and I are going to sit down with you and finish these reports!"

"Guilty as charged," Harry laughed. "Hermione can be rather formidable." Turning to the two young Aurors, "You two can use the Floo at the Wheezes."

A Department of Magical Law Enforcement guard let them in, and they walked into the Main Hall just as dinner was finishing. Cho's son Charles Koizumi rushed up to Cho when he saw his mother and said, "Did you hear how Al, Cleo, Rose and Scorpius ZAPPED the bad wizards. THAT'S what I want to do!"

"You really do not want to be attacked," Cho insisted. "They are very lucky one of them was not injured or killed."

Charles had a disgusted look on his face as he went back to his seat with a pout. His desire to duel was well known by many of the students. By this time Al, Cleo, and Professor McGonagall were next to Harry and Cho. Rose and Scorpius were following, arguing about some fine point on how to vary some spell. Professor McGonagall asked when the children would be back and other pertinent information before leaving the group.

Harry, Cho, Albus and Cleo went to the Apparition point outside Hogwarts. Harry took Al, and Cho took Cleo, and they Apparated to an intermediate point, and then to approved Apparition point inside the Ministry. You really did not want to Apparate all the way from Hogwarts to the Ministry.

One of the two other Aurors told Rose and Scorpius, "We are not comfortable Apparating as far as Mr. Potter and Ms. Chang. We will take the Floo at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. There is a satellite Auror office there."

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