Chapter 3- Bakugo

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~~2nd year in high school~~

"Hey Bakubro-"

"Not now shitty hair I have things to do"

I finished putting my shoes on and grabbed my phone from my desk along with my jacket that is hanging by my door -he's going to ask to come- "maybe I can come" I growled a little bit "no fucking way"

-sorry shitty hair this something I can't drag you into-

I ignored everyone else and made my way out of the dorm and to the front gate where I'm supposed to meet icy-hot.

"Kirishima again"

I shoved my hands in my pockets as we made our way to the hideout "yes, where's eye bags" we looked around but didn't see him till we walked into an ally  and he pushed himself off the wall "about damn time" I just clicked my tongue and we waited for a portal to showy up.

After a bit of waiting the portal showed up and Dabi walked through "anything new for us" icy-hot got off the ground and threw himself into Dabi's arms like he usually does. I got the file for 1-A out while Shinso got class 1-B's folder out and we held them out to him but at this point they started making out "I'll take those nii-chan" I smiled and hugged her "it's been so long sis" she giggled.

"Still can't believe you 2 are siblings"

Me and Toga stopped and looked at him while icy-hot and Dabi stopped kissing.

~~Next Morning~~

I woke up to my alarm fucking buzzing but I just put it on snooze and rolled over and stared at my wall "happy birthday day Deku" with a sad smile a sat up

"I'll make the nerds favorite breakfast"

I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen but as I did I passed some of my classmates and instead of yelling like I usually do I just put my hands in my pocket and kept my mouth closed.

As I started cooking I could tell that there was some people watching me but I just bite my tongue and kept my mouth closed.

~~3rd POV~~

After some time Aizawa had finally came down from his room to see the "Bakusquad" standing the kitchen door way "what are you guys doing" they jumped and quickly turned around to look at him "Bakubro is acting weird" I raised my eyebrow at what they said.

"How could he be acting any weirder"

Todoroki was the first one to say anything as he passed by "he hasn't yelled and he's been stuck in the kitchen all morning" Aizawa took a deep breath "anyone know what today is". Kirishima took his phone out "July 15th" his eyes widened for a few seconds then went back to normal as he pulled his phone out "leave him be" he called the one person that might help Bakugo.

"hey, yea you need to come"


"yes bring her to it'll help him"

He put his phone back in his pocket and looked up to see everyone standing there staring at him which made his eye twitch "I said go" they all scrambled to get away from him before they anger him.

All but Todoroki "today is the hardest for him isn't it" Aizawa looked at him "what do you mean" Todoroki took a sip of a brink that he magically got "he's been mumbling someone's name" then walked away without any other words.

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