Chapter 4- Bakugo/Izuku

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I don't know how long I've been in here but I do know that I made all of Deku's favorites and when I finished I stood there trying to wipe away any and all tears that were forming.

"Young Bakugo"

I felt myself stiffen at his sudden presence "oh Katsuki" I quickly turned around and saw auntie Inko "auntie what are you doing here" I made sure to use a softer tone while talking to her "I know you miss him so do I. She came up to me and hugged which I was very hesitant about but hugged her back "it isn't far that he was token away" I looked at All Might and glared at him.

"Stop mopping around and be the hero he needs"

I was shocked at what she just whispered to me but I nodded my head and buried my face in her neck getting a strong whiff of forest and honey which made me smile. As I pulled away I made sure that I wasn't smiling "well I made a lot so eat up" she smiled at me as she wiped her tears away

"your good as always"

She ruffled my hair which made everyone's eyes widened and their mouths gaping open because I actually let someone touch my hair "tch wipe those grins off your faces and eat". I saw shitty hair look at Soy Sauce face then they looked at me and I just clicked my tongue and made myself a plate and sat down next to auntie.

~~Izuku's POV~~
~~with Izuku~~

I looked at Denki and Hawks who were standing next to my bed with a cupcake  that has 1 candle in it "this all I could sneak in" I smile at Keigo as I took the cupcake from them and blew the candle out as I closed my eyes

-please let me see Kaachan-

With a sad smile I opened them and grabbed a plastic butter knife from my night and cut the cupcake in half and gave half to Denki who hesitantly accepted it .

As we were sitting there slowly eating I looked at Keigo "so how is being the mate of the number 2 hero" he looked down for a minute then looked back up

"horrible, he hasn't even mated with me just mental and emotional abused me"

I gasped and got up to sit next to me "I also fell in love with one else" he looked around like he was making sure no one was there "he's one of the most wanted villain Shigaraki". I wasn't surprised seeing as who the hero commotion treats us here and how they just give us to the number one hero like we're just tools or dirt you can just pass around.

"Oh also I got this for you"

He pulled ab envelope out if his pocket and held out to me I slowly took it from him and opened it "omg" I covered my mouth as I had tears coming down my face

"Its not much but it's the best I can do for now"

I threw myself at him as I hugged him tightly and as Denki took the picture from my hand to look at "whose this" I smiled "Katsuki Bakugo or as I call him Kaachan" I saw his eyes widen as he carefully held the picture out for me to take.

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