Chapter 19- Izuku

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I plotted down on the bed and let myself fall back "was training that bad" I moved my head where I could see Denki "I'm physically exhausted, they made me go past my own limit" I slowly sat up and moved myself where I could lean against the head of my bed

"I mean I get it they want me to brake the current limit I have but fudge I hurt all over and my head feels fuzzy and I just want to sleep"

He got up and came over to me to sit down at my feet "they pushing us to fast and I don't like it" he moved my feet where he could rub them "I don't understand why they suddenly started pushing us harder" I looked him with a small smile

"Hey guys"

We looked up to see Uraraka and Momo walking into our room "how's it going" I groaned a little "horrible" they nodded as they sat down on Denki's bed "you to, we just checked on Monoma he's feeling just like you" I nodded as I looked at Uraraka

"they forced both of us to soar against each other till we collapse then gave us their "special medicine" to make us spar more"

I sighed as a few tears slid down my face "I don't like using my fox fire for hurting others" Denki stopped massaging my feet to wipe a few tears away "when we grt out of here you can finally stop using it to hurt others" I leaned into his hand as I slowly closed my eyes

"that's what I'm hopping for and looking forward to"

~~time skip~~

I dragged myself out of the room and made my way to dinning room for dinner "hey Izu" I looked up to see Monoma limping towards me and I felt even more guilty "I'm so sorry I hurt you I don't like doing it but-" he put his hand on my shoulder

"I know you don't like it but when it's bath time mind healing me it's hard to get around with this injury"

With a quick now I grab his hand and put his arm around my neck and helped him to the dinning room as I quietly talked to him "we won't be here for much longer my alpha is making plans on getting us out if here" he looked at me with a shocked expression but quickly made it go away as he slowly started to smile

"Good I can't wait to be out if here"

I nodded in agreement as we walked into the dinning room and we made our way to the table that we usually sit at and helped him sit at the table before sitting down next to Denki and wait for our plates to be brought to us

"Did you hear"

I looked at Momo in confuse "hear what" she looked at me "they're starting to make others make their outfits that we wear as they present us to alphas" my eyes widened in horror


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