Ch 50 To Summer Break

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As always, great advice from Deb and Diane.


Harry, Ginny and little Minerva sat in their dining room hosting Ron and Hermione, enjoying a slightly more formal meal Tuesday May fifth.

"No speech for May Second Battle of Hogwarts Memorial this year," Harry observed. "I would have at least given a small speech at Hogwarts if not for this Covid-19 illness, and as usual the press would have covered it.

Harry sighed. He was used to the publicity he attracted by now, and had even learned how to use it at times, but he did not think he would ever covet it or quite get used to it.

"Your column on the Hogwarts Quidditch game was excellent, even though you were not there," Ron commented, looking at Ginny. "James, Lily and Scorpius all contributed?"

"James gives all the scores," Ginny explained, "But without much commentary. He has told me that he does not want to reveal too much about the players' strengths and weaknesses, so no one can use that information against him and the team. Reading James report you could not tell if the game was played in hot sunny weather or a blizzard, unless something in the weather interfered with a play.

"Scorpius gives you all the information about the setting that James ignores. His reports are good, but way too long to be used in full. They are prose, not poetry, written by someone who is trying hard to get all his facts correct."

Ron volunteered, "The more I see Scorpius the more I like him."

Harry kidded, "That is just because he plays chess with you, and you can beat him."

"He is never going to be as good a player as I am," Ron countered, "but he is getting harder to beat, and I've even lost a game to him. Scorpius wears well on you. I like him!"

Everyone looked at Ginny, who continued, "The real surprise is Lily. At her best she writes poetry, not prose. Listen to this." Ginny picked up her daughter's scroll and began to read it.

"Charles Koizumi sat confidently on his broom, the muscles from a year of strength training bulging as he flexed his bat. He expertly corralled the Bludger as he fended off the opposing Beater, waiting for the right strategic moment to wreak havoc on the opposition. Eventually he spotted the Quaffle heading towards a goal. Charles expertly aimed the Bludger at the Quaffle, deflecting the Quaffle towards his own Chasers, as he flew not towards where the Bludger was heading but towards where it would end up. By the end of the game Charles would save almost as many goals as the Keeper."

"That's Lily?" Hermione gasped.

Ginny nodded her head yes. "That's Lily. She is a surprisingly good writer. A little snarky at times."

"I wonder where she gets that?" Hermione laughed.

"I have no idea," Ginny innocently responded as the women smiled at each other amusedly.

"Snarky? What's snarky?" Minerva wondered.

"That is something you learn about when you grow up," Harry told his daughter, looking towards his wife, who had done an excellent job teaching him what snarky was.

"Have you heard any more about Daniel Tiger's grandfather?" Hermione asked, reluctantly turning the conversation to more serious matters. "We have all the legal work finished so Daniel can live with Nancy Weasley's family."

"Healer Kearney has a Muggle medical license, and he talks to the Muggle doctors," Harry answered. "He says Daniel's grandfather is gradually slipping. It does not look good. He is keeping Lavender informed, and Lavender tells me and the headmistress."

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