Chapter 1-Bakugo

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I was sitting at the park waiting for my best friend Deku to show up so we can play like we usually do "Kaachan" I smiled as I looked up at the beautiful green haired- wait why did I say beautiful. I shook my head of the thought as I pushed myself off the swing I was on and grabbed his hand to pull him to our 'secret' hideout but he didn't move.


He sniffled a little while rubbing his red eyes wait why are his eyes red "Deku have you been crying" I saw his eyes starting to water "I-I'm" he started to hiccup as he rubbed his eyes "I-I'm being sent away".

I felt so much anger building inside me but for the sake of Deku I pushed it to the side and grabbed his arms to pull them away from his face "I dont want to go Kaachan" he the buried his face into my chest.

At first I didn't know what to do but then I slowly wrapped my arms around him and held him "do you know why your being sent away" he started sniffling again and looked up at me

"because I'm an omega and my dad is All Might"

I was left stunned "but your parents love you" he took his head while getting his hands out of my grasp to rub the tears away but I beat him to.

As I was wiping his tears away he looked at me with sad and tearful eyes

"papa said that since he-he's the number one hero and that I'm an omega he has to send me to the hero's commission"

I woke up with a start and looked around my room "that fucking dream again" I growled as I laced my finger through my hair "just wait for me Deku" I quickly got out of bed and got my gym clothes on.

As I made it down the stairs I saw half and half bastered coming out of the kitchen with a cup of something that smelt like tea "the hell you doing" he glanced at me as he took a sip of whatever he's drinking

"having some herbal tea before I put in some last minute training in before school started"

I just clicked my tongue while making my way into the kitchen "I'm making breakfast" I heard him just humm in reply as he went up to stairs my guess is to go to his room to get changed.

With a sigh I grabbed all the ingredients to make pancakes, eggs and sausage with some hash browns

-I hope your ok Deku-

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